1read 100read
2013年06月セキュリティ508: AVGの後継はなんだ!! (158) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
NOD32って3にする必要ってない? (159)
ソニーって、スパイ企業? (190)
オレオレ証明書で運用中の商用サイトを晒すスレ (191)
XP−SP2のセキュリティ設定 (133)
【BIOS】パスワードどっちが強い?【Windows】 (118)
キーロガの話 (102)


1 :2008/05/30 〜 最終レス :2012/11/11

2 :

3 :

4 :
 ,、ヽl |l | l| l || l| l |   ビ ク ッ
ミ   お っ 立 も __ノ   _,.ヘ     _,,... -- ─--「::「 {i:.:.:`'、_/:.:.:.:.:.[/-...,,_   ソ ,'  い
Ξ   っ あ て っ )  /::7ヽ、ヘ,.-ァ'^ヽ∠ヽ,/L__`|:::|/}!.:.:.:.:r7=-:.:.:.:.!7::::::::::::`ヽ. ッ  i   け
ニ  立 ぁ な  も   !::::!´ア「>'‐''"´    `"'<LL_,'i>:'へ、:.:.:.:.:.:.r/::::::::::::::::::::::':., .|.  な
Ξ   て ん い う   /´\「>'"            ァ':::::::::::::::\__」}:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ.!  い
三  ち  ・  っ 糞  ,'  _」ア´  /  /!    !  /!   / ;'::::!:::::::';:::';::::::::ヽ::::::':;::::::::::::::、::::!  子
=    ゃ  ・  て ス   i 'ヽ!   / 7, 'イハ /! メ、,!__ハ, 'i::::::ト,::::::!::::i::::i:::::::':;:::::';:::::::::::::::ヽ;|  ね
三  ぁ  ら 約  レ   ', .,'  / /!,!-'、:レ' |/ァ' レ  ヽ!::!:::! ':;:::|ー!-ハ::::::::i:::::::!::::::::':;:::::::ヽ:
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=   ぇ   も  ・  ・   ノ;  / ,'  ゝ、   ( ヽ  u (  ) ハ        !:::::;'::::::::':;::::::::!   態
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≡,  ぇ  糞 は ぁ     i `:、レ'"´  !_r'"レ'/:::::::::>ァ、/|ヘ ヽ,__,..,.-''" ̄`ヽ、_ヽ:::':;!    ん
Ξ,   ぇ .ス  ぁ っ     ':,  `ヽ、 ,r;く:::::::!/::::::::::::/」;'  `ヽ. _>'"        Yヽ:::!.   ?
 彡 !  レ  ん っ     ヽ、   ,.kヘ_!::::ム:::::::/]/ ,ァ-'‐''"´ ヽ!、_        〉:.!.

5 :

6 :

7 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

8 :

9 :

10 :

11 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 66 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 82 BitDefender
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 91% 168 F-Secure
7th 90% 172 AVG
8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 89% 197 Sophos
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 255 ClamAV
13th 85% 266 Microsoft
14th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 289 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 364 F-Prot
19th 79% 388 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 398 Symantec
21st 76% 442 Rising
22nd 75% 453 Fortinet
23rd 75% 459 VBA32
24th 74% 467 McAfee
25th 74% 483 Panda
26th 72% 516 NOD32v2

12 :

13 :

14 :

15 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

16 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 64 AntiVir
2nd 96% 74 Ikarus
3rd 95% 79 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 81 BitDefender
5th 91% 152 Kaspersky
6th 90% 169 F-Secure
7th 90% 173 AVG
8th 89% 191 Norman
9th 89% 192 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 195 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 258 ClamAV
13th 85% 272 Microsoft
14th 84% 284 DrWeb
15th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 289 VirusBuster
17th 80% 365 F-Prot
18th 80% 366 TheHacker
19th 79% 391 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 400 Symantec
21st 76% 440 Rising
22nd 75% 453 Fortinet
23rd 75% 458 VBA32
24th 74% 468 McAfee
25th 74% 484 Panda
26th 72% 517 NOD32v2

