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2013年08月夢・独り言342: いい加減学習しろよ (145) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
ロバミミアワー (121)
テスト (126)
ただいま培養中15 (668)
鰻重食べたい (146)
いじめられてた10年間をかたっていこうとおもう。 (112)
カサブランカをあなたに! (140)


1 :2011/12/13 〜 最終レス :2013/07/21

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<The latest on Hungary from my Princeton colleague Kim Lane Scheppele, below the fold.>
1行目からよくわからんな。 "the latest"で「最新情報」って感じかな。
"below the fold"は、こちらさんを参考に http://www.mf-seo.com/glossary/?id=499
ついでに http://www.suzukikenichi.com/blog/myths-of-the-page-fold/

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13 :
<Yesterday, the European Commission issued a stern warning to Hungary.
In blunt language, the EU asserted that it “reserves the right to take any steps
that it deems appropriate, namely the possibility of launching infringement procedures”
against Hungary for violating the basic conditions of membership in the European Union. >

・ In blunt language : ぶっきらぼうな言葉で、激しい口調で http://eow.alc.co.jp/blunt+language/UTF-8/
・ blunt : ぶっきらぼうな, そっけない, 率直な 無愛想な 鈍感な, のろい http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/9672/m0u/blunt/

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・assert : …を断言[力説]する, 言い張る / 〈要求・権利などを〉強く主張する, 擁護する http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/4859/m0u/assert/
・deem : (…の)意見をもつ, 思う http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/22361/m0u/deem/
・namely : すなわち, 換言すると http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/56015/m0u/namely/
・infringement : (法律・権利・義務などの)違反,違背(特許権・版権・商標などの)侵害 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/44050/m0u/infringement/
・infringement procedure : 侵害訴訟 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/infringement+procedure

18 :

assert は against と相性がいいみたい。
 duly assert against : 対抗する 対抗力 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/duly+assert+against
 duly : 正式に, 正当に, 適切に, 十分に, しかるべく http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/26203/m0u/duly/

念のため appropriate を見てみたら、他動詞として 「…を私物化する;着服する, 横領する;盗用する」
を意味することもあることを知る http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/3919/m0u/appropriate/

19 :
Bubble Memories
<Hahahaheehee! The Fed transcripts from 2006 show a lot of laughter and an incredible amount of complacency,
with people mainly worried about inflation rather than the coming recession.>

・ complacency : 自己満足から来る安心感 安易なみくびり, ひとりよがり http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/18012/m0u/complacency/
transcripts は「議事録」だな。http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/87801/m0u/transcrip/

20 :

<Brad DeLong digs up a contemporaneous column of mine in which I knew better; here’s more from Mark Thoma.>
・ contemporaneous〈事件など〉(…と)同時(期)に発生した, 同時(代)の 同年輩の(with) http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/18778/m0u/contemporaneous/
here’s の here は、"more from Mark Thoma"に埋め込まれてるハイパーリンク先を指してるんだね。

21 :

<In truth, I did not foresee the scale of the catastrophe; I was thinking mainly of the direct impact
of a housing bust on investment spending, with only a nod to possible effects on consumer demand,
and no sense at all of how fragile the financial system was. But I was a lot closer to understanding
the real risks than, apparently, anyone at the Fed.>

・ bust 破裂;失敗;破産 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/12285/m0u/bust/
・ nod 承諾, 同意;ノミネーション http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/57290/m0u/nod/

22 :

<Two puzzling things: first, the housing bubble was the clearest thing I’ve ever seen in my professional life.
How could they ignore even the possibility of a severe bust?>

・ puzzling 困惑[当感]させる, 不可解な http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/68191/m0u/puzzling/

<Second, some of the same people you read in these transcripts dismissing risks to the real economy and
worrying wrongly about inflation are still making policy pronouncements, in which they … dismiss risks
to the real economy and worry wrongly about inflation.>

・ dismiss 〈人・考えなどを〉(念頭から)追い出す, 捨てる, 忘れてしまう/
       〈提案・意見などを〉(…だと)かたづけてしまう http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/24359/m0u/dismiss/
・ pronouncement (…についての)意見, 公告, 宣言;判決 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/67159/m0u/pronouncement/

