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2013年17皇室・王侯貴族4: 元皇族・黒田清子さんについて語る7 (608) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
【超A級戦犯】昭和天皇の戦争責任1【公開処刑】 (473)
天皇は世界遺産 (284)
皇室の京都移転の可能性を考える (115)
【オカ板未満】皇太子夫妻にまつわるオカっぽい話4 (181)
君主・皇室・王室・貴族板自治スレッド 3 (103)
廣谷脱走兵が天皇陛下をだましていた件について (118)


1 :2013/07/12 〜 最終レス :2013/09/07

2 :

3 :

4 :
43 :こんなのみつけた:2010/12/22(水) 14:50:09 ID:AL/vInkG
465 名前: 可愛い奥様 [sage] 投稿日: 2007/07/12(木) 21:51:40 ID:ARqtdoMc0

5 :
44 :こんなのみつけた:2010/12/22(水) 14:50:59 ID:AL/vInkG
485 名前: 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日: 2008/09/16(火) 12:56:43
みんな大学に入ったらおしゃれになっていったのに、さ ー や だ け 、高校時代の延長で4年間を過ごしてしまったとか。

6 :
皇后への道は前途多難? 不安視される雅子さまの皇室外交〈週刊朝日〉
dot. 6月26日(水)11時45分配信

※週刊朝日 2013年7月5日号

7 :
皇后への道は前途多難? 不安視される雅子さまの皇室外交〈週刊朝日〉

8 :
750 :名無しさま:2011/04/27(水) 13:29:11.67 ID:3duils78

9 :
the movie, "ルーピン",
the film was shot from 卑弥呼さま's magic power, the film background the same with her in her era in Japan.
Ever, the capital only lived Chinese-Japanese people, about the other areas where lived Japaneses or Koreans,
and the politicians in capital were all Chinese, also the Chinese farmer villages there.
卑弥呼さま's father was a Chinese, Her Lord's brother was Her son, looked more like Korean, and Her Lord was Japanese-Korean.
and this film was Her Lord's story. then 卑弥呼さま wanna expressed Her Lord's moods that
"at first, all of Tokyo people from the other area farm villyou again.ages like Her Lord, but you didn't treat them well, on the contrary,
you treated them the same with those Koreans or Chineses, so, other people wanna replace "

10 :
the others, don't ask me for solution or what,
it costs your life and blood.

11 :
I'm already dead,
if you ask me any question, the rule is that you must lose your health, wealth, and blood.
even the make wish to you, I only know that the accident'd take your lives.

12 :
if you make wish to a dead ghost or ask ghost a question, that you must lose your blood or your families.
and I'm already dead, the same with the dead ghost. you must obey this rule of hell.
the dead means, the person, she or his spirit already stay at hell for a while.
or you make wish or ask some 地縛霊, to see what gonna happen.
because I only be friend with霊

13 :
about, "how to defeat China? please save Japan"
the well-known of Japan various social problems and its followed cruses for those problems,
stemmed from the late 900s years ago or longer, actually it got some reasons, 卑弥呼さま discussed with some of ministers at night in Her era,
she knew that they must cooperate with Korea, the same situation with them, or worse.
then, she knew what to do, "as long as Japan owns the countless cruses can't be solved, from the thousand year pains and sorrows, then, China took it,
they must own the same countless cruses until they're all done,",
p.s. or you can ask your friend questions or make a wish to them, see if you'd automatically pay the cost, like the health or the leg.

14 :
about, "what gonna happen on China and Taiwan"
Japan and Korea learned 呪殺術 from 台湾国, the sequence would be Taiwan then China,
also because they're the endpoints in the race relationship tree, if they cut the ancient father or grandfather points,
the same things should happen on their children points and endpoints.
and, 台湾国andChina did be burned over by the 呪殺術 they owned at beginning.......