17 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

18 :

19 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 96% 76 Ikarus
3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 84 BitDefender
5th 91% 155 Kaspersky
6th 90% 171 F-Secure
7th 90% 178 AVG
8th 89% 195 Norman
9th 89% 197 Sophos
10th 89% 198 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 234 Avast
12th 86% 262 ClamAV
13th 85% 276 Microsoft
14th 84% 288 DrWeb
15th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 295 VirusBuster
17th 80% 370 F-Prot
18th 79% 378 TheHacker
19th 78% 401 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 402 Symantec
21st 76% 445 Rising
22nd 75% 459 Fortinet
23rd 75% 463 VBA32
24th 74% 473 McAfee
25th 74% 488 Panda
26th 72% 523 NOD32v2

20 :

21 :

22 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

23 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Ikarus
3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 85 BitDefender
5th 91% 160 Kaspersky
6th 90% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 199 Sophos
9th 89% 203 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 234 Avast
12th 86% 268 ClamAV
13th 85% 277 Microsoft
14th 84% 293 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 296 DrWeb
16th 84% 305 VirusBuster
17th 80% 381 F-Prot
18th 79% 388 TheHacker
19th 78% 410 Symantec
20th 77% 423 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 456 Rising
22nd 75% 468 Fortinet
23rd 75% 474 VBA32
24th 74% 481 McAfee
25th 73% 499 Panda
26th 72% 532 NOD32v2

24 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 82 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 90% 174 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 199 Sophos
9th 89% 202 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 236 Avast
12th 86% 268 ClamAV
13th 85% 281 Microsoft
14th 84% 294 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 296 DrWeb
16th 84% 305 VirusBuster
17th 80% 380 F-Prot
18th 79% 388 TheHacker
19th 78% 410 Symantec
20th 77% 427 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 458 Rising
22nd 75% 468 Fortinet
23rd 75% 474 VBA32
24th 74% 481 McAfee
25th 73% 499 Panda
26th 72% 534 NOD32v2

25 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 82 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 91% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 201 Sophos
9th 89% 202 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 236 Avast
12th 86% 271 ClamAV
13th 85% 282 Microsoft
14th 84% 298 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 299 DrWeb
16th 84% 308 VirusBuster
17th 80% 384 F-Prot
18th 79% 389 TheHacker
19th 78% 414 Symantec
20th 77% 442 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 459 Rising
22nd 75% 471 Fortinet
23rd 75% 477 VBA32
24th 75% 484 McAfee
25th 73% 505 Panda
26th 72% 542 NOD32v2

26 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 161 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 204 Norman
9th 89% 205 Sophos
10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 239 Avast
12th 85% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 284 Microsoft
14th 84% 302 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 303 DrWeb
16th 84% 311 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 392 TheHacker
19th 78% 418 Symantec
20th 77% 447 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 462 Rising
22nd 75% 475 Fortinet
23rd 75% 479 VBA32
24th 75% 487 McAfee
25th 73% 509 Panda
26th 71% 547 NOD32v2

27 :
だからESET Smart Security かNODにしろと何度言ったら・・orz

28 :

29 :

30 :

31 :

32 :
>881 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/05/21(水) 20:37:33
> http://www.virusbtn.com/conference/vb2008

33 :

34 :
>482 名前:雑音 p84bef5.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp [sage] 投稿日:2005/04/25(月) 10:45:08
>NOD32をWindows Server 2003 で使っているユーザーへ

35 :


36 :
>■「Outpost-Pro」や「Spybot - Search & Destroy」の販売も同じ代理店です。

37 :
アンチウイルスソフト体験版で無料生活 Part6
569:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:08:03
>OutpostFirewall Pro Ver2.7 無償アップグレードのご案内 ( 2005.12.15 )

570:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:17:45
571:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:21:36

38 :

>NOD32 Antivirus Detected File Action Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
>NOD32 Antivirus Long Path Name Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities

>□NOD32アンチウィルス Part47
>710 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2007/05/26(土) 22:58:41
>NOD32 Ver2.70.37以下に脆弱性が見つかった。

39 :


>【Pro版限定】Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro V

>883 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/01/26(土) 19:39:36
>Outpost Firewall Pro日本語版の正規ユーザーだけど、今日ひさびさにサイトを訪れて、


>しかもここって、 本家の英語版はバージョンアップ・セキュリティ修正をコツコツやって、

>Outpost Firewall Pro の販売は 2007年11月27日をもちまして終了しました。

>OutpostFirewall Pro Ver2.7 無償アップグレードのご案内 ( 2005.12.15 )

40 :
1位TrustPort 99,8%
2位AVIRA AntiVir 99,6%
3位GDATA Security 99,5%
4位Kaspersky 98,3%
5位AVG 98,1%

Symantec Norton 97,7%
ESET NOD32 97,7%
avast! 97,6%

テスト用ウイルスサンプル総合計 168万3364個


41 :
Rootkit Unhooker 3.7 (7.5 out of 8 points)
GMER 1.0 (7 out of 8)
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 (6.5 out of 8)
Avira Rootkit Detection 1.0 (6.5 out of 8)
AVG Anti-Rootkit 1.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Panda AntiRootkit 1.08 (5.5 out of 8)
Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Dr.Web 4.44 (5 out of 8)
Trend Micro RootkitBuster 1. (5 out of 8)
Symantec Anti-Virus 2008 (4.5 out of 8)
F-Secure Anti-Virus 2008 (4 out of 8)
McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.1 (3.5 out of 8)
BitDefender Antivirus 2008 (3 out of 8)
McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 (1.5 out of 8)
ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 3.0 (1 out of 8)
Trend Micro Antivirus plus Antispyware 2008 (1 out of 8)

42 :
1位 Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 (97%)
2位 VBA32 Antivirus 3.11 (71%)
3位 Symantec Internet Security 2007 (71%)
4位 F-Secure Internet Security 2007 (61%)
5位 ZoneAlarm Internet Security 7.0 (58%)
6位 Panda Internet Security 2007 (48%)
7位 McAfee Internet Security 2007 (47%)
8位 ESET Smart Security 3.0(NOD32) (44%)

43 :
知っておきたいウイルス対策を回避する手口(ITpro 日経コミュニケーション)

44 :

45 :
・「PC WORLD」によるNOD32の評価
"NOD32's overall malware detection rate wasn't stellar, however. When pitted against AV-Test.org's nearly 900,000-strong "zoo"
of Trojans, viruses, and other malware, NOD32 caught only 90 percent, compared to the 96 percent rate of top performers Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6,
Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2007, and BitDefender Antivirus 10. It fared surprisingly poorly with 32-bit Windows viruses (approximately 1 in 11 samples in the zoo), catching only 73 percent.
In disinfection tests, NOD32 cleaned up all malware files but missed resulting changes to the Hosts network settings
file and most of the less-important Registry changes, for a disappointing 55 percent success rate."

46 :
357:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/01(金) 23:16:17

554 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/02/15(金) 09:20:17

47 :


48 :


>カスペルスキー 2005.5.4 Trojan-PSW.Win32.Delf.fz
>※1 各ソフトメーカーによってウイルスの名称や、ウイルスの定義(複数のウイルスを1つのウイルスとして
>   検知するソフトもございます)は異なりますが、同様に検出が行えます。

49 :

>【Anti Virus】Kaspersky Lab Part34【AntiSpy】
>260 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/06(日) 22:36:27

>【Anti Virus】Kaspersky Lab Part24【AntiSpy】
>520 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/06(日) 22:27:48


50 :

ESET Smart Security その7
377:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 18:51:55
英語版でもNOD32 v3.0が安定するまではということで
379:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 19:16:28
380:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 21:45:18
381:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 21:56:17

51 :

>918:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/26(火) 18:25:17

52 :


