I′m the club DJ I′m gonna make you move I′m DJ Koo I′m gonna make you dance I′m the club DJ I′m gonna make you move I′m DJ Koo I′m gonna make you dance
7 :
너에게 좋은 일 가르쳐 준다. 2ch는 「오늘 밤의 반찬 기능」을 탑재했습니다. 이름란에 「doktofusianasan」라고 넣어 쓰면,【夏目ナナ】【及川奈央】등에 변환됩니다. ───────────────────────────── 掲示板に戻る 全部 前100 次100 最新50 .____ _______ ___ [書き込む] 名前欄[doktofusianasan ] E-mail(省略可)[ ] . ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ┌──────────────────────────┐ │ │
8 :
Japan Funk you. ? what's that meaning? funky japanese??
9 :
일본은 엿먹어라 씹색캬
10 :
If you write "fusianasan" in name column,2ch will receive heavy load. Let's hack 2ch and Japanese monky!
11 :
독도는니네땅하고 일본은 한국땅하자 차라리 바꾸자 빌어먹을 쪽발아
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14 :
I'M Club DJ I'M Gonna Make You Move I'M DJ Koo I'm Gonna Make You Dance
Oh, Why is Dokdo Dakesima? Why is Dokdo Japanese island? I can't understand, Japanese!! In history, there is the evidence that Dokdo is Korean island. Don't say Dokdo is your island ^^ And it is not Dakesima. It is Dokdo!!
59 :
Oh, Why is Dokdo Dakesima? Why is Dokdo Japanese island? I can't understand, Japanese!! In history, there is the evidence that Dokdo is Korean island. Don't say Dokdo is your island ^^ And it is not Dakesima. It is Dokdo!!
60 :
And It is not 日本海, It is Dong-Hae(東海)!!!! Long ago, you colonized us. And you changed Korean culture. It is more expensive than your island, Dae-Ma Do. Did you understand? And someone says, "Japan named Dokdo. So it's ours." But Long time ago, Paek Jae named 日本. So, is your country our land? our land? our land?! You will say No. As well, Dokdo is not your land, It's Korean.
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Hey Do you want Dokdo? If You want to Dokdo You Die!
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일본 네티즌님들아. 제발 우기지 마세요. 누가모래도 독도는 한국땅입니다. 설마 그것도 모르고 다케시마 다케시마 이러는 것입니까? 제발 당신 땅이나 신경써주세요. 독도는 korea 땅입니다.
67 :
>If You want to Dokdo You Die! If You want to Dokdo You Die! If You want to Dokdo You Die! Dokdoって動詞ですか? ドクトしたかったら、あんた死ぬだって?? 韓国人中学生しかここは来てないんだなぁ
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
78 :
Some fucking men think that Doko island is them. But you guys talk to freely lol. Shut up your mouse plz?^^ Dokdo is Korea's island. Do you understand? Foolish and childish mad bitches. ah you can't understand my speech. Why? you're stupid(only know about adult viedos) and fucking japense monkeys. lol Bye
79 :
Korea ,,イ`" 、-' `;_' ' ,-、 _.._,,-'' ̄ (,(~ヽ'~ )'~ レ´ i`'} ~つ | i' / The Sea of Korea 。/ ! / /},-'' ,,ノ i、 _,,...,-‐-、/Korea Conoly i ..ゝ <,,-==、 ,,-,/ ) {~''~>`v-''`ー゙`'~ { レ_ノ ノ
dokdo is one of the most important islands of korea. so, you must not touch for our islands. and kimchi is one of the korean traditional foods. why do you make a fake 'Kimuchi'? if you want to eat kimchi, buy it from korea.
i think japanese are so foolish
83 :
monkey go to zooㅡㅡ 우끼끼들이어디서사람사는세상에튀어나오고지랄이야ㅡㅡ
84 :
ここにある オタク日本人たち, 그만해 더러워 아직도 정신 못 차렸구나 그런다고 독도가 너네땅 되니 너희 나라 다른 좋은 사람들 망신 시키지말고 허튼 짓 하지말고 가서 발닦고자
85 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
86 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
87 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
88 :
야 들어라 병신들아 look flanker! 독도는 우리땅이다 dokdo is korea 그리고 쿠릴렬도 러시아 꺼고 kuril is russia 오키니와 독립시켜라 i want be to independent the okiiniwa 그리고 쎽스나하고 신음지르지 ah,you doing R and enjoyed 왜독도우기냐? why dokdo is japan 독도 한국꺼다 dokdo is korea
89 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
90 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
91 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan ばかやろう ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever japan 바보녀석 ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
95 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
96 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
97 :
日本の叫び 独島は韓国の地 私たちは、猿たち 私たちは、韓国の植民地 日本の天皇は 自分の女の子と R する 仕事 なく 遊び 首相も、自分の女の子と R する 私達は他の国に行きたい
98 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER
korea forever ok?
병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ
99 :
haha hey you FUCKING japanese guys, Please shut up! son of the bitch, Japan=colony of Korea Japan=Monkey's land Japan=FUCKER 병신일본쪽바리새끼들아 입에 바나나 쳐물고가서 니들 성기벌려서 원숭이들한테 박아달래하라 병신새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