15 :
about, "who treated that to Sayako_sama when Sayako_sama was little"
the moonlight goddess answered that, "because you ever marked the date and location on some little girls' backs,
some of they were raped, your behaviors was hated by their families, that why you're Rual cruel attacked by those men,
why Sayako_sama did these to those little girls classmates? it's Queen's teachings to Sayako_sama,",
don't hit me again, or I don't save your life for moonlight goddess's orders.

16 :
I'm serious, you must ONLY do the right things, not to hurt others! or you can't live in any country!
even you went to Germany, still been attacked for these reasons above by those drunks,
when you're in the foreign countries, please be aware, conscious, harmless. another chance, don't mess it up!
my mental parents are all of the school teachers, only do the right things, obeying the laws.

17 :
Taipei will also happen massacre, the same time with Tokyo around
and let me teach you again! if you did the wrong things, much enough, then your fates will be changed,
because I recalled that Big Mama ever told you that, your dark fates could be avoided, if you made the right choices.

18 :
but, I thought that "mark some problem information on little girls' backs,",
it should be Queen's problems, not herself, if you're 10 or 9 ages,
how could you tell your mother's right or wrong? especially when she's always wrong like that,
she said that to childhood Sayako_sama, "if you're my kid, go to do these to them,",

19 :

20 :
ohoh.... don't cry, the cream really bad.... like the standard step-mother,
okay... tell you the story of mine,
when I was 6 ages, I was kicked by my classmate, and she told others that,
"I heard that her mother let others be eaten,"
when I started to do the part-time job in Motorola while being a student,
other colleagues hit me and told others that, "her mother let others be eaten, but I can't sure"
then, my 3 promotion chances were stolen, 1 for staff engineer, 2 for supervisors, all gone.
amount of people hit me and said that, "because you have that kind of mother....... she deserved it!"

21 :
but, they'd stolen these, it's meaningless to cry for splitted milk,
alright.................. let's get ready to go oversea travel and life,
because we've all paid the price, except the Queen and her crowds, not the Tokyo people, right?
she called a 9 ages kid to draw with her power, then, she knew that you're punished, and she said that,
"after all, she belongs to Tokyo people, not my real kids, mean nothing to me,",
let's talk others.... do you know the maps and the guns with your journey?

22 :

23 :
Sayako_sama is not my mama...........

ohoh.... I heard that all of Japan TV games were saved in super nentendo tapes,

24 :
!=ちょんこよ 日本語が出来ないなら来るな それはさておき

25 :
oh....about 東北津波,
I heard that some people chopped my spirit's neck, then the brand fallen into the ground, disappeared.
but still some brands are hanged, where hanged brands stand for the historical sealed cruses.
just don't know how they saw it, and how they unsealed it.
but I didn't know who unsealed them, just can't see these in that time,
and all are told from the witness ghosts.

26 :
I also heard that I had two of chances to be your child,
another chance of timing would be at your 20s ages,

27 :
of course not your current husband,
he looks like wear the traditional dress for wedding, dark blue dress,
and 先霊 said that you'll be lifetime平穏, if you didn't do that to others.

28 :
hmm......... about colleagues and classmates hit me and stole my grades ranks, and my promotions,
also somethings separately occurred on themselves, around 50 people hit 1, or 120 people hit 1,
for example, he hit me for stealing my promotion, then his wife all gave birth of daughters,

29 :
some of them, their only daughter occurred leg broken,
or their only son suddenly got the brain cancer at 3 ages,
or, they suddenly found that their wives or husbands were broken,
so, please don't give them back, I trust it the tests from 先霊,
then I also heard that everyone who stole my merits, must got lifetime 霊打.

30 :
"I'd rather burn this island to let my descendants alive,",

31 :
"don't give them back on yourself, others'd do these for you,",

32 :
sounds like that you're really not my mother...... sorry for that fault,
I can only go to one of ancestor's tomb to call her mother,
others told me that, everyone with his couple could compound to your face, 2 of them were died, not yours.

