今見たらError 404 - Not Foundになってるな これって期限いつまでだったんだろう? コメント欄にキー晒してる奴いたからそれが原因かな
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別の記事あります。 http://www.techno360.in/perfectdisk-pro-11-free-license/ 1.Just send an email to chpd@raxco.de with subject as "PerfectDisk Pro 11 license" (no need to enter any content). 2.Immedaitely you will receive an email with 20 digit license key for Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11, copy the code. 3. Download Raxco PerfectDisk Pro 11 http://www.buzz99.com/3627/raxco-perfectdisk-professional-11-free-license-key/ 1. Send a blank email to chpd@raxco.de with the subject "Raxco PerfectDisk Professional" 2. Within a few seconds, you will receive a reply from the same email titled “PerfectDisk 10 Chip” with your free license key. 3. Download Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11: PD11_PRO.exe [62 MB]