Thank you,? I worked for Apple for 6 years. They are the most sick sadistic employers you can imagine. Not only that but they are passive aggressive about it. I was fired for trying to help customers, for trying to spend the time to actually solve customer problems. 100% customer satisfaction for 7 months and still it wasn't enough for them. Take my word for it, Apple is just another bastard mega-corp. mctrlsys 1 week ago キチガイ最低クズ会社アップル。さっさと日本から出ていけよ
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シェアで言うと実はパソコン市場もAppleの独り勝ちなんだよな Apple一社 vs 他のすべてのメーカーの合計 ここに気付いかない人が結構いる 更に言うと、 AppleのMac数モデル vs DellのPC数十モデル みたいなもの 一機種辺りで見るとさらに大きな差になる この数字のトリックに気付かない人が意外と多い (なぜAppleだけが儲かるか?の答え)