33 :

34 :

35 :

36 :
mama, I wanna live, please don't bring me to commit suicides,

37 :
ohoh... I can live in this island.....
Taiwanese all thought that I was one of Taipei celebrities' private daughter,

38 :
mommy, I love you, I love youvery much

39 :
the story goes on,
people around me found that I look like the next generation's looking,
the conclusion was that maybe the love liar with the senior high school girl their child,
because they ever found that many of love liars had babies in senior high school edge,
but they often disconnected when they knew the girls to be mothers,
on the contrary, the boys here rarely do evils to the girls, or the criminal records could cut their jobs forever.
here job hunters need to check yourself criminal records, if ever the past was not clean enough, that might lose the job opportunities 15-25 years, or longer.
of course that's right to the women safety.
why love liars .......... after the R, they left.

40 :
oh...... it's closer impossible for me to born under a R crime,
why? if the babies born under the R crimes, mostly are mixed faces, or irregular asymmetry lookings, always horrible.
for example, usually the 2 or 3 faces overlapped on their child's face,
or, right eye and left eye are crooked and asymmetry, nose not in the center, or the head not circle but irregular.
here the women under violence would probably take the abortion operations, it's one of laws.
because we don't fight with China, we don't need so many of children.

41 :
although we thought that even Japan need to fight with China,
the women under violence still need not those R criminal's children.
about the invasion war against China, we intend to drawback all Taiwanese to Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, or USA, started from the last year, ...
drawback all people until China definitely declare the war to us...
now nearly 25 people in an elementary classroom, ever 60 people in a classroom in 1970s in Taiwan.
we're struggling to minus the newborn numbers, and immigrate to the neighborhood or favorites countries.

42 :

43 :
mama, I found that some of TV games could be found in the Android market,
go download it, it free now!
no PSP, I found that you can play these games with a USB controller, the same as the PS2 controller.

44 :
someone said that all of PS3 games can be played through PSP,
but PSP could be replaced by another emulator like android platform, the same Linux-Java platform,
only like God of War series of act games, with epic and delicate animations,

45 :
the multi-core based host cost more for running Java engine smoothly

46 :
but I already got the oral offers from a Thailand Company, and an USA branch company.

47 :
mama, I need to apply the immigration out of Taiwan,
so I'd to work for your grandson, before I take 1 year break for my pregnant vacation.
......mmmm, I heard that my husband'd only live to his 43 ages, maybe a little bit of short.
and my son he was already born as the spirit grew up, so his ages around 1.6 ages,
after his deemed death curse at his 2 ages, then, xianchang and I willgo back the former family time.

48 :
mama don't cry.....

49 :
dear Sayako_sama,
the 先霊 told me to transfer this for you that,
"you can keep this film forever, because our ancestor is the little sister in this film,
and she'd bring to through all of families curses safely"

50 :
"ルピナス", 1989,
we can download this film in the above website,
1. click the right side orange color button to download the exe,
FunshionInstall_C1024.exe , 6720 KB (check if stop while downloading, the half *.exe we can't install it properly)
2. install FunshionInstall_C1024.exe (should be full of english interface, even some of rich Chinese they passed the code to immigrate overseas out of China)
step: next -> accept -> install, un-click the "get hot online games and best stuff!" -> Finish
3. jump to the website: http://www.funshion.com/subject/9081/
click the green color button, it'll download this movie in D:\FunshionMedia
P.S. if it jump the black reminds, just click its underlined words in the last line of its black reminds,
it'll redirect to another webpage, click the first line of blue color words, click sure, then click the original webpage's green button again,
then it jump out a question window, click the left button, "launch the application", the movie will start to show on the screen,
and automatically download this movie in D:\FunshionMedia for you

51 :
dear Sayako_sama,
am I worthy to be trust?
okay.... when I saw the tape in detail, I felt the something wrong for both of us!
your husband like the little brother in this film, and you like the little sister in this film,
PLEASE be careful of your HUSBAND'S FATHER! why your husband's mother asked you move out of their house?
because your husband is not his father's real son, and the little couple in this film, the father poisoned this son to death,
why he poisoned this son? for his sister... did you see anything?
escape your husband's father, be careful of him!

