カイのデビューアルバムって・・・Walls of Jerichoがそれに当たるのかな?HelloweenはEPだし。 それともGamma RayとしてLand of the Free? ウマイヘタ以前に声質が残念な感じなんだけど、 Moneyみたいな歌がかっこよく歌えるメタルボーカリストは彼以外いないだろう。 Ralf Scheepersも素っ頓狂な声と言えばそうだし、カイとは結構似たもの同士だと思ってる俺。
いや、オーケストラはないけどHold Your Groundはコーラスがすげえ楽しそうだし、 Send Me A Signは途中でジャズっぽいパートがあって笑える。 こういうくだけたアレンジがカイは大好きなんだとわかる。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B004TLNHC4/ 600円だよ!視聴もできるよ!
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ガンマレイのメンバーでtwitterやってるのいないの? サシャはやってたけど・・・。
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検索してたら意外な事実が・・・ http://www.teethofthedivine.com/site/featured/interview-with-gamma-ray/2/ That’s good that you’re getting some time to relax. I think it’s interesting that you say that you go out and see places, and sometimes you’re inspired by that. Can you think of any instances on this tour where you’ve taken…not a day trip, but a side trip to go see some scenery or something, and you’ve been inspired by something? Yeah, not by scenery so much, but on this tour I’ve seen a DVD of that band X Japan, and it was a show from 1993. I didn’t know X Japan before. I’d heard the name, but I didn’t know what it was about, and I was totally blown away by their show. I mean, it’s totally different from a Gamma Ray show; it’s perfect. Like, when they played in the Tokyo Dome ? sold-out show, big stage, and every little detail was planned and organized, but it didn’t seem like it. It was not chaotic, in no way. It was structured somehow, but it was great entertainment. I love the guys, the way they looked, with their visual kind of hairstyles. And I was totally impressed, and also inspired by, doing more movement on the drum kit, and not being so much focused on sitting there and playing their stuff. Relax yourself, stand up and show yourself to the people, and communicate more. Do something. It inspired me a lot to not only play good, also to make more show. To move, to move the body, so the people have something to look at, and I think that the whole band got me inspired by that show, by that X Japan show. It was really magic.
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X JAPANサイコー アーライ
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頭ツルピカドンw ツwルwピwカwドwンw
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Skeletons And Majesties ダウンロード販売で買った。 アンアームドの後だと二番煎じでしかもチープ感を感じてしまうのがちょっと… なんだけど、でもまぁ、いいミニアルバムだ。 でも、こういうのもいいけどオリジナルフルアルバムをつくってくれ あともう一回くらいは、SOISやAITGの系譜の重厚長大(?)路線のアルバムがあってもいいと思うだがなぁ