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Talk about FreeBSD Part 29

1 :10/09/02 〜 最終レス :12/05/04
The FreeBSD Project

previous thread:
Talk about FreeBSD Part 28

relative thread:
FreeBSD Q&A for beginners, part 108

2 :

3 :
A Linux user: I sleep late, compile a little, play with a Linux game,
send email to my wife, surf into the web each evening where I place order
wine and chat with my friends, I have a full and busy life.
A FreeBSD user: I am a hacker and could help you. You should spend more time
compiling; and with the proceeds, buy a faster PC: With the proceeds from
a faster PC you could buy several PCs. Eventually you would have networked
compiling PCs. Instead of fixing a bug just yourself you would send-pr it
to the developer; eventually you will be a committer. You would control
the project, releasing and distribution. You would need to leave this small
compiling room in Japan and move to the US, then Los Angeles and eventually
New York where you will run your ever-expanding enterprise.
The Linux user: But, how long will this all take?
The FreeBSD user: 15 to 20 years.
The Linux user: But what then?
The FreeBSD user: When the time is right you would announce a new FreeBSD and
release it to the public and become a hacker, you would be respected from
millions of users.
The Linux user: Millions?...Then what?
The FreeBSD user: Then you would retire. Back to Japan where you would
sleep late, compile a little, play with a Linux game, send email to your wife,
surf into the web each evening where you could place order wine and chat
with your friends.

4 :
hello world!

5 :
make world completed, now

6 :
my freebsd gets up now

7 :
To the alternative thread,
glXCreateGLXPixmapMESA is in the libGL.so
Maybe, you replaced libGL.so with another libGL.so
such came from nVidia or something that doesn't have
glXCreateGLXPixmapMESA function because it is MESA specific.

8 :
alternative 38 and 39 said wrong answer, low level, haha...

9 :
hey, the 40 stole >>7 !

10 :
To "the" 46, nothing any more, haha..

11 :
VMware... a yesterday's software...

12 :
haha, you think so because you are willing to use freebsd as a host system.
open your eyes and look at the real world.

13 :
No. I am using freebsd as a guest system, but don't use VMware.
my eyes are always open of course.

14 :
13, you are not 11.

15 :
if you really open your eyes always, you will be an dry-eye syndrome

16 :
firefox-3.6.9 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

17 :
BTW does anyone know how to make glxgears work right ?

18 :
The alternative thread's 97 = 104 asks a serious question.
Will you answer to him ?

19 :
To do that, you can compile the sources of freebsd userland on linux, solaris
or something. One problem is BSD make, but "pmake" works on linux will
solve that.

20 :
To the alt-146, come here if you are boring.

21 :
I think and more BSD's problem in talk about "boot-files" maybe, but
on directory-link for "/system" if remember right me link Name.
be case #make ERROR!! on comment 'No directory' install problem case on freeBSD.
Yes, I'm not write & read "boot-files" my think refer from be careful.
If you like use BSD system's by all means first, your pay iso-disc most.

22 :
Most of users don't care about boot files. Userland means user commands
like ls, cp, rm, ... or something. I think FreeBSD should use common
Makefile, even it is GNU make rather than BSD-make, for portability.

23 :
why not look through the source package of kfreebsd-8 of debian.
freebsd users on this thread seem to forget "use the source."

24 :
Can kfreebsd-8 of debian be complied on Solaris or other Linux distribution
like Fedora or CentOS ?

25 :
To alt-165, freebsd is designed to use as a server with a serial console.
No one connects a local keyboard directly.

26 :
To alt-188:
Yes. If he writes here, someone will fix the source code on his machine,
compile and install that.

27 :
> To the alt-146, come here if you are boring.
if you are boared.

28 :
No. >>20 means "if you are boring other people" or "don't bother other people".

29 :
firefox-3.6.10 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

30 :
damn! 218 in the alternative thread has revealed this thread.

31 :
Why did you install such an older version firefox-3.6.10 even though there is
the newest version 3.6.9

32 :
don't copy it by dd, sigh

33 :
freebsd users don't use gnome, do you?

34 :
all freebsd users use patched twm.

35 :
J312 is not me. i've never written to j thread. > J315

36 :

37 :
wide characters look very idiot especially on this thread

38 :
wide charactor processing like Unicode is standard of the world wisely.

39 :
36 seems not encoded as unicode, btw what's "charactor" you >>38 said ?

40 :

41 :
iso-2022-JP ですね (キリッ

42 :

43 :
> 不毛なスレだな

44 :

45 :
J335, freebsd will be ruined soon.

46 :

47 :

48 :
killall -m '.*'

49 :
Don't try to printout anything on FreeBSD.

50 :
Yes, I hate cups.

51 :
I hate you.

52 :

53 :
use twm, needless to say

54 :
firefox-3.6.11 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

55 :
% firefox -version
Mozilla Firefox 3.5.13, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010 mozilla.org

56 :
why don't you use firefox-3.5.14

57 :
firefox-3.5.x series has no plugin-container, unstable when flash leaks memory.
you should use firefox-3.6.x series.

58 :
you should use Linux on Atom > J410

59 :
I'm alive, but
I don't know if FreeBSD is alive.

60 :
Once I used sylpheed but I return to MH.
Once I used scim but I return to kinput2.
Once I used gqview but I return to xv.

61 :
i know you(>>60) are obsolete.

62 :
firefox-3.6.12 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

63 :
J479's machine is 7,980 yen now on sale at a certain shop.

64 :
FreeBSD isn't designed for desktop use.

65 :
I don't use neither sylpheed JD gqview nor scim on FreeBSD the server OS.

66 :
kinput2 is an X based software that we don't use.

67 :
yes, freebsd is a server OS, no one install X on freebsd.

68 :
firefox-3.6.13 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

69 :
nowadays C=1024 H=255 S=64. no other value cannot be used.

70 :
Huh? you mean S=63 ?

71 :
i love both prime factors and fourier translation.

72 :
UNIX's legitimate descendant is not BSD but SystemV > J985

73 :
everybody, come here, this is the very next thread.

74 :
your cd drive is so poor. my cd drive can get the same track image file with the same check sum. -> J77 J78

75 :

76 :

77 :
tell me the way to reflect "/etc/rc.conf" without reboot

78 :

79 :
mirror is the item to reflect everything of course without reboot.

80 :
thanks, i got it with a mirror bought from an one-coin shop.

81 :
nowadays cd drive can read the whole 2352 bytes without error correcting. -> J80

82 :
"without error collection" is better.
"without error collecting" is somethat strange.

83 :
generally, we don't call SunOS 5.x "SunOS".
SunOS means SunOS 4.x and earlier. >J111

84 :
いちいちクチでSunOS4/Solaris1、SunOS5/Solaris2 と言いたかねーしな

85 :
Over 2TB NOT supported on some drivers?
Nvidia MCP55 Pro driver cannot recognize 2TB*2 RAID-0 storage.
It reports 1.6TB (1.85*2TB->3.7TB, 3.7TB-2.1TB=1.6TB) drive existance.
So I've use zpool.

86 :

87 :
age ? what's age ? are you aged too much ?

88 :

89 :

90 :
Vous etes trop vieux.

91 :
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite

92 :

93 :
Adieu FreeBSD

94 :
well-trained freebsd fanatics don't use over 2TB hard drive.

95 :
firefox-3.6.14 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

96 :
throwing away ports, the ended contents, makes you happy.

97 :
firefox-3.6.15 is coming out, I immediately installed it.

98 :
You should say "firefox-3.6.15 has been released " not "is coming out".

99 :

It is really coming out to me already.
Not just has been released but is coming out.

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