Orient Xpress: ESTADO DE GUERRA !! 戦国時代 Sengoku Jidai ttp://jidaigenki.blogspot.com/2005/11/estado-de-guerra-sengoku-jidai.html estado {m} <西> = state <英> = 国 <日> de <西> = of <英> = 〜の <日> guerra {f} <西> = war <英> = 戦争 <日>
How did people in the Sengoku Jidai wash their hair? - Yahoo! Answers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111029094639AAxs0q4 How did people in the Sengoku Jidai wash their hair? just wondering for a story im writing Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Probably just used water to wash out mud and dirt. Soap isn't exactly new but if it was during the era's before japan was an open country then i'm not positive they would have any. Water btw would mean basically baths in rivers and ponds since (and im just guessing) only nobles had had indoor baths which would have been a luxury.
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>>79 btw < by the water = 水洗い 意味を取るのが難しいのは、この btw くらいだろ。 あとは中高生レベルの英文だぜ?
How did people in the Sengoku Jidai wash their hair? - Yahoo! Answers 戦国時代の人は、どうやって髪を洗ってたんでしょうか? - Yahoo! 知恵袋 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111029094639AAxs0q4 How did people in the Sengoku Jidai wash their hair? 戦国時代の人は、どうやって髪を洗ってたんでしょうか? just wondering for a story im writing いま自分が書いている物語の描写に必要なんで、ちょっと知りたいんです Best Answer - Chosen by Asker ベストアンサーに選ばれた回答 Probably just used water to wash out mud and dirt. Soap isn't exactly new but if it was during the era's before japan was an open country then i'm not positive they would have any. Water btw would mean basically baths in rivers and ponds since (and im just guessing) only nobles had had indoor baths which would have been a luxury. 恐らく、水だけを使って泥や汚れを洗い落してたものと思われる。石鹸はそう 新しいものではないが、日本が開国するまでの時代、日本人が石鹸を使って いたとは考え難い。水洗いとは、つまり川や池で入浴していたという意味だが、 何故なら(私が推測するに)身分の高い人だけが室内で入浴していたからだ。 室内での入浴は、贅沢のひとつだったと思われる。