Why must I do so? Could you explain the reason in English? Can I ask you that?
44 :
>lulu I got the information 42 on TV program. That program explained like that ; Americans does not want to be invaded by their job after 5:00 PM, so they prefer to work at lunchtime than work overtime. (I'm so sorry if I make some grammatical mistakes and I cannot explain my opinion with 5-7-5 syllabres. I'm not good at English, and, I'm a Japanese so I'm not used to use a computer at lunchtime ;-))
Oh,is this a battle? I am sorry,but not a battle. Can't 46 understand English language? &>>42 Thank U 4 your explanation.
49 :
"Hey,do you like susi?" My boss says to every foreigner so. He must go to heaven. #適当。
50 :
51 :
いやいや、英語が理解できないんじゃなくって 当スレの趣旨から逸脱した会話的レスをつけんなって事! どうしても続けたいならそれに相応しいスレ幾らでもあるだろ? しかもあんた日本語理解してんじゃん?偽フォリナーsan!(藁 あと48の English languageの「language」は不要だろ。
52 :
>lulu You're welcome. Let's enjoy haiku (,senryu,tanka or dodoitsu) on this BBS. >50 英語とは 縁なき部署で 不善成す #あんまり気の利いた表現できんのよ・・
53 :
>48 Dear lovable "lulu" I'm at a loss. Because a strange foreigner came to our "notice board" and interrupted our delight,"5-7-5 and Tanka" times. Yesterday,I took medicine"LULU",because I had cought a cold. 英単語の綴りも満足に書けなくなってた自分に唖然。
54 :
Oh,I'm sorry to everybody. You must express in 5-7-5,mustn't you? You(51) ,get out here too. >>42 thanks!
55 :
>54 That is an unreasonable demand. Because I put up this "notice board".
>Dear obstinate "Lulu" I'm at a loss. Because a strange foreigner came to our "notice board" and interrupted our delight,"5-7-5 and Tanka" times. Your stupid utterance deprive our fun time. Why? Why had you returned my "notice board"? Please go away from my board. I cannot share into your feelings. We only to enjoy "5-7-5,Tanka" purely. Therefore,We are at a loss, because of you.