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Hello, ignorant people (273) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Hello, ignorant people

1 :04/01/17 〜 最終レス :2013/07/23
I think that your existence value is equal to nothing.
Cut why?
Since it is coming to a site like a garbage sake.
Japanese people plot together, and hurl abuse and suit in the stinking place.
It twists [ I can simply understand and ] and is actual.
If a noble American like me is in a garbage sake forever, a smell will stick.
Good-bye, ignorant people.

2 :

3 :
If it is activation, such a corrupt bulletin board will not be activated.

4 :
It is a boy silently.

5 :

6 :
You,get fuck out of here.

7 :
I think more conversations should be in this thread.

8 :
They are unsightly ignorant people. If it is a beast, please do not say to a foolish Japanese like ? you.

9 :
I do not think that the honest talk is made by me with the beasts accustomed to the pig.

10 :
When I looked at those sentences , I was driven by an impulse to kill a man.

11 :
It was playing all my own work(・∀・)!

12 :
It is very trivial. Do Japanese people kill people only impulsively? It is a barbarian too.

13 :
It is very trivial. Do Japanese people kill people only impulsively? It is a barbarian too.

14 :
It is difficult to use a Bulletin Board System if you can penetrate a lie is a lie.

15 :
ignorant people like you do such a thing -- there is nothing

16 :
Didn't your god say, "Love thy neighbor."?

17 :
Is a barbarian's God barbarous too? God which I worship is noble and shining.

18 :
American is worse than excrement of a dog.
They are mere industrial wastes and can't be dealt with, although even excrement of a dog becomes manure!

19 :
hey,Where is a "maturi"?

20 :

21 :

22 :
It is excrement in toto etc.
and inax strongest!!

23 :
Can a Japanese dirtier than the feces of a dog scorn the feces of a dog?

24 :

25 :
You Japanese have survived only by bowing to the United States.

26 :

27 :
hey toto
When you reply here, carry out like this.

28 :
>>1 You bastard!

29 :

30 :
You are fool

31 :
Good point but JP not bow to US. Do U think what happn at US

32 :
A mouth is likely to become stinking only by talking.

33 :
God is gay

34 :
>>32 You are so ghetto!

35 :
You are the person who cannot do conversation.

36 :
I thought that Japanese people did not teach etc. It is except.

37 :
- - - - - - - - - - - - The End - - - - - - - - - - - - -

38 :
Many Japanese think that it is barbarous and they are only transformations.

39 :
Toto is mofo. He did tons of bad stuff.

40 :

41 :
>>38 son of a bitch.

42 :
Japanese people are foolish too.
It is to abuse me in English of babble.
A mouth should also brush its teeth from a smell.

43 :
toto is d e s p e r a t e

44 :

45 :
Such a barbarian should have and compensate for death.

46 :

47 :
Hey,toto! You,re stupid. It returns to a country.

48 :
You is the extent after all.

49 :
toto is a pen.

50 :
I have looked down on you. In me, Japanese people have heard that it is barbarous and there is also a fellow with the sword.

51 :
>>49 warata.

52 :

53 :
toto, why did you write your nationality? Is that matter ?
Do you really think American is noble?

54 :

55 :

56 :
Americans are noble and differ from a barbarian.

57 :

58 :
Why do you think American is noble? You dont answer my question
and Where are you now ?

59 :

60 :

61 :

62 :

63 :
Americans are because it went up to the top on the peak by the decision.

64 :

65 :

66 :
kiss my ass!

67 :
Loosen the buttocks and take out feces.

68 :
I can't understand english.

69 :

70 :
What kind of decision? your opininon is very vague.

71 :
and prove your nationality! if you are reall american, prove now

72 :
It is irony.

73 :
are you newbie for this bbs ? Mr./Mrs toto

74 :

75 :
I'm sorry...

76 :

77 :
I came from the LAUNGE.

78 :

79 :
I will declare that it is a genuine American. And you are genuine barbarians.

80 :

81 :
Il offre sa confiance et son amour.

82 :
You know LOUNGE?

83 :
I can't speak English.

84 :
I do not use other names.

85 :
you dont answer my question. Where are you and Prove your nationallity

86 :
Does a lounge have relation in this site?

87 :

88 :
give me chocolate!!

89 :

90 :
There are a lot of foolish people in thd Lounge.

91 :
I am a pen.

92 :
I am the principle of not seeing recklessly the address which Japanese people stretched.

93 :
I was pesu

94 :

95 :
I think that it is natural.

96 :

97 :
I dislike you.

98 :

99 :

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