WHOのリリースでは ttp://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2013/fukushima_report_20130228/en/ Global report on Fukushima nuclear accident details health risks News release 28 FEBRUARY 2013 | GENEVA “A breakdown of data, based on age, gender and proximity to the nuclear plant, does show a higher cancer risk for those located in the most contaminated parts. Outside these parts - even in locations inside Fukushima Prefecture - no observable increases in cancer incidence are expected.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *共同の参照する数字は原発周辺の「located in the most contaminated parts」の もので、それ以外の場所では福島県内でも「no observable increases in cancer incidence are expected」といっっている。WHOは一部の最も汚染された地域や原発 作業員の可能なリスクを言っているけれど、それらの限定的なケース以外ではリスク は観察されないという。共同の記事は意図的にリスクを過大に受け取るようにバイア スがある書き方。
“A breakdown of data, based on age, gender and proximity to the nuclear plant, does show a higher cancer risk for those located in the most contaminated parts. Outside these parts - even in locations inside Fukushima Prefecture - no observable increases in cancer incidence are expected.” 和訳を示さないと、WHOの見解を理解できない人が多いだろうwww