52 :
"ルピナス", 1989,
in the last stage of this film, the little brother painted a scenario from his brain for the green tea tree worms,
which bite the green tea leafs, and I saw a scene in those rapists their brains that,
your husband's father stand for the left green tea worm, and your father stands for the left green tea worm, that
the left tea worm only eat you, and the right tea worm will only eat your brother's wife,
I recalled this stage that, "you must own lots of ghost wives to help you passing this stages,",
"don't go back to your husband's old house if possible, because your husband's father could only succeed at his old house, other place couldn't make work",

53 :
dear mommy,
I recalled that one day you have to suddenly live in the hotels for 3 or 7 times, and check out before the dawn,
then, no one would do anything to you, only the the hint from your husband's father.
then, you got to vow to be the one day of temple's main magician, for 3 temples,
for few times of night driving,

54 :

55 :
then I reclled that you got to marry the 8 ghost wives to protect you forever, like your kuroda san.
your kuroda san supposed to be a female spirit of magician, she'll do the死呪血呪 BEFORE HIS DEATH TO CUT HIS ENEMIES FAR AWAY FROM YOU,

56 :
oh, the little sister in "ルピナス" knew these answers,
and I don't know other people's answers of problems,
you must watch this old video tape to see the answers behind,
everyone should see the different answers for himself.
and, please said that, "mama, where are you,",
then your husband's mother will stop her severe teachings oo you
could you please go to Kyoto for finding your relatives? they'll fight for you,
because my fates mirror to you, so I tell you my past walkthroughs,

57 :
your husband's father, "he's no wife, and no son,",
like the little brother's father in "ルピナス",
"for eating, he killed one,",
he'll kill your husband for his block, and your husband had heard of their powerful,
so he tried to have the backup for himself, and your husband probably rubbed the wrong way with his brother,
be careful of his brother's revenge, the same as me.
can you remember his old house's neighbors' faces?
watch out of these faces, including his father,
then, his father will try to eat you for many of years,

58 :
dear mama,
I recalled that you can find the relatives in Kyoto and Oosaka,
also in the Tokyo city, and Shiaba, they can defeat your husband's father, and his friends,

59 :
also include Nagoya, mama could find relativto help you,
and, I recalled that you need to turn on the white light at night for sometimes, to resist the black magics attacks to you,
sometime you need to open the room door to let the ghosts into protect you at night,
and mama's ghost wives must be 貞子, and the historical famous female ghosts, like the 花子,
or the mad maid jumped into 井 for the severe abuses, and must be 同命格 with you, like 彭婉如.
or the 如月eki....
these呪魂'd protect you in your whole life

60 :
dear aunttie,
I was trapped in an old apartments in Taipei county for decades or more,
some of Chinese celebrities knew this, and they'd watched me for years,
but, I'd always be friends with them, so they seemed like intended to let me immigrate out of here with them,
some of leader-level Chinese were told to stay me here await for southern alliance army to be executed by them,

61 :
they wanna me transfer this for you, "we're ALL中部人"

62 :
some Taiwanese owned the magics can break Japan onion-style protections for Japan and Korea, this is deadly critical.
current status like you're insides the 五重丸, Taiwanese're about to break these through.
how they did it? they just made use of Japan internal confronts.
they knew that some Japanese women left the babies on Taiwan streets, after they were killed,
the Taiwanese found some of Chinese-Japanese-USA-Indonesian mixed with children, telling them that they're the left Japanese babies,
and tell them to threaten the older Japanese for orders or others like that,
some of older Japanese thought they had private sons or daughters through the customers' requests, or military protects requests,
they're not alive indeed,