NOD32スレ( http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1210020776/ )などで

53 :
自作PC板版の雑音過去ログ(旧名 録音)

>633:p928ede.okymnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp:投稿日:2007/11/03(土) 23:47:25

54 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 90% 179 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 205 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 243 Avast
12th 85% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 290 Microsoft
14th 84% 308 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 309 DrWeb
16th 84% 313 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 397 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 454 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 468 Rising
22nd 75% 478 Fortinet
23rd 75% 482 VBA32
24th 74% 490 McAfee
25th 73% 512 Panda
26th 71% 553 NOD32v2

55 :

56 :
例)Avira + comodo + ad-aware + etc
ESET Smart Securityだけ入れれば全てすむ上にAvira入れるより軽い。

57 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 177 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 206 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 272 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 312 DrWeb
16th 84% 314 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 398 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3
21st 75% 471 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 74% 494 McAfee
25th 73% 514 Panda
26th 71% 556 NOD32v2

58 :
>>57=NOD32厨 雑音
自作PC板版の雑音過去ログ(旧名 録音)

59 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 83 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 162 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 205 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 271 ClamAV
13th 85% 290 Microsoft
14th 84% 312 DrWeb
15th 84% 312 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 313 VirusBuster
17th 80% 387 F-Prot
18th 79% 398 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3
21st 75% 471 Rising
22nd 75% 479 Fortinet
23rd 75% 482 VBA32
24th 74% 492 McAfee
25th 73% 513 Panda
26th 71% 554 NOD32v2

60 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 89 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 206 Norman
9th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 209 Sophos
11th 87% 247 Avast
12th 86% 272 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 314 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 315 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 400 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 473 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 74% 495 McAfee
25th 73% 514 Panda
26th 71% 557 NOD32v2

61 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 73 AntiVir
2nd 95% 85 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 165 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 245 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 313 DrWeb
15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 316 VirusBuster
17th 80% 390 F-Prot
18th 79% 403 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 464 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 475 Rising
22nd 75% 483 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 495 McAfee
25th 74% 514 Panda
26th 72% 560 NOD32v2

62 :

63 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

64 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 207 Sophos
9th 89% 207 Norman
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 245 Avast
12th 86% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 289 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 316 VirusBuster
17th 80% 389 F-Prot
18th 79% 402 TheHacker
19th 78% 422 Symantec
20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 474 Rising
22nd 75% 482 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 494 McAfee
25th 74% 514 Panda
26th 72% 557 NOD32v2

65 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 317 VirusBuster
17th 80% 389 F-Prot
18th 79% 402 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 474 Rising
22nd 75% 482 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 495 McAfee
25th 74% 515 Panda
26th 72% 556 NOD32v2

66 :

67 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 86 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 208 Sophos
10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 310 DrWeb
15th 84% 313 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 318 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 401 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 75% 493 McAfee
25th 74% 516 Panda
26th 72% 558 NOD32v2

68 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 86 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 310 DrWeb
15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 319 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 405 TheHacker
19th 78% 436 Symantec
20th 77% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 76% 483 Fortinet
23rd 76% 483 VBA32
24th 75% 494 McAfee
25th 74% 517 Panda
26th 72% 560 NOD26v2

69 :
28/02/2008 参照。この回、Aviraはフリー版で検査受けてる。

70 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 73 AntiVir
2nd 95% 86 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 89 Ikarus
4th 95% 95 BitDefender
5th 92% 167 Kaspersky
6th 91% 179 F-Secure
7th 91% 188 AVG
8th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 212 Norman
10th 89% 214 Sophos
11th 88% 249 Avast
12th 86% 278 ClamAV
13th 86% 292 Microsoft
14th 84% 314 DrWeb
15th 84% 320 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 321 VirusBuster
17th 81% 394 F-Prot
18th 80% 416 TheHacker
19th 78% 440 Symantec
20th 77% 466 AhnLab-V3
21st 77% 478 Rising
22nd 76% 489 Fortinet
23rd 76% 491 VBA32
24th 76% 500 McAfee
25th 75% 521 Panda
26th 72% 570 NOD26w2

