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2012年6月ENGLISH38: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 169 (704) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
英語力で中国人韓国人に対抗できるのか (973)
ネイティブクラスの英語力とは? (776)
ミス日本が TOEIC990点、英検1級、TOEFLiBT116点 #2 (658)
【悪魔】元グロトリ&HER-S一生懸命塾【勧誘】Part1 (560)
ネイティブクラスの英語力とは? (776)
大西泰斗20 (271)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 169

1 :12/04/19 〜 最終レス :12/06/08
( ´・ω・)  Let's have Japanese green tea and chat!
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 168
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope Igirisu-jin and the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
This is the place to have a blast!!!!!
Let's continue to support recovery efforts in Japan!!!!!

2 :
Good job!
----------------SLIM SHADY IS IN ALL OF US----------------

3 :
 (^) (^)
 | ∪ |
 |::{i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:}  Hi, I'm Shimamura-kun.
 |( ´・ω・)  
 U  U

4 :
Thanks for the new thread and the delicious tea!

5 :
>>990 on Chat in English 169
He talks about it in the paragraph just above his naked photo.

6 :
I guess he is not an ordinary idol that he has no problems talking about .
In his programme I heard him say he likes to "live his life freely".

7 :
>>990 www you noticed ... Because I was up all night writing a document.
I had not slept for more than 24 hrs. I just woke up...

8 :
I read on a uk newspaper site, some china politician or somtin killed a british person
and now they seem to hav started to understand what china is. Before this murder, there were
many posts trying to defend china.

9 :
Recently I read on the same site about some shady chinese figure
sending money to some important prof or sometin in Cambridge, and there were a series of fishy posts
defending china and criticising the newspaper.

10 :
It looked like the usual chinese net crew doing their job,
but it also looked to me like the readers were ignorant of china as there were only few posts countering it.

11 :
Low ninja level short post, I didnt know. had to cut it in 3
By the way, I read on wikipedia that the norwegian murderer Breivik guy totally admires Japan's monoculturism.
What do you think about that?

12 :
Breivik describes Japan and South Korea's policies on multiculturism and immigration as
"not far from cultural conservatism and nationalism at its best".
He needs to know that South Korea is THE one that has been trying to force this
multiculturism he so despises on Japan, interfering in our internal affairs.

13 :
someone said Chuggington was borinig, but i actually like it. the characters are cute and lively.
but the sad thing is i cant understand half of what they sayin. i am hopeless.
my favourite chugger is the litter picking chugger.

14 :
not being able to understand why my ochinchin was not long , I asked my teacher that .

15 :
wont be long
till your ochinchin's long

16 :
What is with the find.2ch ... the thread is stuck at (1) reply!!!
I guess the server is too lazy to update the counters....

17 :
No actually it's a combination of my browser and cookie connection.

18 :
11>> What is a low level ninja post? I also admire the monocultural idea
of Japan. Although it may have the Aiunu and other cultures.
İt is unique and it must be protected. I love Japan's uncorrupted unique character
and culture. Thatt is why I love watching historical Japanese drama.

19 :
恋愛とライブは似ている、、発言 たとえばデートやも、、余計なこと考えずに
translated by fans: For example also during dates and , I want us to be crazy
and completely absorbed together without thinking too much!

20 :
How do you say "キャーーーーーーーーーー" in English?

21 :
Saw palmetto isn't female hormone. Do you understand, Spary?

22 :
example sentence
My house is only five minutes' walk from the station.
My villa is about thirty minutes bicycle ride from your hut.
So, come and see me anytime.

23 :
Seems like the translation is almost right.
To me, "without thinking too much" part sounds a bit off the mark though.
I don't know but "Wihtout thinking other things" is more accurate although
it may be too literal translation.

24 :
I feel extremely ashamed to hear that many of Japanese women are willing to open their 万古 to foreigners. I strongly hope the women here in this thread are the exception.
As for me, a Japanese man, learning English and letting use my 珍宝 are completely different things.

25 :
This is the internet, there are no such thing as women!

