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1 :2012/03/22 〜 最終レス :2013/01/08
誰か作ってください!!   僕のフレンドコードは 260,614,262,530ですよろしくおねがいします!!

2 :
`ボットのつぶやき : `fortune -s`

3 :
ボットのつぶやき : Such a foolish notion, that war is called devotion, when the greatest
warriors are the ones who stand for peace.

4 :
ボットのつぶやき : You climb to reach the summit, but once there, discover that all roads
lead down.
-- Stanislaw Lem, "The Cyberiad"

5 :
ボットのつぶやき : Truthful, adj.:
Dumb and illiterate.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

6 :
ボットのつぶやき : If you put your supper dish to your ear you can hear the sounds of a
-- Snoopy

7 :
ボットのつぶやき : A day without orange juice is like a day without orange juice.

8 :
ボットのつぶやき : Simulations are like miniskirts, they show a lot and hide the essentials.
-- Hubert Kirrman

9 :
ボットのつぶやき : Ah say, son, you're about as sharp as a bowlin' ball.

10 :
ボットのつぶやき : Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own.
-- Don Vonada

11 :
ボットのつぶやき : "In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality
at any point."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

12 :
ボットのつぶやき : I've got a very bad feeling about this.
-- Han Solo

13 :
ボットのつぶやき : Q: What is purple and commutes?
A: An Abelian grape.

14 :
ボットのつぶやき : If you took all the students that felt asleep in class and laid them end to
end, they'd be a lot more comfortable.
-- "Graffiti in the Big Ten"

15 :
ボットのつぶやき : You will be recognized and honored as a community leader.

16 :
ボットのつぶやき : Staff meeting in the conference room in %d minutes.

17 :
ボットのつぶやき : If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would
be a merrier world.
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

18 :
ボットのつぶやき : leverage, n.:
Even if someone doesn't care what the world thinks
about them, they always hope their mother doesn't find out.

19 :
ボットのつぶやき : Nothing motivates a man more than to see his boss put in an honest day's work.

20 :
ボットのつぶやき : It is the quality rather than the quantity that matters.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 B.C. - A.D. 65)

21 :
ボットのつぶやき : Hate the sin and love the sinner.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

22 :
ボットのつぶやき : Absolutum obsoletum. (If it works, it's out of date.)
-- Stafford Beer

23 :
ボットのつぶやき : Remember, drive defensively! And of course, the best defense is a good offense!

24 :
ボットのつぶやき : Oppernockity tunes but once.

25 :
ボットのつぶやき : She blinded me with science!

26 :
ボットのつぶやき : Heuristics are bug ridden by definition. If they didn't have bugs,
then they'd be algorithms.

27 :
ボットのつぶやき : Purple hum
Assorted cars
Laser lights, you bring
All to prove
You're on the move
and vanishing
- The Cars

28 :
ボットのつぶやき : What fools these morals be!

29 :
ボットのつぶやき : Don't suspect your friends -- turn them in!
-- "Brazil"

30 :
ボットのつぶやき : The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.
-- Fran Lebowitz, "Social Studies"

31 :
ボットのつぶやき : To stay youthful, stay useful.

32 :
ボットのつぶやき : QOTD:
My mother was the travel agent for guilt trips.

33 :
ボットのつぶやき : "The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
-- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972

34 :
ボットのつぶやき : Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is
-- Mark Twain

35 :
ボットのつぶやき : Polymer physicists are into chains.

36 :
ボットのつぶやき : Raising pet electric eels is gaining a lot of current popularity.

37 :
ボットのつぶやき : Let's do it.
-- Gary Gilmore, to his firing squad

38 :
ボットのつぶやき : Intel CPUs are not defective, they just act that way.
-- Henry Spencer

39 :
ボットのつぶやき : Some don't prefer the pursuit of happiness to the happiness of pursuit.

40 :
ボットのつぶやき : Why do so many foods come packaged in plastic? It's quite uncanny.

41 :
ボットのつぶやき : Garbage In -- Gospel Out.

42 :
ボットのつぶやき : A priest advised Voltaire on his death bed to renounce the devil.
Replied Voltaire, "This is no time to make new enemies."

43 :
ボットのつぶやき : Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.
-- James Dean

44 :
ボットのつぶやき : The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover's Lane holding his own hand.
-- Fred Allen

45 :
ボットのつぶやき : You have literary talent that you should take pains to develop.

46 :
ボットのつぶやき : Do not think by infection, catching an opinion like a cold.

47 :
Post WWE and I'm the Rock

48 :

49 :
ボットのつぶやき : An ounce of hypocrisy is worth a pound of ambition.
-- Michael Korda

50 :
ボットのつぶやき : Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience.

51 :
ボットのつぶやき : What this country needs is a good five cent nickel.

52 :
ボットのつぶやき : Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
-- D.E. Knuth

53 :
ボットのつぶやき : The problem with graduate students, in general, is that they have
to sleep every few days.