63 :
then step by step walk through this maze, ............
the only solution to resolve this maze, you can pretend to be their countrymen, and always said that,
"国民党軍 were from 日軍, 蒋介石 took this mission when he studied in Japan,", then China'd took Taiwan down for his fool.
"Taiwanese love Japan travelling, for they're indeed Japanese,",
why? because all of Taiwanese tourists were sent from 国民党 to collect your information, in the meanwhile,
they had a magic to read some information from people's brains and eyes, they called it "stealing",
also, why they can spoke some correct words to let you feel he/she is the missing kids? they stole the answers from your brains,

64 :

65 :
about the line, "but, I'd always be friends with them, so they seemed like intended to let me immigrate out of here with them,"
before式神out, I thought that everyone in Taiwan island is friend, so I did own great deal of friends, so did Kim, from a 国民党軍 family,
and he was sent to trace my daily from a 国民党 general, but after he had some conflicts with other people, while I did nothing to him,
then, he sighed, and told me all of the process besides, "when your spirit out, you'd recall these conversation from me, ...., "
"I was sent from KMT, and all of your work and company were decided by us, although you did work hard, but you don't know it!"

66 :
it's Kim to decide to tell me these and said that,
"I can't sure that you're the missing princess or not, but at least I thought you're one of similar looking people was picked to pretend their princess,
so I decide to let you run away from now,",
"to them, you're one of hostages to threaten Japanese merchants or usual citizens for something good to us, they said you useful,",
but, I recalled that I was died in amount of men attacks,
2 women brought me into a room, then I drank the milk, lots of men rushed in, I put down the milk bottle besides me,
......... then I heard a voice from a woman, "you can only extract your soul to alleviate your pains,"
then, the woman brought me to a windows outsides, and she said that, "the little girl gonna die later,", soon, her mother kicked her from the bed,
then the woman said that, "go", then I found that I was in that little girl, and tell them not to hit me, it hurt! the stood daddy frightened, "she can speak now"...

67 :
would it be fast in writing? but I often speak slowly ...
and, why Sayako_sama'd kill me for reputation?
come on! it doesn't need to take a life for so-called reputation,
why your friends or relatives they kidding you that they don't be died, but I got to be died?

68 :
ohoh, did you know China social criminal rates out of control?
yesterday Oinari_sama talked about this, now you wrote the word "China", and you'll see the "junk dumps with criminals" under that word,
so, if possible, not to go travel China or be local employee there,
and we guessed that "your husband's father he probably a Chinese, or we won't face this fate,"
"he can only commit criminal successful in his house, so, Chinese only could commit crimie successfully in China (commit crimes to us)"

69 :
follows, so, if we not go to China, we won't be committed crimes by Chinese.
dear sister,
Had you ever heard about the gossip of 2 missing princesses,
OInari_sama said that, ever 2 of princesses disappeared, then, the palace found 2 of princesses to replace of the formers,
but, the 2 of disappeared little girls were believed to be killed in Nagoya..............

70 :
and they're believed to look like 2 of little 雅子妃

71 :
your husband's spirit attached behind my husband,

72 :
can I be more honest?
why you marry this shit? the face look like the his mother fuck with 20 people to so bitch's boy face!
yeah! he must go 20 or 30 fathers! mixed germs to be your kuroda san!

73 :
黒田慶樹 雑種犬

74 :
did you ever hear that,
"Japan 公務員 often had sons or daughters in their colleagues families,",
why you marry a dog germs-like person?

75 :
why not choose the 武士 or the military family?
and I got to warn you that, I heard of his bad behaviors, like his dog face!
if you don't leave this man, you can't leave this city safely. sounds like he ate some Tokyo women, and marry you for your protection.