26 :
>>20 Kyaaa??? Like an exclamation when you see something adorable?

27 :
>>20 here may not be a direct translation for but the act of going
"kyaa" is "squealing".Where is İgirisu-jin-san when you need him aaah.

28 :
>>23 Thanks for the translation.
Kamenashi-san has a colourful private life by the sounds of it.
I am glad he exists.

29 :
Oh! I found this new thread.

30 :
That doesn't necessarily mean reflect his real life.
I mean, that statement doesn't necessarily mean he dates and make love
on daily basis in his real life. That could be just his hope.

31 :
>>30 If he expresses a wish rather than daily life, I guess he is
extremely busy looking beautiful and rehearsing. I guess he has little
time to practise wwww.

32 :
Mr.Kamenashi is very cool, isn't it?

33 :
For me he is more like... "hot" than cool.

34 :
The dynamic camera used in the CM is amazing!

35 :
"Squeal" makes me think of that scene from "Deliverance" *shudder*
That one is kinda tricky though. As far as sound effects go,
English doesn't have nearly as many as Japanese does.
They're not hurting anyone. Why should it matter?
I agree, and I also think that 'crazy' was added and wasn't in
the original. I think what he's basically saying is that he wants to
live in the moment.

36 :
Do you think Sparky can really became a T girl?

37 :
It's been about 3 weeks since I quit smoking, and hearing that, you might think
I'm already a successful non-smoker now, but to be totally truthful, I still want to light up
several times in a day, especially like when I get up and after I eat, etc,
so I chew gum instead and consume a lot actually,
and though I have been resisted smoke temptations for the past weeks, it's uncertain
whether I can keep this up any more. Any good suggestion?

38 :
Sounds like you're doing good so far.
My suggestion is you should be perscribed nicotin patch by a doctor.
Although, you have already passed the phase where you need it.
The key, anyway is to reduce nicotin intake gradually, not drastically...
When I quit smoking, I first forced my self not to buy cigarett but I allowed myself
to ask someone for a smoke. So that was not complete ban of smoking.
You can't ask your friends often to give you a cigarett, so you gradually
stop asking to your friend. then, you can quit.

39 :
To 24
Hurting our reputation.
I can't stand being 公衆便所国民.

40 :
>I agree, and I also think that 'crazy' was added and wasn't in
the original.
Yeah, as long as there's a word, "absorbed", I didn't think crazy is needed. Plus first, I thought "crazy" is
too strong a word. Maybe he/she added crazy for exaggeration.
As an English learner, I was not 100% sure but now that I read you comment,
it seems like I was right about what I thought first.
> he wants to live in the moment.
That's it.

41 :
if your ninja level is low, you cant make long posts

42 :
Let's talk about Anderson Breivik, Islam, and the future of Europe and Britain.
You can also talk about Shimamura, penis enlargement business, or rednecks in the south.
Please choose one topic from these.

43 :
So what happen when penis enlargement operation fails?
A broken penis swinging between legs? Or does it need to be removed, the failed broken penis?

44 :
I think men who receive penis enlargement operation are real brave.
If a man can go through such fearsome hardship just to enlarge his penis, he can do anything he wants.
Penis enlargement should be requirement for presidential candidates because if a man cannnot go through
a penis enlargement operation I dont think he is hard enough to lead America.

45 :
Also having a large bulge in the crotch will help the president dominate the meeting with other world leaders
and send them the clear message that he is the boss.

46 :
If some native speaker could correct these posts about penis enlargement and make it more natural English
I'd appreciate it.

47 :
Don't worry about the size. When Mrs Kamenashi was expecting Kazuya
apparently his was so small they thought he was a baby girl. Now he
rules the entertainment world. Who knows if he runs for presidency
he would be very popular!

48 :
I quit smoking about ten years ago. How many times have you tried so far?
You may fail it if this is the first time.
As for me, I failed again and again before I finally made it.
Because I didn't have a specific reason why I wanted to stop smoking.
But In the process of trial and error, I was filled with self-disgust for my weak will.
Anyway, never give up whatever may happen!