54 :
ボットのつぶやき : Man has made his bedlam; let him lie in it.
-- Fred Allen

55 :
ボットのつぶやき : We are each only one drop in a great ocean -- but some of the drops sparkle!

56 :
ボットのつぶやき : Smoking is, as far as I'm concerned, the entire point of being an adult.
-- Fran Lebowitz

57 :
ボットのつぶやき : Census Taker to Housewife:
Did you ever have the measles, and, if so, how many?

58 :
ボットのつぶやき : There are no winners in life, only survivors.

59 :
ボットのつぶやき : "Well hello there Charlie Brown, you blockhead."
-- Lucy Van Pelt

60 :
ボットのつぶやき : Dyslexia means never having to say that you're ysror.

61 :
ボットのつぶやき : Real Time, adj.:
Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there and then.

62 :
ボットのつぶやき : Why do they call it baby-SITTING when all you do is run after them?

63 :
ボットのつぶやき : A princess should not be afraid -- not with a brave knight to protect her.
-- McCoy, "Shore Leave", stardate 3025.3

64 :
ボットのつぶやき : I've enjoyed just about as much of this as I can stand.

65 :
ボットのつぶやき : The fashion wears out more apparel than the man.
-- William Shakespeare, "Much Ado About Nothing"

66 :
ボットのつぶやき : Swahili, n.:
The language used by the National Enquirer to print their retractions.
-- Johnny Hart

67 :
ボットのつぶやき : The Second Law of Thermodynamics:
If you think things are in a mess now, just wait!
-- Jim Warner

68 :
ボットのつぶやき : The world really isn't any worse. It's just that the news coverage
is so much better.

69 :
ボットのつぶやき : Would you people stop playing these stupid games?!?!?!!!!

70 :
ボットのつぶやき : Dinosaurs aren't extinct. They've just learned to hide in the trees.

71 :
ボットのつぶやき : The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.
-- Abbie Hoffman

72 :
ボットのつぶやき : Established technology tends to persist in the face of new technology.
-- G. Blaauw, one of the designers of System 360

73 :
ボットのつぶやき : Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.

74 :
ボットのつぶやき : Having a wonderful wine, wish you were beer.

75 :
ボットのつぶやき : To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland.
-- Jack Paar

76 :
ボットのつぶやき : Fortune's graffito of the week (or maybe even month):
Don't Write On Walls!
(and underneath)
You want I should type?

77 :
ボットのつぶやき : Alea iacta est.
[The die is cast]
-- Gaius Julius Caesar

78 :
ボットのつぶやき : A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.
-- Proverbs 15:1

79 :
ボットのつぶやき : If you are a police dog, where's your badge?
-- Question James Thurber used to drive his German Shepherd

80 :
ボットのつぶやき : Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.

81 :
ボットのつぶやき : In God we trust; all else we walk through.

82 :
ボットのつぶやき : Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
-- Wernher von Braun

83 :
ボットのつぶやき : "Today, of course, it is considered very poor taste to use the F-word
except in major motion pictures."
-- Dave Barry, "$#$%#^%!^%&@%@!"

84 :
ボットのつぶやき : Stinginess with privileges is kindness in disguise.
-- Guide to VAX/VMS Security, Sep. 1984

85 :
ボットのつぶやき : sillema sillema nika su

86 :
ボットのつぶやき : The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the
stupidity of your action.

87 :
ボットのつぶやき : "I've seen it. It's rubbish."
-- Marvin the Paranoid Android

88 :
ボットのつぶやき : You will not be elected to public office this year.

89 :
ボットのつぶやき : You will be run over by a beer truck.

90 :
ボットのつぶやき : To every Ph.D. there is an equal and opposite Ph.D.
-- B. Duggan

91 :
ボットのつぶやき : Bit off more than my mind could chew,
Shower or suicide, what do I do?
-- Julie Brown, "Will I Make it Through the Eighties?"

92 :
ボットのつぶやき : If all men were brothers, would you let one marry your sister?

93 :
ボットのつぶやき : There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.
-- Baba Ram Dass

94 :
ボットのつぶやき : A day without sunshine is like night.

95 :
ボットのつぶやき : There is a great discovery still to be made in Literature: that of
paying literary men by the quantity they do NOT write.

96 :
ボットのつぶやき : "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-- Walt Disney

97 :
ボットのつぶやき : Harp not on that string.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

98 :
ボットのつぶやき : Just about every computer on the market today runs Unix, except the Mac
(and nobody cares about it).
-- Bill Joy 6/21/85

99 :
ボットのつぶやき : Better to use medicines at the outset than at the last moment.

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戦国無双のガラシャは腋ロリ可愛いのじゃ2 (262)
【テニプリ】赤月巴タンはエロカワイイ4【ST2+RD】 (654)
ミンサガの海賊シルバー様は親分カワイイ11 (425)
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【日本一ソフトウェア】アサギファンクラブ (205)
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