366 名前:名無しさん@13周年 [sage] :2013/07/17(水) 18:14:47.11 ID:bd40ASqB0 >>35の英訳を英語板に依頼してきた 米国人の掲示板やらに拡散頼む 1.メディアは騒いでアシアナを守れ 2.今回の事故はボーイングの欠陥だと騒ぎたてろ 3.飛行機事故被害者団体に金をばらまいてボーイング社の責任を追求させろ 4.韓国政府は様々な外交チャンネルを用いて操作妨害しろ 5.国民感情を炊きつけて、ボーイング社に「韓国人を怒らせたら損」と思わせろ ↓ 1. Korean Media should try to make a fuzz to protect Asiana Airlines. 2. We should try to attribute the cause of the accident to Boeing's fault. 3. We should support the group of the victims financially, and let them persue the Boeing's liability. 4. We should interfere the investigation of the accident by using all the diplomatic channels with a help from South Korean government. 5. We should agitate people in order to put pressure on Boeing and make it think that provoking South Koreans would not a good idea for the company. ttp://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/07/15/2013071501692.html