71 :
 + ∩___∩
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ
  / (●),) ((● + ∩___∩
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ
  / (●●) | 
  |   ,,ノ(
  / (●),) ((●) | 
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ● + ∩___∩
   | ノ⌒ + ∩___∩
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ
  / (●),) ((●) | ノ(●●)ヽ ミ● +
  |   ,,ノ(●/ (●),) ((●) | 
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  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ●)ヽ ミ/ (●),) ((●) | 
  / (●),) ((●) | / (●),) ((●) | / (●),) ((●) | 
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\   AntiVirのほうががええよぉ〜
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +
 |       / + ヽ '⌒ ヽ
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\   AntiVirのほうががええよぉ〜彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\   AntiVirのほうががええよぉ〜
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +
 |       / + ●)ヽ ミ
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\   AntiVirのほうががええよぉ〜
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\   AntiVirのほうががええよぉ〜
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +
 |       / +

72 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 80 AntiVir
2nd 96% 93 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 120 Ikarus
4th 94% 131 BitDefender
5th 92% 186 F-Secure
6th 91% 206 AVG
7th 90% 229 Kaspersky
8th 89% 248 Norman
9th 89% 252 Sophos
10th 88% 267 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 88% 270 Avast
12th 86% 317 ClamAV
13th 85% 334 Microsoft
14th 84% 361 DrWeb
15th 84% 370 VirusBuster
16th 83% 386 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 456 F-Prot
18th 79% 478 TheHacker
19th 78% 494 Symantec
20th 78% 506 Rising
21st 77% 519 Fortinet
22nd 76% 548 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 561 VBA32
24th 75% 581 McAfee
25th 73% 610 Panda
26th 71% 661 NOD26w

73 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 82 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 121 Ikarus
4th 94% 141 BitDefender
5th 92% 186 F-Secure
6th 91% 215 AVG
7th 89% 257 Kaspersky
8th 89% 263 Sophos
9th 89% 265 Norman
10th 88% 277 Avast
11th 88% 290 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 335 ClamAV
13th 85% 358 Microsoft
14th 84% 386 DrWeb
15th 84% 388 VirusBuster
16th 83% 413 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 487 F-Prot
18th 79% 506 TheHacker
19th 78% 516 Rising
20th 78% 522 Symantec
21st 78% 531 Fortinet
22nd 75% 588 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 595 VBA32
24th 74% 619 McAfee
25th 73% 644 Panda
26th 71% 699 NOD26w

74 :
AVG8.0Freeのリンクスキャンでブラウザが落ちる場合の対策(2008.5/28追記) - HAAYA

75 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 133 Ikarus
4th 93% 168 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 223 AVG
7th 89% 289 Sophos
8th 88% 297 Avast
9th 88% 298 Norman
10th 88% 299 Kaspersky
11th 87% 338 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 380 ClamAV
13th 84% 423 DrWeb
14th 83% 427 VirusBuster
15th 82% 453 Microsoft
16th 82% 464 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 536 Rising
18th 79% 537 F-Prot
19th 78% 558 Fortinet
20th 78% 563 TheHacker
21st 78% 572 Symantec
22nd 75% 649 VBA32
23rd 75% 652 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 686 McAfee
25th 73% 702 Panda
26th 70% 774 NOD26w

76 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 100 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 137 Ikarus
4th 93% 170 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 224 AVG
7th 89% 291 Sophos
8th 88% 299 Avast
9th 88% 302 Norman
10th 88% 302 Kaspersky
11th 87% 341 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 383 ClamAV
13th 84% 425 DrWeb
14th 83% 430 VirusBuster
15th 82% 456 Microsoft
16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 537 Rising
18th 79% 541 F-Prot
19th 79% 559 Fortinet
20th 78% 567 TheHacker
21st 78% 573 Symantec
22nd 75% 654 VBA32
23rd 75% 658 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 689 McAfee
25th 73% 704 Panda
26th 70% 776 NOD26w