76 :
I was found by the ghost, to persuade you to leave your husband!
no leave will be okay, you just die in his enemies's hands, including his colleagues, and the people he fooled,
and I don't wanna take too much time on this! "you must let her leave her husband to save her life,", the request I heard.
so much for this information, and I can't make sure it true or false,
up to you, after these information from gossips, and I don't like to do so what of breaking their marriage, because I have no interests to know you and your new husband.

77 :
I heard that, "other counties people who were pushed to have R with their boss, your husband help their boss to eat!"

78 :
you can sell it to the street pet shop, or how about the stray puppy for itself?

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79 :
oirawa, atamanikiteiru nande 2ch/ni eibunganarabunoda SOS SOS SOS

80 :
"please give 東北 enough import rices and vegetables,",
he's a gay dog, because only thought he's a Chinese

81 :
about the second line in the last message,
few days ago, I only saw that, his colleagues answered the phones, then asked him that if those pity girls could be eaten or not?
and this gay dog told others that, "he can be eaten,", in other words, he did the wrong things at his position

82 :
about 東北TSUNAMI,
my colleagues told me that, they saw a name card on my neck written "東北TSUNAMI"
THEN,some people yelled to cut my nexk to release this disaster,
then one of my spirit died, and open another death crisis for海事

83 :
I read the messages from girls by sequential,
"please come to Kyoto for once",
"please come to Osaka for once,",
"please come to Tokyo for once,",
okay I'll go, but it maybe set on the next year or later,
because the European friends asked me to visit their countries for visit,
on the next year of autumn or winter.

84 :
oh..... so far, she didn't know it at all. even she suffered the violence or abuses, all because her husband only thought he's a Chinese, loyal to China.
Sayako_sama didn't know her husband's behaviors, some cruses for her,
and she's busy at others, like the directions predicts for the enterprises,
no one can be good at all of magics, so, it's normal.
like that, she did the business kinds of developments, and others should do the social for her,
it's too busy for one person to do all.
I'll be Tokyo after 2 days, after this visit, I'll be at Holland for some Moroccans' disputes in Taiwan, and in Greek for the connection purpose.
some of people might hear of that China against us, the half-circle boundary countries are suffering the problems of Chinese-alike races,
of course many of that type of people, who always thought they're Chinese in Taiwan,
the same in the east-southern asia, or in Russia, or in Europe.

85 :
the purpose for Europe visits, we're trying to draw our people side by side against Chinese-alike race,
so I must attend this invisible conference of gathering, that's also Japan's goal for hundreds years, right?
the Chinese-alike races also destroyed Taiwan for their own benefits, same as other countries, they live in foreigners identities in our countries.
we're trying to find some solutions for our own, let them feel like us, or let them know the cruelty of China?
at first, we wanna be ready to China, on the other side, China attacks always, it just can't stop attacks on our countries.
about the half-circle boundary of front line, we're thinking of the synchronization, mutuality, and consistency of the alliance troops.
in one word, your social problems some stemmed from Chinese-alike races, or you all probably still live the 1980s lifestyles.
why they stole other's children? Chinese stole some of theirs, so they stole yours.
why your economy suddenly like a fallen kite? much from the investments in China, the revenue more than the loss, in the other words, they burned money in China.
why the social mechanism at the risk level? because Japan need soldiers, that gave the criminals minor punishments or none on them. that why they did more and more on the normal citizens,
.............. etc, hard to describe!
and we're thinking of the interlock nuclear explosions, if the Chinese PLA army sneaked into Taiwan island and occupied it again.
about Sayako_sama, because her式神 can't be released, it's not surprised to find that she need all help. please give her a hand, if possible.

86 :

87 :
日本人とは何か 大陸の食人習慣にさよならをした雑種である

88 :
"Sayako_sama is my auntti's friend,",

89 :
dear Sayako_sama,
some of citizens thought you're公務員 in their heart, so many of them expect you help them when they're helpless.
if they feel it embarrassed to mention about.... they intend to do the same thing to you, or copy the same environment to you,
and expect you could solve these confusing puzzles.
if you often chat with the nearby women, that they can tell you their life annoyed topics, and they won't duplicate the same issue to you again...

