//This function makes all your base be belong to us
9 :08/10/23
// This thread is created by an intelligent chimpanzee "ai-chan" for linguistic training. // This thread is used for communicating between ai and research staffs, so please refrain from commenting.
10 :08/10/23
まず日本語で書いて、エキサイトで翻訳する これが俺のやり方
11 :08/10/23
12 :08/10/23
13 :08/10/23
14 :08/10/23
変数名にユニコードが使える言語って何があるっけ?Java とか .net なら OK ?
15 :08/10/23
中国系とプロジェクト投げ合ってたとき 壊れた日本語書かれるより 壊れた英語の方がまだ通じた
16 :08/10/23
17 :08/10/23
最初に //speak Japanese or die, white fag. って書いとけばよくない?
18 :08/10/23
19 :08/10/23
20 :08/10/24
翻訳お願いします! // もし、下のコメントを外したら、このプログラムは動かなくなるでしょう
21 :08/10/24
若干意訳 Uncommenting following lines will make the entire program unfunctionable.
22 :08/10/24
// the change number is 1 or 2 or 3 not alone. if other number , then this program is aboon.
33 :08/10/28
// Variable hoge must be 1, 2, or 3. // Otherwise, this program should be down.
34 :08/10/29
>>30 激しく意訳したけど。 //Without setting 1, 2 or 3 to variable "hoge", //this program will abort. 再訳すると、 //1,2または3を変数"hoge"に設定しないと、 //このプログラムはアボートします。 こんな感じ。前置詞とか合ってるのかは知らん。
35 :08/10/29
// This program will abort, if variable hoge=1 or hoge=2 or hoge=3 結果を先に書くのが英語のスタンスだよ。 仮定の話なのでwillを使うところがポイント。
そもそも #define SUCCESS 1とかpublic static final int SUCCESS = 1;とかして return SUCCESS; とでもしろよ
47 :08/11/01
>>44 When processing is normal as for this function, it is returned more than 1. When processing is abnormal, it is returned less than 0. The meaning of the return value is as follows. In the case of 1, there is a problem in Para meta appointed in the case of 0 meaning that there were not data to handle in the case of 2 meaning that processing was performed normally In the case of -1, there is an error in a set point of hoge.ini of the preference. In the case of -2, an unexpected error occurred.
I call this function, and less than 0 please write in the reason at system log when it was returned. 長文はつかれるぜ、、
If this function succeeds, it returns positive value, or returns less than 0. We have to write the reason why it failed to system log, when the return value is less than 0. @retval 1 succeeds @retval 2 no data to process @retval 0 invalid parameter @retval -1 invalid setting(s) in hoge.ini @retval -2 unexpected error occurred
>>55 > If this function succeeds, it returns positive value, or returns less than 0. 0 が入っていないよ!! それはそうと、positive value と less than 0 ってのはバランスが悪い。 もとの日本語の「1以上」「0以下」をそのまま訳したほうがいいんじゃない?
>>63 >When processing is normality, it is ..one or more.. return. this functionWhen processing is >abnormality, it is ..0 or less.. return. >The meaning of the return value is as follows. >There is a problem in the specified parameter in case of 0 that means there was no processed data >in case of two that means processing was normally done in case of one. >-The mistake is found in a set value of hoge.ini of the configuration file in >case of one. >-The unexpected error was generated in case of two. > >This function must be called and 0 or less must write the reason in the system log when it >is a return. エキサイト翻訳馬鹿にすんな!
This function returns positive integer in normal cases; 0 or negative integer abnormal cases. Exact values are: 1 --- the data were processed normally. 2 --- there were no data to process. 0 --- there was some ploblem in specified paramters. -1 --- something's wrong in configuration file hoge.ini. -2 --- there was an unexpected error. When 0 or minus values were returned, please record the situation onto the system log.