77 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 133 Ikarus
4th 93% 171 BitDefender
5th 92% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 289 Sophos
8th 88% 298 Kaspersky
9th 88% 298 Avast
10th 88% 302 Norman
11th 87% 344 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 381 ClamAV
13th 83% 428 DrWeb
14th 83% 433 VirusBuster
15th 82% 457 Microsoft
16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 535 F-Prot
18th 79% 537 Rising
19th 79% 554 Fortinet
20th 78% 570 Symantec
21st 78% 575 TheHacker
22nd 75% 655 VBA32
23rd 75% 658 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 688 McAfee
25th 73% 704 Panda
26th 71% 772 NOD26w

78 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 136 Ikarus
4th 93% 173 BitDefender
5th 92% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 287 Sophos
8th 89% 297 Avast
9th 88% 298 Kaspersky
10th 88% 303 Norman
11th 87% 347 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 385 ClamAV
13th 84% 430 DrWeb
14th 83% 439 VirusBuster
15th 83% 454 Microsoft
16th 82% 470 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 537 F-Prot
18th 80% 538 Rising
19th 79% 552 Fortinet
20th 78% 572 Symantec
21st 78% 581 TheHacker
22nd 75% 654 VBA32
23rd 75% 660 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 690 McAfee
25th 73% 709 Panda
26th 71% 776 NOD26w

79 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 83 AntiVir
2nd 96% 94 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 137 Ikarus
4th 93% 171 BitDefender
5th 93% 189 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 283 Sophos
8th 89% 294 Kaspersky
9th 89% 294 Avast
10th 89% 298 Norman
11th 87% 344 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 382 ClamAV
13th 84% 427 DrWeb
14th 83% 436 VirusBuster
15th 83% 450 Microsoft
16th 82% 466 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 532 F-Prot
18th 80% 539 Rising
19th 79% 549 Fortinet
20th 79% 568 Symantec
21st 78% 580 TheHacker
22nd 75% 653 VBA32
23rd 75% 656 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 686 McAfee
25th 74% 704 Panda
26th 71% 773 NOD26w

80 :

AVG 7.5 Free - Support ends 31/08/2008
Posted by: michaelhd - AVG Team (IP Logged)
Date: July 9, 2008 04:07PM
Support for AVG 7.5 Free Edition is planned to end on 31st August 2008.
No more virus updates are planned for after that date.
Note that no more 'program' updates are due! Only virus updates will continue until the end date.

81 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 139 Ikarus
4th 93% 172 BitDefender
5th 93% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 230 AVG
7th 89% 284 Sophos
8th 89% 296 Kaspersky
9th 89% 296 Avast
10th 89% 300 Norman
11th 87% 346 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 384 ClamAV
13th 84% 429 DrWeb
14th 83% 437 VirusBuster
15th 83% 451 Microsoft
16th 82% 468 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 533 F-Prot
18th 80% 541 Rising
19th 79% 551 Fortinet
20th 79% 570 Symantec
21st 78% 585 TheHacker
22nd 75% 655 VBA32
23rd 75% 659 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 688 McAfee
25th 74% 706 Panda
26th 71% 776 NOD26w

82 :

83 :

84 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 141 Ikarus
4th 93% 176 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 233 AVG
7th 89% 287 Sophos
8th 89% 300 Kaspersky
9th 89% 300 Avast
10th 88% 303 Norman
11th 87% 350 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 388 ClamAV
13th 84% 433 DrWeb
14th 83% 441 VirusBuster
15th 83% 455 Microsoft
16th 82% 473 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 537 F-Prot
18th 80% 545 Rising
19th 79% 557 Fortinet
20th 79% 574 Symantec
21st 78% 592 TheHacker
22nd 75% 661 VBA32
23rd 75% 663 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 692 McAfee
25th 74% 711 Panda
26th 71% 781 NOD26w

