おい、別スレにこんなのあったぞ、出典The Economsitだ。 この英文訳してみろ。 (いや、気になるんで、訳して下さい。) 502 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/01/17(火) 20:49:05.14 His conclusion was that financial globalisation―and, in particular, the running up of big cross-border liabilities― may require a corresponding globalisation of governance, including international deposit insurance. Yet few things seem less likely. 参考書の話しだけど、中原さんの本はお奨め。 他の本より優れているのかどうかは、中原さん以外の本で最近読んだものがないからわからないけど。 日本人にとって英語の比較表現は難しい。 中原さんはその比較表現をわかりやすく解説している。 上の文はThe Economistの今週号からだが、 最後の few things seem less likely のところは、 一瞬(〜数分)考え込んでしまいそうな表現だが、中原さんはこういう表現を的確に 説明してるから、「ああ、中原さんの本に出てたあの表現か」ですんなり解釈できる。
出題 次の英文を訳せ。 日本語への訳出が望ましいが、アラビア語、中国語でも可。(その他の言語は不可) His conclusion was that financial globalisation―and, in particular, the running up of big cross-border liabilities― may require a corresponding globalisation of governance, including international deposit insurance. Yet few things seem less likely.
今週号は全部読んだと言ったけど、正確には、除くObituary。 だって、 ART is for weeds and sissies whose mater hav said Take care of my dear little Cedric, he is delicate you kno and cannot stand a foopball to the head. で始まって、こんなのが続くから読む気失せた。 hav とか kno なんて、初めてみたな、Economist。
今週号は、記念すべき、1942年以来の新企画が始まる。 IN THIS issue we launch a weekly section devoted to China. It is the first time since we began our detailed coverage of the United States in 1942 that we have singled out a country in this way.
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>>42 that's neat! including the fact that you're a NEET me? i'm in training to be a full-fledged NEET like you
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George’s dragons Britain’s economy contracted by 0.2% in the final quarter of 2011, another headache for the government after official figures showed total net public-sector debt (excluding bank bail-outs) rising above £1 trillion ($1.6 trillion) for the first time. 竜退治で有名なイギリスの英雄St George。不況をdragonにたとえているのだろうか。 イギリスの今回の不況は、1930年代のものよりも深刻だそうだ。 > the ongoing slump in Britain is now longer and deeper than the slump in the 1930s http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/the-greater-depression/
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Krugman's reaction to the Fed's recent announcement was totally predictable but somehow I thought I could sense a little more excitement in his words... ttp://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/two-percent-is-not-enough/
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They argue firstly that affirmative action starts with an act of racism: the division of a rainbow nation into arbitrary colour categories. rainbow nation 多民族国家 That transition depends on a fairer division of the spoils of growth. At present, China’s banks shovel workers’ savings into state-owned enterprises, depriving workers of spending power and private companies of capital. division of the spoils of growth 成長の成果の配分
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A sticky wicket The trial of Allen Stanford got under way in Houston. Mr Stanford is accused of operating a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.The former banker and cricket promoter・・・ sticky wicket 困った立場(on a sticky wicket) クリケットの用語 In all these ways, Mr Obama’s speech can be defended as a workmanlike attempt to sum up his achievements and set out his stall for November. set out his stall 能力、決意を示す
>>54 和訳スレはご存じないかもしれんけど頼めば訳してくれるよ。 ああそう言えば一つ解説して欲しい話があった。 先号のロシアに関する論説 Putin’s people: The Kremlin is unlikely to offer the protesters many concessions で、プーチンが"Russia is collecting itself"という内容の論文を書いたって話なんだけど、 この文章の意味がよくわかんなかったから解説してよ。
LYING between Colombia’s coca bushes and Mexico’s cocaine traffickers, Central America is a choke point on the drugs trail. choke point 要衝、隘路 Nicaragua’s distaste for its neighbours’ mano dura (“iron fist”) policies grew out of the 1979 revolt against the Somoza dictatorship. “We didn’t know how to be police. We only knew we didn’t want to be like the Somozan Guard,” how to be police. policeには治安、整然、という意味もあるが? The country’s low wages may attract kingpins just as they have wooed legitimate investment: smugglers charge under $500 to drive a car of cocaine from Managua to Mexico. The gangs may only have been kept out by the country’s ropy ports.
their ideological rectitudeは労働者全員だから、their reproductive cycleも のtheirも男女両方(つまり家庭)を指すと思ったが、 改めてreproductive cycleを検索したら、その通りのようですね。
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Perhaps the group China needs most as it tries to stimulate its domestic consumer economy is the yue guang zu, or moonlight tribe, so named because the Chinese characters for “moonlight” sound the same as the phrase “spend all your monthly salary”. Their parents saved every yuan, but life for these youngsters is just spend, spend, spend. Now, that’s patriotic consumption. 中国語の“moonlight”は、給料を全部使う、と音が同じだそうだが、 どう書くのだろう?
