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2013年17dejima35: KOREA>>>>>JAP (154) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
Ryoko Kuninaka (513)
Dokdo is Korea!!!!!! (102)
RENSOU game (104)
Hey Japan (134)
HAP please (133)
Ryoko Kuninaka (513)


1 :2011/11/15 〜 最終レス :2013/08/16
kuso Jap

2 :

3 :

4 :
jap datokahozaiterebaiisa

5 :

6 :

7 :
I see shit posters are the same all around the world.

8 :
go die into the sea korean

9 :
I hate korean

10 :
It will pollute the sea.
Just it's the best to burn! :)

11 :
jap is gay

12 :

13 :

14 :
cyon is niga-

15 :
That's what will unite the world. Soon everyone will look at the shitposters of the world and realize that deep down we're all alike.

16 :
Anata no ie ha dokodesuka?

17 :
JAP is Monkey
Mother fucker Yellow Monkey

18 :

19 :

20 :

21 :
Most people throughout the world are certain that Korean people are barbarous.
This is because they are egoistic and often plagiarize other people's works.
Their existence is the "garbage" of the world in itself.
That sucks! Korean are poops!

22 :
In short, they are crazy.

23 :
I do think so.

24 :
The Real Winners in the Pacific War are Japan and Asian Nations
The Purpose of Opening the Great Asian War(Pacific War )of The Japan

25 :
The Imperial Government of Japan made a issue of declaration about the opening of the Great Asian War(Pacific War) on Desember 8,1941.

26 :
In the declaration, Japanese Government criticized the economic sanction to Japan, and subordinating Asian people to USA and Britain, especially showed that economic sanction to Japan was equal to declaration of war by them.

27 :
In the end of the declaration The Imperial Government of Japan clearly declared the purpose of The Great Asian War(Pacific War ) as follows.

28 :
"Therefore, The Imperial Government of Japan have to be resulted in going to a new action in South East Asia.
The Imperial Government has no hostile feeling against the natives there.

29 :
The purpose of the new action (opening war) is the exclusion of tyrannical rule by USA and Great Britain from Asia, then return the Asia to its original state before to be colonialized by White Men.

30 :
The Imperial Government of Japan hopes to achieve coprosperity with Asian natives.
The Japanese Empire has a firm belief that the natives rightly understand our true motive and then establish
a new world in Asia."

31 :
Japanese Empire aimed at the liberation of South and East Asia from tyranny by white men.
According to the declaration, Japanese Impeial Army and Navy expelled white men's military force from Asia.

32 :
In 19th century, there is a scholar of military in Germany, his name is Carl Phillip Gottlieb Clausewits.
He showed that the victorious nation was the country who achieved the purpose of the war.

33 :
It is the historical fact taht The Imperial Government of Japan has achived her purpose of the War. Therefore, Japan becomes the real Victor in the Pacific War.
Whitemen 's countries, (USA, England, French, Holland) who lost all colonies after the Pacific War become the defeated nations in the War.
Sincerely yours
Doctor Agriculture, Scientist and Historian

34 :
The Real Winners in the Pacific War are Japan and Asian Nations
The Purpose of Opening the Great Asian War(Pacific War )of The Japan

35 :
As for the Korean, a disease of the mind that is the lowest in the world is insane

36 :

37 :
Twitter FBIcommanding

38 :
Chon is the puke.

39 :
I Don't Know

40 :
I hate racism! and Korea!

41 :
Rape is most important export products of Korea today.

42 :
Are you sure "committing the crime" is exported goods? Hmmm...

43 :
Fuck Gook

44 :
korea is bad smell

45 :

46 :

47 :
You are not so much in my mind.
We just call like you,
"Please come here for day before yesterday."

48 :

49 :
fack chosen

50 :
Fuck jap dog eater

51 :
I love Asatte no Houkou.

52 :
You can find Japan-constructed dam and electric pole in the emblem of North Korea.

53 :
Not only that, but the dam no longer functions
and electricity no longer flows through the wires on the pole

54 :

55 :
The Japanese Imperial Army raped millions of Korean women.
So, millions of Koreans have Japanese blood in them.

56 :
The Japanese is very kind.
So Japanese>>>>>Korea

57 :
But why korean people not awarded nobel prize or famous awards?
Noting effect to korean people to japanese blood.

58 :
maji fuck you sun of bitch

59 :
"Dokdo" propaganda after soccer match

60 :

61 :

62 :
fuckin jap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

63 :
Korean=Half Jap.

64 :

65 :
korea auto wwwwwwx

66 :
Korean=fake japs

67 :
Korea is Fucking Country.

68 :

69 :
This is serious question.
Does Korean eat shit?

70 :
korean don't eat shits but eat dogs.
they drink shits.

71 :
Then, shut the fuck up and fucking leave us alone, you fucking inbred retards.

72 :
What!? eat dogs?

73 :
Eat The Dog.

74 :
Japanese eat whales.Asian is crazy.
I can't believe.

75 :
Not kind.They gauge someone's feeling.
Always,they are scared to be hated by somebody.

76 :
Rape is most important export products of Korea today.

77 :
jap monkey

78 :
JAP>>>(insurmountable barrier)>>>KOREEA

79 :
Hi Korean Monkey

80 :

81 :

82 :
Here comes Korean Hero!!!

83 :
Cool japan vs Hot korea

In winter, I like Korean food much.

84 :
fuch jap

85 :

86 :

87 :
What the fuck am I reading? This is my first visit to this sight...

88 :
What the fuck am I reading? This is my first visit to this sight...

89 :
What the fuck is wrong with this sorry ass gook? Get a grip of ur tiny 9cm weenie fools, lol

90 :
Don't come in japan!
Fuck korean!

91 :

92 :
KFC in the world

93 :
kankokujinn to chuugokujinn no hanzai nituite setumei sitearimasu.
8:55 funn kara desu.


94 :
Desu desu xD

95 :
koreans are monkeys

96 :
John Hirohito 2 raped little princess xD

97 :
Poland here, don't mind me, just monitoring this discussion.

98 :
Korea we war you

99 :
Ok so where are serious discussion at?

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