23 :
おぼえられない単語、初見の単語で NYT を記事検索して、その単語を含んだ文を貼っておくとかもしよう。

* drab : 淡褐色の / さえない;つまらない, 単調な, おもしろくない. http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/25557/m0u/drab/

<FROM the outside, China often appears to be a highly centralized monolith. Unlike Europe’s cities,
which have been able to preserve a certain identity and cultural distinctiveness despite the homogenizing forces of globalization,
most Chinese cities suffer from a drab uniformity.>

24 :

* tinge : ((a ?))(…の)かすかな味[風味, におい];気味;生かじり(の知識)((of ...)) http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/86583/m0u/tinge/

<This isn’t just a classic meet-cute: as in Smith’s previous novels, “The Comeback Season” and “You Are Here,”
larger family issues simmer beneath the shiny surface of first love, adding emotional heft and a tinge of melancholy
to the arc of teenage romance.>

・ meet-cute : http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/Meet+cute
・ simmer : 〈人が〉(感情で)今にも爆発しそうである((with ...));〈感情が〉くすぶる http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/77507/m0u/simmer/
・ heft : 重量/重要性 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/39764/m0u/heft/
・ arc : アーク、物語の横糸◆シリーズ物のテレビドラマで、1話完結ではなく複数回にまたがる物語。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/arc/UTF-8/?ref=sa
「the arc of ホニャララ」というフレーズがたくさん検索に引っかかるけど、その直訳の「○○の弧」という言い方はあまり日本語に定着してないよね。

25 :

tinge の訳、こっちのほうがいいな。http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/tinge

1 (薄い,または薄く染まった)色合い 〔of〕.  a tinge of red 赤のほんのりとした色合い.
2 〔…〕じみたところ,気味 〔of〕.  a tinge of irony 皮肉めいたところ.

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drizzle : 名詞) 細雨,霧雨,こぬか雨. / 自動詞)[しばしば it を主語として] 細雨が降る. / 他動詞)…を霧雨のように降らす,細かい水滴で湿らす
     http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/drizzle http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/25882/m0u/drizzle/

28 :

Open Science And The Econoblogosphere
<Interesting article in the Times about the push for “open science”, bypassing the traditional structure
of refereed journals in favor of a sort of fluid, self-policing online community. >
「refereed journal」で「査読誌」だろうね。
open science は http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science で。今日はアメリカ版見られないけど。(JavaScriptを切れば見られるとも)

<I can’t and won’t weigh in on this issue with regards to hard science,
but I think there are some interesting parallels with what has been happening in economics.>
・ weigh in on the issue : 〔闘争心を持って・戦う自信にあふれて〕論争に加わる http://eow.alc.co.jp/weigh+in+on+the+issue/UTF-8/
・ weigh in : 〔意見・議論などを持ち出して〕加勢する, 議論[けんか(など)]に加わる 〔with〕 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/weigh+in
・ weigh : http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/93800/m0u/weigh/

<This is also, by the way, a chance for me to maunder on about what it was like when I was younger.
You kids get off my lawn!>
・ maunder : だらだら[とりとめなく]話す〈on〉/ ぶらつく,ぼんやり歩き回る 〈about,along〉http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/maunder
「get off my lawn!」についてはこちらを http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/column/machiyama/2010/10/post-241.ph

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1行目の self-policing は「自己管理」で。

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puddle : 水たまり こね土 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/puddle http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/67743/m0u/puddle/

31 :
ほえ? ニューヨーク・タイムズって、ただで読めるのは月に20記事だけなん?

32 :
PBS NewsShour でリスニングの訓練もいいかも。

33 :
Think different

冒頭の「Here is」は、「〜に乾杯」ってやつだろうね。 Here's to…! http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/Here's+to+!
・ status quo : そのままの状態,現状 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/status+quo
・ vilify : 〈人を〉けなす,中傷する http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/vilify

34 :
きょうは"Time" から。
In Kodak Bankruptcy, Another Casualty of the Digital Revolution
<Rather, Kodak’s demise mirrored that of Blockbuster and Borders, two other giants that saw new, innovative
digital upstarts crowd them out of the marketplace.>

・ demaise : 崩御; 逝去, 死去./ (企業などの)消滅,活動停止. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/demise
crowd と言ったら、何かの中に押しこむ感じに理解してたけど、
crow … out of で、「…から〈…を〉押し出す, 締め出す」になるんだ。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/crowd+out+of