90 :

dear auntti, here are some messages from your countrymen in Ise,
"what's wrong with the東北人女性in our streets or lanes, in the noon or morning?"
they said that, they wanna marry you for that these problems could be solved on your position....
"please don't marry this kind of man again,",
"what's wrong with that?", she means, that equals he did to the victims.
"I can't stand more,", he means that why they can do so many out of privileges ,
"why she can stand a gay man like a husky?" said from your old classmate,
dear auntti,
and USA troops are discussing the topic that
should they attend this war with Japan or not, because one day they'll be under attacks as Japan,
and they can't tell the difference of appearances from Japanese to Chinese, they ever been transferred the information to China by a Japanese man,
the most clear so far, they afraid that if they help Japan, Korea and China will be with the same line against USA.
so they hesitate at being firemen to Asia wars............ also USA military resources close to exhausted at the wars against Iraq or Lebanon,
of course, USA had their own magicians groups, mainly from their magicians warnings, the Vampire of people alike, stronger than us.

91 :
some of Japanese always be loyal to China,
they suddenly called a lots of people lip my eyes, let my eyes hurt,
the USA problem I'll tell it not so fast.

92 :
about the topic of USA alliance troops,
actually it was come up by both of USA and JPN at the beginning,
but it was resolved by China series strategies from around 15 years ago,
China did lots on JPN to make USA gradually lose the coverage on JPN,
in the end, China will attack JPN, when China find the weak status of JPN in the history.
China's strategies like these, at first, USA covered JPN's safety, and China knew this, so China used some strategies to make middle-east countries fought USA, 911.
after some of years, USA consumed plenty of soldier tolls, TNT bombs, and missiles, including the re-built construction fees, and society-restored manpower mainly for Lebanon and Iraq,
also the Kuwait war in 1980s, then soon China moved to JPN, nearly wartime, right? she's good memory.
so, JPN's intimate USA partner now is still slightly recovering their military power, then, China came to our face again............
even your USA partner wanna save you, he's still trapped by the middle-east countries and Egypt problems, China saw JPN seem like alone theirselves.......so China appears again,
China won't take action so fast, because China notice that still some countries will come to stop them, so the current status belong to .... China is dealing with our partners and helpers,
but we estimate that China should be obvious to JPN, when the economy turn to be weak more, the hunger become one of JPN social problem,
when China see this, China's gonna attack in the front of others, because China's only willing to fight with JPN, when JPN is hungry.
and, USA magicians also estimated for this, "should USA attend the war during China against Japan,",
they all estimated that their ancestors spirits told them that USA will lose this war, if they attended.

93 :
dear Sayako_sama,
are you available to 明治神宮 in this year?
actually, the appointment between you and THEM, THEY're waiting for several years ....
and, I was killed by the reason THEY said, "where is Sayako_sama"
oh...... I'm poor...... and I'm afraid of 鹿児島事件's curses,
especially the word from the ghost spoken, "mother, I love you, I love you very much,",
it spoke this words to me repeatedly for times, ...........
although no further for me, but it's unusual.. really unusual....
THEY often don't do these......
USA magicians told their general and leaders like that,
"USA can't afford to this war, if you wanna it gone, all gone!"

94 :
the current status is, "China is threaten other countries off, or China'd beat them,",
and the process is that, I recalled, "China dealt some of countries stopped China to catch you,
then, China dealt some, China went back to the wall, and watched you, then Chinafound that few are around JPN than before, China pushed some off,
then, China found JPN is hungry, and China found this time a chance for China, then China show up on JPN's face........."

95 :
hey, I think this worthy to do, developer for new Apple keyboard... although it's an ODM &amp; OEM company.

96 :

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