>>7 そうなんですか。 Once the necessary documents has been received and your withdrawal is processed you may request for another increase in leverage via our website: さっき書いたの途中でした^^; これがそうです。 FX(外国為替証拠金取引)会社とのやりとりです。
I'm sorry Regrets With regret but can not become smarter Someday, the regret turns into happiness Let's Walk and facing up!! 365%HAPPINESS!! 翻訳して下さいm(._.)mお願いします。
Your albums were found to contain celebrity or stock photos. The offending content has been removed. This is a violation of the Terms of Service. Please note that this is a warning and any further misconduct could result in the deletion of your account.
The potential of effective medical care to promote successful ageing among people with major chronic conditions, however, has received less attention than health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
41 :
ok ok i was actually going tobe getting i gonna get i to "work"here shortly online. my girlfriend was working online and showed me when we got back from spring break we're still in university and i started doing these privete webcam shows i thought it was gonna be weird at first but it turns out i love it looll. its rally cool meeting all kinds of different peaple ya know?
>>55 There's blood all over the interior. Someone's copped the full Broderick, but no stiff as yet. インテリアは血まみれで、誰かが全身ブロデリック(作中のブランド?)の人物を捕まえていたんだ。 でもまだ死体は見つかっていない。 たぶんこうだと思う。 ここの'sはsomeone hasの省略形だよな
57 :
翻訳ありがとう。前後の話は分かるんだけど、 Someone's copped the full Broderick. だけがわからないんだよね。作中にはBroderickは出てこないし、 cop the full Broderickでidiomっぽいんだが意味が分からないので聞いたんだ
>>62 なんて答えればいいのかな? PS3でアメリカ人とメッセージしてて 「お前日本人?」 「はい。Google翻訳使ってます」 というような内容の英語やりとりしてて次に 「 oh,you write in japanese is phonetic? 」 ときて返信止めたまま
64 :
oh,you write in japanese. is (it) phonetic? じゃないか? 答えは, yes and no. the japanese alphabet is a mix of two sets of phonetic characters and one set of ideographic characters. とか返事しとけば?相手はチンプンカンプンだろうが複雑ってことはわかるんじゃない
65 :
>>64 言ってみた なんか国籍見たら中国系アメリカ人っぽい 「chinese words and your japanese word,the same」 もしかして漢字でやりとりできないか的な思惟が込められてるんだろうか
I am the mojo oh, You are the Wicca ? Yes, I do. it's so grate. No, I am the MO-JO, the MO-JO? What is the MOJO? Uh... Does not I am the Boy friend to Nothing to Was the age. Oh-MY-GOD. Oh-Oh-Oh ua uh,uh,uh,uh,uh..... .. . (。´Д⊂)
Rachel: Exactly! UniR! Joey: Maybe you need R. I had R a couple days ago. Rachel: No! No Joey! U-N-I-R. Joey: Well, I ain't gonna say no to that. コメディなので、日本語でも同じ所で笑いが起きるような訳をお願いします
74 :
車のファイナルギアの説明です。 この部品以外はノーマル(純正)を使って、ファイナルギアだけ、交換すれば良いようにかんじました。 しかし、全文の脈絡が読めないので、ご教示ください。 http://i.imgur.com/ZiNSNdm.jpg 本文 1122 14/60 5 Speed Crown Wheel/Diff End Cover Ref: 1122 106 Gp A 14/60 5 Speed Crown Wheel/Diff End Cover only for use with Standard Pinion
Kindly note that you may blank out the first 12 digits of your card number on the front of your card as well as the 3 digit security code on the back of the card in order to protect your sensitive personal information. よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m
If we stand back and only wonder, too afraid to ask, then we start to run into problems like ignorance and racism.
91 :
間違った こっちです。 かなり長くて困ってます。 Philosophy means different things to deferent persons,so that perhaps if we look at the kinds of questions that people have sent in to us, we may get some guidance about the points we ought to consider first that may need to be clarified most.
これも分からないです asの取り方教えてください Some honor it as the pursuit of wisdom or the love of wisdom and others despise it or even hold it in contempt as useless inquiry or speculation or merely their opinion
98 :
>>97 itをhonorするにあたって、あるいはdespiseしたりhold 〜 in contemptするにあたって、 どうしてなのか?どういう面でなのか?を説明している。 「itをas以下のものとして」