シーシェパードの支持者他の「地震ざまぁみろ」発言と、岩手県大槌町を訪れていた活動家の安否を気遣う日本人の対比。 #thecove #taiji #seashepherd http://togetter.com/li/110642 I hope the earthquake/tsunami in Japan swallows up every dolphin fishing boat!!! That would be an answered prayer = happy safe dolphins! TamSteeZ 2011-03-11 15:51:24 you took something from the ocean Japan, and now the ocean wants something back ... No more Whale and dolphin Killing .. maryk3lly 2011-03-11 16:23:34 Can't help but thinking maybe the Japanese Earthquake is Karma for the dolphin and whale killings Tegan_Ashley 2011-03-11 17:40:17 i really hope that dolphin killing cove in japan gets washed away. just saying. texxonfire 2011-03-11 17:55:35 Dear Japanese, Karma's a bitch, Yours sincerely, Whale and Dolphin Community JonoBowles1986 2011-03-11 20:19:00 I also hope the slaughterers in Taiji, Japan drowned in the flood. Have a good day everyone! #taiji #thecove JerseyTerror 2011-03-11 21:53:13