35 :
上の最後んとこ、crwod …out of ね。

<The company said it has received a $950 million line of credit from Citigroup while it reorganizes its business
with a view toward emerging from bankruptcy in 2013.>

line of credit 顧客が許される最大貸付金額 融資限度,信用供与限度,信用限度 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/line+of+credit

<Decades ago, Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film ? and in fact,
Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 ? but in a fateful decision, the company chose put its new discovery
on the backburner to focus on its legacy film business.>

back burner : (ガスオーブンなどの)後列のバーナー/ あとまわし,二の次. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/backburner

<It wasn’t that Kodak was oblivious to the future, Henderson said, but rather that it failed to execute
on a strategy to confront it.>

oblivious : 〔…を〕忘れて 〔of〕.(何かに没頭して)〔…に〕気づかないで 〔of,to〕. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/oblivious

36 :

途中でまた complacency=complacence が出てきたね。 
研究者の辞書の訳だと →  自己満足; ひとりよがり http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/complacence

37 :
State of the Union 2012: President Obama's Full Speech

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>>45 おおー同じく!あと発電機欲しい!

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失敗。これだよこれ http://item.rakuten.co.jp/kokkaen/s8181/ >>46

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じゃあ、>>37をちょっとずつ読むか。 動画もある。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgfi7wnGZlE

<As Prepared for Delivery ― Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress,
distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:>

"As Prepared for Delivery"は、「演説原稿より」という感じ?

<Last month, I went to Andrews Air Force Base and welcomed home some of our last troops to serve in Iraq.
Together, we offered a final, proud salute to the colors under which more than a million of our fellow citizens fought
― and several thousand gave their lives. We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made
the United States safer and more respected around the world. For the first time in nine years,
there are no Americans fighting in Iraq. For the first time in two decades, Osama bin Laden is not a threat
to this country. Most of al Qaeda's top lieutenants have been defeated. The Taliban's momentum has been broken,
and some troops in Afghanistan have begun to come home.>

・colors : 国籍を示す旗,国旗 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/colors
・lieutenant : 上官代理,副官 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/lieutenant

56 :

<These achievements are a testament to the courage, selflessness, and teamwork of America's Armed Forces.
At a time when too many of our institutions have let us down, they exceed all expectations.
They're not consumed with personal ambition. They don't obsess over their differences. They focus on the mission at hand.
They work together. Imagine what we could accomplish if we followed their example.
Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people.
An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs. A future where we're
in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity aren't so tied to unstable parts of the world.
An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded.>

・testament : 証左,あかし. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/testament
"institutions" は何を指すんだろ。公的組織一般だろうか。
"be consumed with" で 「〜に熱中する」とか「駆られる」とか、気持ちや感情がある対象に囚われてる状態を表すらしい。
  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=consumed+with&ref=sa http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/consume
それと同じ意味の言い換えが "obsess" http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/obsess だろうね。
"pays off" と "is rewarded" も、報われるという意味の言い換えだね。
"built to last" は永続できるようになってるという感じかね。

57 :
<We can do this. I know we can, because we've done it before. At the end of World War II,
when another generation of heroes returned home from combat, they built the strongest economy and middle class
the world has ever known. My grandfather, a veteran of Patton's Army, got the chance to go to college on the GI Bill.
My grandmother, who worked on a bomber assembly line, was part of a workforce that turned out the best products on Earth.
The two of them shared the optimism of a Nation that had triumphed over a depression and fascism.
They understood they were part of something larger; that they were contributing to a story of success
that every American had a chance to share ― the basic American promise that if you worked hard,
you could do well enough to raise a family, own a home, send your kids to college, and put a little away for retirement.>

・GI Bill : 復員軍人援護法 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/GI+Bill
・do well : うまくいく, 成功する http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/do+well
"do well"は「(〜するのは)もっともである」という意味の場合もあるね。http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/93862/m0u/do+well/
・put away : 〈金を〉(将来のために)取っておく, 蓄える http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/put+away
"put a little money away"で「少し貯金する」 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=put+a+little+money+away

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>>51 興味深いけど、やってるうちにお腹空いて非常食食べてしまいそうな…w