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>>74 dude, why are you being so touchy? are you in your period or something?
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The Economistって日本の問題になるとゾンビ企業を退場させろ、クビにしろ、みたいな 施策をなぜ実行できないんだ、みたいな論調結構平気で書いてるよな。 欧米の問題になると、じゃあ失業者どうするんだ、社会全体ではどうなる、みたいな視点が あるからそこまで問題を単純化しないのに。 日本人なんてロボットみたいなものだと思っているのだろう。 オリンパスの問題についても、日本の企業の闇や不透明性みたいな話になるけど、エンロン とかの問題は記憶から抜け落ちてしまうらしい。 やはりアングロサクソンのメディアというか、アジア人に対する抜き難い偏見が通底低音と して聞こえてくるような論調。
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Its private health clinics are well-regarded and cheap: a doctor’s visit runs to $30 and insurance costs $100 a month. Its public spaces, like the El Vado walk on a bluff overlooking the Tomebamba river, are being renovated, doctor’s visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor's_visit bluff 横浜の山手もbluff と呼ばれているそうだ。 A private case demands that 21 big online firms in India pre-censor all published content. The case appears, suspiciously, to do the bidding of Mr Sibal, who denies any involvement. do the bidding of(do one's bidding ) 命令に従う
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ロンドンがベビーブーム Births in the capital each year have soared by 25% since 2002, as British women who delayed childbearing finally got down to it and London’s many immigrants produced in Stakhanovite quantities. Stakhanovite ソ連の生産性向上運動 “We were a typical industrialised country, with fertility dropping and economic prosperity. Then these crazy fertility numbers came, and the economic downturn.”
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>>76 But since then a succession of catastrophes―most notably the implosion of Enron in 2001 and the financial crisis in 2007-08―have empowered the critics of over-mighty bosses. Enronのことは忘れてないし、去年のイタリア特集でも、今週号でもヨーロッパの 非効率を叩いている。 イギリスについては甘いと言えるな。 ヨーロッパの緊縮政策には批判的なのに、キャメロンの緊縮策には好意的。
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LONDONERS like to think they live in one of the world’s great cities. London may be great, but, formally, it is no city. Lacking a royal charter, it is merely an administrative division composed of 33 local authorities and controlled by the Greater London Authority. ロンドンは正式にはcityではない。 One new city will be created in Britain this year to mark the queen’s diamond jubilee. Among the 25 places that have submitted bids are two London boroughs, Croydon and Tower Hamlets.
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みえみえの自演さえ無ければ・・・と思うのだ・・・ 前スレ見ててもあれは恥ずかしいからやめようよ
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The equanimity is not shared by all. Many normally garrulous Bangladeshi commentators this week shunned requests to talk. equanimity 平静 garrulous 饒舌な Now he and other nationalists are merely trying to oppose what they see as a coup-by-stealth by Sheikh Hasina, who is letting Bangladesh be “turned into a Bantustan” run by India. Bantustan 人種隔離政策(南ア共和国)
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A man in Utah was taken for $50,000 by his next-door neighbour, who offered a chance to invest in a new type of ice machine. Nothing remarkable there, except that the victim was a retired federal agent who had worked on white-collar fraud cases. be taken for 〜 金品を騙し取られる Most victims see a few pennies on the dollar returned, if that. ・・, if that せいぜい、それすらない
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せめて記事の出典のURLは書かなきゃダメだよな ほんとRーだわ
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和訳コンクール He fought against excessive spending, to the point of being prepared to see the federal government shut down. Recovering from the backlash that this caused, he managed to work with Bill Clinton to balance the budget and enact welfare reform. When it comes to wrestling Leviathan, Mr Gingrich has a good record. この程度の和訳の出来ない人は書き込み禁止です。
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Z'xent Pro which is illegal provides insufficent financial, illegal, and incorrect services for foreign businesses in Japan. Our professionals speak only Japanese. :( http://business-japan.jp/ http://twitter.com/#!/ZxentPro Wakasugi Center Building 6th floor 2-8-1 Higashi Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan
Nortel, which declared bankruptcy in 2009, once had a market capitalisation of $250 billion and employed 95,000 people. Like RIM, it was a global brand and proof, to many, that Canada was no longer a mere drawer of water and hewer of wood.
drawer of water and hewer of wood 出典は聖書のようだが、hewers of wood and drawers of water と順序逆。 LAWYERS have long considered themselves a breed apart: highly educated professionals, not dim-witted businessmen who think a “whereas” is a man who turns into a small member of the horse family when the moon is full. この部分は、こういう話しと関係があるのだろうか? http://www.h5.dion.ne.jp/~resident/sinwa015.htm >ロシアの民話には、灰色の狼が宙返りをする事で、人間や馬に変身して人助けをするというものがある。 lawyerに変身して、困ってるひとを助ける?