49 :
It's been a long time. How have you been?
I might forget how to write English.
Anyway, I'm happy our fighters is good condition
and SAITOH YUKI is improving.

50 :
Do rednecks exist outside the US?

51 :
i'm thinking about opening a penis enlargement clinic..
if you guys want penis nelargement just ask me, i will give you discount coupons.

52 :
my clinic guarantees 100% safe peronal infomation,
no worry for stolen data. your penis enlargement will be kept secret. 100% guaranteed.

53 :
How do you increase it? Silicon?
No pain?

54 :
we use the latest, state-of-the-art nano biomass technologies. no sillicorn.
sillicorn is a technology of 20 century. as for pain, it is pretty painful. but that's life.

55 :
on second thought, i think penis enlargement is a difficult business.
i quit guys, please forget about it.

56 :
i would probably get claimers saying their penis got flaccid and broken coz of me,
even though its just their penis's own problem. i dont want to deal with claimers.

57 :
Why the topic changed suddenly and everybody talks about penis enlargement?

58 :
it's just life.

59 :
Looks like every Japanese men wants to have large penis, which attracts women.

60 :
i'm thinking about using french loafs as fake large penis. it's an idea business.
we bake french loafs, sell them to men in need, and they put the loaf in ther pants.
you might think it's ridiculous, but some men are ridiculous enuff to wear those "secret shoes",
so i'm sure there are men who are ridiculous enuff to stick a loaf in their pants. i'm gettin patent.

61 :
You don't need french loafs or anything like that.
All you have to do is to fold several Clinex and put it under your pants
in front of your penis. That's what I did when I was a junior high school

62 :
I had a dream that all Japanese women want to suck large cock. Is this an omen of meeting our doom?

63 :
What is your your favourite film by Takeshi Kitano ? and why? Discuss.

64 :
Who do you think you are? I take orders from no one. Go play with your dildo, you fucking saucy bitch.

65 :
You are a Fighters fan,aren't you?
I'm not a baseball fans, but I like his pitching.

66 :
I'm sure some of you guys here use 4chan as well.

67 :
Baseball fans are the stupidest sport fans. They exude low intellect.

68 :
I have never utilized it before. Is that entertaining?

69 :
Takeshi seems to see things in a typical dankai way.
I have no grudge against him but he must go.

70 :
Japanese films in general are considered trash in Japan, so theres really not much to discuss.

71 :
i hate raisin
i don't understand why they put raisin in my bread

72 :
Raisin is like nipple of woman to suck.
It does sharpen my appetite;-)

73 :
it sometimes looks like chocolate chips and looks yummy
then i bite into the muffin and it's fuckin raisin, not chocolate chips

74 :
I feel the same way.
raisins suck!

75 :
I have seen only one of his movies and it was boring.
Since I haven't seen only one I'm not in a position where I discuss his films.
Hold your Slim Shady and be nice.

76 :
shut up you bastard guy
you fuck you guy

77 :
I can't help but imagine what kind of person he is when I see someone use such a four letter word.
I've never used it since I started to study English.
Because I don't want people to think of me as a pumpkin head.

78 :
shut up u stink

79 :
Trolling is one of the best ways to master English! Hahaha! But not good
to offend people with cuss words. Besides it makes you look so dumb.

80 :
It is very dangerous to do fishing at night.

81 :
Another plagiarist on IOC?
South Korean's Moon under investigation
Dae Sung Moon during Pyeonchang's final presentation in its successful bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Dae Sung Moon during Pyeonchang's final presentation in its successful… ((Jasper Juinen/Getty Images))
April 13, 2012|Globetrotting by Philip Hersh
A recent story on the opinion page of the Korea Times English language edition called South Korea a "plagiarizers' paradise."
And that situation may force the International Olympic Committee to deal with another devilish plagiarism case involving one of its members.
The member in question this time is Dae Sung Moon, an extremely popular figure in South Korea since winning a world title in taekwondo in 1999 and an Olympic gold medal in 2004.