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<The defining issue of our time is how to keep that promise alive. No challenge is more urgent.
No debate is more important. We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well,
while a growing number of Americans barely get by. Or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot,
everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. What's at stake are not Democratic values
or Republican values, but American values. We have to reclaim them.>

・defining : 決定的な、特徴付ける http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=defining&ref=sa
・settle for : 〔…の分の〕勘定を済ます〔不満足なものに〕同意する,〔…で〕よいとする,手を打つ
・get by : 〔…で〕何とかやっていく[切り抜ける] 〔on, with〕 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/get+by
"fair shot" の部分は http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1480223569 で。ヤフー知恵袋だけど、大丈夫そう。
"set of rules"は、このひとまとまりでよく使われてる。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=set+of+rules
・at stake : 賭けられて; 危うくなって, 問題となって http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/at+stake

63 :
間違えた。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgfi7wnGZlE#t=4m33s

64 :
<Let's remember how we got here. Long before the recession, jobs and manufacturing began leaving our shores.
Technology made businesses more efficient, but also made some jobs obsolete. Folks at the top saw their incomes rise
like never before, but most hardworking Americans struggled with costs that were growing, paychecks that weren't,
and personal debt that kept piling up.>

<In 2008, the house of cards collapsed. We learned that mortgages had been sold to people who couldn't afford or
understand them. Banks had made huge bets and bonuses with other people's money. Regulators had looked the other way,
or didn't have the authority to stop the bad behavior.>

・house of cards : 不安定な[危なっかしい]計画 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/house+of+cards
・regulator : (行政)監督官,規制者,監督機関 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/regulator

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上の"house of cards"は、「砂上の楼閣」のほうがしっくりするね。http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=house+of+cards

66 :
<It was wrong. It was irresponsible. And it plunged our economy into a crisis that put millions out of work,
saddled us with more debt, and left innocent, hard-working Americans holding the bag.
In the six months before I took office, we lost nearly four million jobs. And we lost another four million
before our policies were in full effect.>

・saddle : 〔責任・負担などを〕負わせる 〔with〕,〈責任・負担などを〉負わせる 〔on,upon〕 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/saddle
・left holding the bag : 《be 〜》〈米〉全責任を取らされる、貧乏くじを引く、罪を着せられる http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=left+holding+the+bag
・take office : 職、任務、または位に就く http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/take+office

<Those are the facts. But so are these. In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs.
Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005. American manufacturers are hiring again, creating jobs
for the first time since the late 1990s. Together, we've agreed to cut the deficit by more than $2 trillion.
And we've put in place new rules to hold Wall Street accountable, so a crisis like that never happens again.>

"But so are these"の"these"は、その後に述べることを指すんだね。
・put in place : 〜を導入する・整備する http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=put+in+place
・hold 〜 accountable : 〜に責任を課す http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=hold+accountable 

67 :
<The state of our Union is getting stronger. And we've come too far to turn back now.
As long as I'm President, I will work with anyone in this chamber to build on this momentum.
But I intend to fight obstruction with action, and I will oppose any effort to return to the very same policies
that brought on this economic crisis in the first place.>

・chamber [the chamber] (立法・司法機関の)会議場; 議院,議会. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/chamber
・build on the momentum 勢いに乗るhttp://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=build+on+the+momentum

<No, we will not go back to an economy weakened by outsourcing, bad debt, and phony financial profits.
Tonight, I want to speak about how we move forward, and lay out a blueprint for an economy that's built to
last ― an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers,
and a renewal of American values. This blueprint begins with American manufacturing.>

・lay out : 設計する, レイアウトする、.詳細な計画または企画を提供する http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/lay+out

68 :

69 :
<On the day I took office, our auto industry was on the verge of collapse. Some even said we should let it die.
With a million jobs at stake, I refused to let that happen. In exchange for help, we demanded responsibility.
We got workers and automakers to settle their differences. We got the industry to retool and restructure.
Today, General Motors is back on top as the world's number one automaker. Chrysler has grown faster in the U.S.
than any major car company. Ford is investing billions in U.S. plants and factories. And together,
the entire industry added nearly 160,000 jobs.>
retool : …を改組[再編]する http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/71131/m0u/retool/

