>>32 対策スレ2にあるこれのこと? Dear Customer Service: An illegal software program has been uploaded on your server. I am writing to request that it will be removed. https://bitbucket.org/tanaton/maru_search This program by itself is seemingly harmless. However, this program would conduct a search using text data, such as leaked credit card numbers. This is a program that would fraudulently use information including credit card numbers. Please go to the link below for an incident related to data leakage. http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/130826/dst13082614140003-n1.htm I appreciate it if you could take an immediate action and impose strict punishment to the users who are involved. Thank you. (署名・てきとうでおk)
I am writing this letter to request you to remove a data. http://archive.is/CdHp6 This date includes some account numbers and e-mail addresses which were compromised by a cyber-attack on 25 Aug. If you continue to unveil this on public, a lot of victims of hacker have to be endangered. So, I am very pleased if you remove this leaked data immediately. Please go to the link below for an incident related to data leakage. (Japanese) http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/130826/dst13082614140003-n1.htm I appreciate it if you could take an immediate action and impose strict punishment to the users who are involved. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Best Regards
>>44 スペルミスも含めて修正 Dear Customer Service: I am writing this letter to request you to remove a data. http://archive.is/CdHp6 This data includes some account numbers and e-mail addresses which were compromised by a cyber-attack on 25 Aug. If you continue to unveil this on public, a lot of victims of hacker have to be endangered. So, I am very pleased if you remove this leaked data immediately. In clsosing, I would like to say again, I highly appreciate it if you could take an immediate action and impose strict punishment to the users who are involved. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Best Regards
修正版 Dear Customer Service: I am writing this letter to request you to remove a data. http://archive.is/CdHp6 This data includes some account numbers and e-mail addresses which were compromised by a cyber-attack on 25 Aug. If you continue to unveil this on public, a lot of victims of hacker have to be endangered. So, I am very pleased if you remove this leaked data immediately. In closing, I would like to say again, I highly appreciate it if you could take an immediate action and impose strict punishment to the users who are involved. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Best Regards
前スレで依頼されたもの。こっちに張っておきます San Francisco Electric Crimes Task Force Attention: To whom it may concern Subject: A questionnaire on a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology, inc on 25 Aug I am writing this letter to extend some question on a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology, inc on 25 Aug ( http://www.nttec.com/). According to a statement of Mr.Jim Watkins, Chairman, N.T.Technology, inc, a 200 Paul Ave San Francisco, CA 94124, as they were attacked by a hacker on 25 Aug, some data of his customer was compromised. This data includes approximately 40,000 Japanese individual information such as credit card numbers, expire date, phone number, and etc.
N.T.Technology provides ICT solution with their customers. They have an Internet Services Division in San Francisco whose server has to be hacked. According to some press news, they have supplied their service to 100,000 Japanese. So, they have so many data of Japanese personal. As a huge amount of personal information like number of credit card including mine were spilled over web world due to this cyber-attack, I am seriously concerned about the progress of the investigation into this case. Thus, I highly appreciate it if you would give kind assistances to my inquiries. 1. Have you ever received any reports on this cracking from N.T.Technology or other related parties? 2. Have you ever accepted the report of damage of this unauthorized access from N.T.Technology, inc? 3. Have you ever started the investigation into this case? I am looking forward to your earliest reply. Thank you for your kind cooperation Best Regards (名前 連絡先)
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>>85 San Francisco Electric Crimes Task Force Attention: To whom it may concern Subject: A questionnaire on a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology, inc on 25 Aug I am writing this letter to extend some questions on a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology, inc on 25 Aug ( http://www.nttec.com/). According to a statement of Mr.Jim Watkins, Chairman, N.T.Technology, inc, a 200 Paul Ave San Francisco, CA 94124, as they were attacked by a hacker on 25 Aug, some data of his customer was compromised. This data includes approximately 40,000 Japanese individual information such as credit card numbers, expire date, phone number, and etc. N.T.Technology provides ICT solution with their customers. They have an Internet Services Division in San Francisco whose server has to be hacked. According to some press news, they have supplied their service to 100,000 Japanese. So, they have so many data of Japanese personal. As a huge amount of personal information like number of credit card including mine were spilled over web world due to this cyber-attack, I am seriously concerned about the progress of the investigation into this case. Thus, I highly appreciate it if you would give kind assistances to my inquiries. 1. Have you ever received any reports on this cracking from N.T.Technology or other related parties? 2. Have you ever accepted the report of damage of this unauthorized access from N.T.Technology, inc? 3. Have you ever started the investigation into this case? I am looking forward to your earliest reply. Thank you for your kind cooperation Best Regards (名前 連絡先)