What she and her colleagues set out to explore went deeper than genetics in general, focusing instead on epigenetics — how genes change as a result of environmental factors in ways that can be passed onto the next generation. 彼女と彼女の同僚が探求し始めたことは一般の遺伝学より深まり、代わりに後生学に焦点を当てた。すなわち遺伝子が環境要因の結果として次世代に伝え得る形式にどのように 変化するかということである。 どなたか訂正お願いします。
>>10 to voterはto voteのミススペルだね。 throw everything against the wall ってあるけど、 こういう態度があるからアメリカ強いね。 日銀なんて「見守る」だけだからなあ。
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Third World America: How Our Politicians Are Abandoning the Middle Class and Betraying the American Dream 著者の写真がいわゆるギリシャ鼻でこれぞギリシャ系という感じ。 「第三世界に落ち込むアメリカ」という288Pの本を出してすぐ、インタビュー を受けてます。最初は暗い話題ですがラスト68Pで自由主義的法制と精神の再生 のコンボネーションでアメリカは立ち直り、自分がこの本を書いた真意はそこである と言ってます。
To conduct their work, Mansuy's team raised male mice from birth and continually but unpredictably separated them from their mothers from the time they were one day old until they were 14 days old.
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Thereafter, the animals were reared, fed and cared for normally, but the early trauma took its toll. As adults, the subject animals exhibited PTSD-like symptoms such as isolation and jumpiness.
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More tellingly, their genes functioned differently from those of other mice.
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The investigators looked at five target genes associated with behavior—most notably, one that helps regulate the stress hormone CRF
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and one that regulates the neurotransmitter serotonin — and found that all of them were either overreactive or underreactive.
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These mice, for the purposes of the study, were the equivalent of first-generation Holocaust survivors.
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They then fathered young and, like most males of the species, had nothing to do with their upbringing.
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The pups were raised by their mothers with none of the trauma and separation their fathers had suffered,
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and yet when they grew up, not only did they exhibit the same anxious behavior, but they also had the same signature gene changes. こんな実験が行われました。
When the European Commission announced on Friday that it would initiate legal action against France because of its deportation of Roma,
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many observers saw the move as little more than a show designed to ultimately allow officials in Brussels and Paris alike to save face and declare victory without much changing.
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And on Friday, when France began fingerprinting departing Roma to deter them from returning, it seemed they were right.
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While it's an impressive display of unanimity among all 27 members of the Commission — the E.U.'s executive body — the E.C.'s
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threatened legal action falls significantly short of the discrimination case that some officials had wanted to launch against Paris for its widely decried policy of rounding up and deporting Roma to Bulgaria and Romania.
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Instead of charging France with discrimination — a legally difficult tack — the Commission has instead given Paris an Oct. 15 deadline to prove it has incorporated,
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or "transposed," into French law a binding 2004 E.U. directive on protecting ethnic minorities and ensuring the freedom of movement of all E.U. citizens.
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If it is determined that France has failed to do that — or if France ignores the order to clarify its situation — the E.C. will open legal proceedings against Paris for refusing obligations to respect fundamental E.U. statues.
「タイムは読みやすい」とか言って、実際に英文を質問してみると 全然読めてない。 知ったかぶりのやつばっかり w 前のタイムスレでもそうだったが、他のスレでえらそーにしてる コテハンもここにはコテハンで書きこまない w
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タイムが読みやすわけねぇだろ。CNNじゃあるまいし。 英文が出てるとみんな逃げるし。
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Japan issued a travel alert for Europe on Monday, joining the United States and Britain in warning of a possible terrorist attack by al-Qaeda or other groups, but tourists appeared to be taking the mounting warnings in stride.
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The Foreign Ministry in Tokyo urged Japanese citizens to be cautious when using public transport or visiting popular tourist sites, heightening the possibility of damage to Europe's tourism industry.
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European authorities tightened efforts to keep the public safe in the wake of warnings by officials in several countries that the terrorism threat is high and extra vigilance is warranted.
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On Monday, French authorities arrested a man in his 50s who is suspected of several bomb threats in Paris, including one at a railway hub, a police official said.
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The man, who was not identified, was detained southwest of the capital on suspicions of links to a phone-in threat at the Saint-Lazare train station.
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French authorities have recorded nine bomb alerts in the capital last month, including at the Eiffel Tower — a threefold increase from a year earlier. No explosives were found.
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The U.S. State Department alert Sunday advised the hundreds of thousands of American citizens living or traveling in Europe to take more precaution about their personal security.
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The British Foreign Office warned travelers to France and Germany that the terror threat in the countries was high. Security officials say terrorists may be plotting attacks in Europe with assault weapons on public places, similar to the deadly 2008 shooting spree in Mumbai, India.
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Business travelers and tourists arriving at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport from the United States on Monday said they were aware of the new warnings from authorities but weren't changing their plans.
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"I'm very happy to be here in France. I think we're very safe, and I trust the French government to keep us safe," said James O'Connell, a 59-year-old from Pittsburgh, arriving in Paris for a 7-day vacation.
>>70 www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2024065,00.html のコラムの中の文章で But for every occasion they raised Afghanistan, they mentioned China 25 times. の意味を教えてください。
If you asked me, what's the most disappointing thing Barack Obama has done as President? I'd say, He appointed a "blue-ribbon" commission to study the federal deficit.
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I mean, how boring and worthy and worthless! Such commissions are an instant admission of defeat: We lack the political will to deal with (insert long-term crisis here), so we're appointing a blue-ribbon commission to study it.
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The process is inevitable, especially in these days of rising partisan contentiousness. A consensus won't be reached on the really tough issues.
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A high-minded, peripheral idea or two may emerge — frosting on a soap bubble — and then evaporate ... or worse, actually be implemented,
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as was the 9/11 commission's foolishly redundant suggestion of a Directorate of National Intelligence (DNI), plopped atop the CIA and military spook agencies. No doubt yet another commission will eventually be appointed to study abolishing the DNI.
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But what if there were a machine, a magical contraption that could take the process of making tough decisions in a democracy, shake it up, dramatize it and make it both credible and conclusive?
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As it happens, the ancient Athenians had one. It was called the kleroterion, and it worked something like a bingo-ball selector. Each citizen — free males only, of course — had an identity token;
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several hundred were picked randomly every day and delegated to make major decisions for the polis. But that couldn't happen now, could it? Most of our decisions are too complicated and technical for mere civilians to make, aren't they?