82 :
According to today's showbiz news, Kamenashi answered to an interviewer at a pressconference
the five of them, the kat-tun members, would be the persons who didn't get surprised at the news
that Akanishi suddenly got married to Kuroki Meisa, who's expecting a baby now.
In the thread where I read the news, some say that Kamenashi knew who Akanishi was and that's why
he told that to the media. And others say that Kat-tun has nothing to do with Akanishi any more
so don't ask him such a question. Akanishi seems like a burden and should be removed completely from kat-tun.

83 :
Do you guys think Sparky will successfully become a girl?
He said he would, but nobody here bought it, right?
So what'll happen when he knows he can't? He'll decide to undergo gender change surgery?
I mean, to remove his balls and stick?

84 :
Sparky said his tits are getting bigger, even at a slow pace.
I guess Sparky's tits are now the size of a small ball, like tennis balls.
You can barely touch and massage them if you like. Like them if you please.
I doubt, though, their nipples can't get hard yet. I'm not sure, but taking in
female hormone properly would help grow Sparky's tits and nipples.

85 :
Do you want to go out with Sparky if he becomes a cute girl?
I would if he does. He should search for more info and try his best
and get rid of manliness gradually. I think his jaw is hard and square even now,
but that doesn't seem like a girl at all. He should try to remove that feature
and look more feminine. Maybe he has to consider plastic surgery at the final phase
to be a girl. He must be fat now, so he should go on a diet. Even if he's become a girl,
it'll be meaningless if he's fatty.

86 :
Let me see your growing tits.

87 :
Tits are wonders.

88 :
Wonderful tits are worth a million dollar.

89 :
I agree. Tits are the justice. No one would complain against the maxim.

90 :
Big and beautiful tits are the justice.

91 :
Sparky, talk to me. Don't lurk any longer. We want to have lots and lots of conversation with you.
You need to stay here. We should know how your plan to become a girl is going.

92 :
Why do you care?
You have better thing to do than teasing him.
You must me a NEET with lots of time to kill.
And so am I.

93 :
Sparky, how are you doing?
Are you changing as you planed?

94 :
Sparky's tits are yummy?

95 :
Hahah, this thread is hilarious!
You guys sound just like the anonymous threads on English websites.
I guess that means your English is all coming along really well?

96 :
How about you will try to become a T girl?
You also can get on HRT.

97 :

98 :
■■■■ブラックマンデー■■■■■ part658
792:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 07:15:34.59 ID:wLivwf6m [1/9]
I do agree with the top of BOJ.
He is right and smart.
However our financial minister is maybe against him on this matter.
He is ,I guess, not even able to distingusih inflation from deflation.
Oh I forgot this matter; He've contibuted more to IMF resources.
Christine Lagarde evaluates his work, I do believe.
795:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 07:28:14.62 ID:wLivwf6m [2/9]
Is it right to stimulate the share prices through quantitative easings forever ?
804:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 08:14:24.36 ID:wLivwf6m [3/9]
People also hate,I believe, retrenchment finance in France.
That is that.
918:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 20:59:33.73 ID:wLivwf6m [4/9]
Hmm, this article shows that we are now in economic recovery.
I don't think so.
Let me say about this situation we face , we are in predicament.
On top of that, there seems to be no way to evade for a long time.
921:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 21:11:49.61 ID:wLivwf6m [5/9]
Many people think that that is only bluff.
So we have nothing to worry about this behavior.
923:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 21:16:45.02 ID:wLivwf6m [6/9]
I reject it.
929:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 21:39:35.57 ID:wLivwf6m [7/9]
Indeed it is awful , but people who love bear market must be happy.
932:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 21:42:58.83 ID:wLivwf6m [8/9]
935:山師さん[]:2012/04/23(月) 21:46:30.72 ID:wLivwf6m [9/9]
To 930
I don't know.
'Cause I'm 120% Japanese , even not returnee.

99 :
Sparky, tell me how big your tits are now.

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