<We bet on American workers. We bet on American ingenuity. And tonight, the American auto industry is back.>
<What's happening in Detroit can happen in other industries. It can happen in Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Raleigh.
We can't bring back every job that's left our shores. But right now, it's getting more expensive to do business
in places like China. Meanwhile, America is more productive. A few weeks ago, the CEO of Master Lock told me
that it now makes business sense for him to bring jobs back home. Today, for the first time in fifteen years,
Master Lock's unionized plant in Milwaukee is running at full capacity.>
・it makes business sense to : 〜することがビジネスとして[経営上]理にかなう[賢明である]

70 :

make good business sense : ビジネスとしてうまくいく[成り立つ] 
make no business sense : 採算が合わない

71 :
<So we have a huge opportunity, at this moment, to bring manufacturing back. But we have to seize it.
Tonight, my message to business leaders is simple: Ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to your country,
and your country will do everything we can to help you succeed.>

<We should start with our tax code. Right now, companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas.
Meanwhile, companies that choose to stay in America get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world.
It makes no sense, and everyone knows it. So let's change it. First, if you're a business that wants to outsource jobs,
you shouldn't get a tax deduction for doing it. That money should be used to cover moving expenses for companies
like Master Lock that decide to bring jobs home.>

・tax code : 税法 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=tax+code
・tax break : 税(額)控除、減税、優遇税制措置、節税策、租税回避 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=tax+break
・get hit with : 〜をふっかけられる、〜で打撃を受ける、〜でぶたれる http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=get+hit+with

72 :
<Second, no American company should be able to avoid paying its fair share of taxes by moving jobs and profits overseas.
From now on, every multinational company should have to pay a basic minimum tax. And every penny should go towards
lowering taxes for companies that choose to stay here and hire here.>

<Third, if you're an American manufacturer, you should get a bigger tax cut. If you're a high-tech manufacturer,
we should double the tax deduction you get for making products here. And if you want to relocate in a community
that was hit hard when a factory left town, you should get help financing a new plant, equipment, or training for
new workers. My message is simple. It's time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start
rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America. Send me these tax reforms, and I'll sign them right away.>


73 :

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76 :
<We're also making it easier for American businesses to sell products all over the world. Two years ago,
I set a goal of doubling U.S. exports over five years. With the bipartisan trade agreements I signed into law,
we are on track to meet that goal ― ahead of schedule. Soon, there will be millions of new customers for American goods
in Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. Soon, there will be new cars on the streets of Seoul imported from Detroit,
and Toledo, and Chicago.>

・ bipartisan : 二党の,二派の, 超党派の http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/bipartisan

<I will go anywhere in the world to open new markets for American products. And I will not stand by when
our competitors don't play by the rules. We've brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate
as the last administration ― and it's made a difference. Over a thousand Americans are working today
because we stopped a surge in Chinese tires. But we need to do more. It's not right when another country
lets our movies, music, and software be pirated. It's not fair when foreign manufacturers have a leg up
on ours only because they're heavily subsidized.>

・have a leg up : 優位に立っている http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=have+a+leg+up
・subsidize : 〈…に〉助成[補助,奨励]金を支給する http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/subsidize

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<Tonight, I'm announcing the creation of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will be charged with investigating
unfair trade practices in countries like China. There will be more inspections to prevent counterfeit or
unsafe goods from crossing our borders. And this Congress should make sure that no foreign company has an advantage
over American manufacturing when it comes to accessing finance or new markets like Russia. Our workers are the most
productive on Earth, and if the playing field is level, I promise you - America will always win.>

・be charged with : 〈任務・義務などを〉・負う http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/be+charged+with
・investigate, inspect :「調査する; inspect, investigate, reserch, survey どれだ?」http://je.at.webry.info/201204/article_1.html
・counterfeit : 偽造の,にせの; 模造の,まがいの / 偽りの,虚偽の http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/counterfeit

<I also hear from many business leaders who want to hire in the United States but can't find workers with the
right skills. Growing industries in science and technology have twice as many openings as we have workers
who can do the job. Think about that - openings at a time when millions of Americans are looking for work.>

<That's inexcusable. And we know how to fix it.>
・inexcusable : 言い訳の立たない,許しがたい http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/inexcusable

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Nasato ?@nasato_pikapi

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くまきち(諦めたらBOTと化した先輩) ?@kumakiti2ch

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