85 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 145 Ikarus
4th 93% 178 BitDefender
5th 92% 196 F-Secure
6th 91% 235 AVG
7th 89% 292 Sophos
8th 89% 302 Avast
9th 89% 304 Kaspersky
10th 88% 311 Norman
11th 87% 356 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 393 ClamAV
13th 84% 438 DrWeb
14th 83% 447 VirusBuster
15th 83% 460 Microsoft
16th 82% 480 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 541 F-Prot
18th 80% 548 Rising
19th 79% 560 Fortinet
20th 79% 578 Symantec
21st 78% 602 TheHacker
22nd 75% 668 VBA32
23rd 75% 671 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 700 McAfee
25th 74% 720 Panda
26th 71% 790 NOD26w

86 :


87 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 89 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 149 Ikarus
4th 93% 183 BitDefender
5th 92% 201 F-Secure
6th 91% 240 AVG
7th 89% 301 Sophos
8th 89% 310 Avast
9th 89% 313 Norman
10th 88% 316 Kaspersky
11th 87% 368 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 402 ClamAV
13th 84% 449 DrWeb
14th 84% 454 VirusBuster
15th 83% 464 Microsoft
16th 82% 495 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 549 F-Prot
18th 80% 557 Rising
19th 79% 570 Fortinet
20th 79% 577 Symantec
21st 78% 622 TheHacker
22nd 76% 681 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 682 VBA32
24th 75% 712 McAfee
25th 74% 729 Panda
26th 71% 807 NOD26w

88 :

89 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 91 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 185 BitDefender
5th 92% 202 F-Secure
6th 91% 241 AVG
7th 89% 301 Sophos
8th 89% 312 Avast
9th 89% 313 Norman
10th 88% 323 Kaspersky
11th 87% 369 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 405 ClamAV
13th 84% 450 DrWeb
14th 84% 455 VirusBuster
15th 83% 466 Microsoft
16th 82% 497 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 551 F-Prot
18th 80% 557 Rising
19th 80% 571 Fortinet
20th 79% 576 Symantec
21st 78% 623 TheHacker
22nd 76% 683 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 686 VBA32
24th 75% 713 McAfee
25th 74% 731 Panda
26th 71% 812 NOD26w

90 :

91 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 91 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 204 F-Secure
6th 91% 241 AVG
7th 89% 300 Sophos
8th 89% 311 Norman
9th 89% 313 Avast
10th 88% 326 Kaspersky
11th 87% 370 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 403 ClamAV
13th 84% 449 DrWeb
14th 84% 455 VirusBuster
15th 83% 467 Microsoft
16th 82% 498 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 553 F-Prot
18th 80% 560 Rising
19th 80% 573 Fortinet
20th 80% 576 Symantec
21st 78% 626 TheHacker
22nd 76% 685 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 686 VBA32
24th 75% 713 McAfee
25th 74% 732 Panda
26th 71% 815 NOD26w

92 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 92 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 205 F-Secure
6th 91% 242 AVG
7th 89% 296 Sophos
8th 89% 311 Norman
9th 89% 315 Avast
10th 88% 330 Kaspersky
11th 87% 374 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 403 ClamAV
13th 84% 451 DrWeb
14th 84% 454 VirusBuster
15th 83% 468 Microsoft
16th 82% 501 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 552 F-Prot
18th 80% 564 Rising
19th 80% 573 Fortinet
20th 80% 578 Symantec
21st 78% 630 TheHacker
22nd 76% 688 VBA32
23rd 76% 689 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 715 McAfee
25th 74% 732 Panda
26th 71% 814 NOD26w

93 :
  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡AVG!AVG!

94 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 214 F-Secure
6th 91% 244 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 316 Norman
9th 89% 318 Avast
10th 88% 334 Kaspersky
11th 87% 378 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 408 ClamAV
13th 84% 455 DrWeb
14th 84% 463 VirusBuster
15th 84% 470 Microsoft
16th 82% 512 eTrust-Vet
17th 81% 558 F-Prot
18th 80% 569 Rising
19th 80% 580 Fortinet
20th 80% 584 Symantec
21st 78% 639 TheHacker
22nd 76% 689 VBA32
23rd 76% 691 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 722 McAfee
25th 74% 738 Panda
26th 71% 824 NOD26w

95 :

96 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 153 Ikarus
4th 93% 190 BitDefender
5th 92% 218 F-Secure
6th 91% 246 AVG
7th 89% 308 Sophos
8th 89% 328 Norman
9th 88% 335 Avast
10th 88% 361 Kaspersky
11th 86% 404 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 419 ClamAV
13th 84% 481 VirusBuster
14th 83% 489 Microsoft
15th 83% 489 DrWeb
16th 81% 556 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 580 F-Prot
18th 80% 590 Rising
19th 79% 605 Fortinet
20th 79% 611 Symantec
21st 78% 661 TheHacker
22nd 75% 728 VBA32
23rd 75% 733 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 759 McAfee
25th 73% 785 Panda
26th 71% 872 NOD26w

97 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 157 Ikarus
4th 93% 197 BitDefender
5th 92% 222 F-Secure
6th 91% 248 AVG
7th 89% 328 Sophos
8th 89% 334 Norman
9th 88% 342 Avast
10th 87% 387 Kaspersky
11th 86% 428 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 431 ClamAV
13th 84% 488 VirusBuster
14th 84% 490 Microsoft
15th 83% 509 DrWeb
16th 81% 581 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 591 F-Prot
18th 80% 600 Rising
19th 79% 617 Fortinet
20th 79% 630 Symantec
21st 77% 686 TheHacker
22nd 75% 752 VBA32
23rd 75% 763 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 785 McAfee
25th 73% 821 Panda
26th 70% 900 NOD26w

98 :

99 :
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 165 Ikarus
4th 93% 198 BitDefender
5th 92% 233 F-Secure
6th 92% 250 AVG
7th 89% 344 Sophos
8th 89% 344 Norman
9th 89% 346 Avast
10th 87% 410 Kaspersky
11th 85% 449 ClamAV
12th 85% 454 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 500 Microsoft
14th 84% 502 VirusBuster
15th 83% 532 DrWeb
16th 80% 616 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 617 F-Prot
18th 80% 620 Rising
19th 79% 639 Fortinet
20th 79% 650 Symantec
21st 77% 714 TheHacker
22nd 75% 785 VBA32
23rd 74% 792 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 824 McAfee
25th 72% 859 Panda
26th 70% 933 NOD26w

100read 1read
1read 100read
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
avast!タソと (184)
【中国】キングソフトアンチスパイ2006+【アンチスパイ工作ウェア】 (192)
BugBearスレッド 1 (190)
セキュリティ統合ソフトNorton 360が無償公開 (110)
ネットでクレジットカード使う危険性 (179)
GENOウイルススレ(Gumblar,Martuz,JSRedir-R) ★22 (127)
Matplotlib でグラフプログラミング【Python】 (171)
【関数】Erlang Part 2【エリクソン】 (176)
ファミリーベーシック (138)
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初心者だけどプログラムを勉強していろいろ作りたい (134)
float 使うヤツはドシロートかおぢさん (148)
C++によるDICOMファイル解析 (183)
インデントはタブかホワイトスペースか? (196)
CORBAなら俺に聞け (135)
【GNU】スクリプト言語 Guile【scheme】 (105)
関数呼出しはgoto文である (172)
CG業界はいるには?3 (191)
2Dクリエイター友の会 (642)
【Cintiq】WACOM 液晶ペンタブレット Part10【DT】 (206)
【pixiv】イラリク雑談【募集】12 (125)
TINAMI - Navigator of Manga Artists - 16 (233)
ふしぎの海のナディア part76
新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ ROUND49
†マリア様がみてる soeur.223†
ひぐらしのなく頃に 〜カケラ365個目〜