発音うp用例文 No.1 If you listen to American, European, or even Chinese leaders, Japan is the economic future no one wants. In selling massive stimulus packages and bank bailouts, Western leaders told their people, “We must do this or we will end up like Japan, mired in recession and deflation for a decade or more.” Chinese leaders love pointing to Japan as the prime reason not to allow any significant appreciation of their conspicuously undervalued currency. “Western leaders forced Japan to let its currency rise in the second half of the 1980’s, and look at the disaster that followed.” No.2 A : Excuse me, could you please help me? This mall is like a maze. I think I've lost my nephew. B : Don't worry, ma'am. Could you describe him? ... OK, I'll make an announcement ... "Attention please, attention please. We are looking for a little boy, six years old with blond hair. He is wearing a red T-shirt and answers to the name 'Tim.' If anyone finds the boy, please contact the lost and found in the information kiosk on the 1st floor. Thank you.
3 :
No.3 Please call Stella. Ask her to bring these things with her from the store: Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. We also need a small plastic snake and a big toy frog for the kids. She can scoop these things into three red bags, and we will go meet her Wednesday at the train station. No. 4 Be clear about the audience. A writer should know his readers, and then write so they can understand. Always make the writing as simple as possible. Even complex ideas can often be written simply. The simpler one writes, the more likely the reader will understand. Clear, simple writing is much easier to understand, and much easier to translate into local languages. Remember, keep it simple.
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary によると、つまり Peter Roach によると、 been /biːn/, /bɪn/ (US) /bɪn/ Note: Weak form word, British English. The pronunciation /bɪn/ may be used optionally as a weak form corresponding to /biːn/, e.g. 'Jane's been invited' /ˈʤeɪnz bɪn ɪnˌvaɪtɪd/ (US) /-t̬ɪd/. In American English, /biːn/ does not usually occur. だってさ
>>51 ざっと見ただけだけど、彼女の母音のフォルマントは、any end every get なんかの/ε/は 第一フォルマントが700〜900、第二フォルマントが1900〜2000ぐらい。 これに対し、be や even の母音/i:/は第一フォルマントが300〜400、第二が2500〜3000ぐらい。 そして、been の母音はだいたい第一フォルマントが550で第二フォルマントが2200ぐらいだから、 他の母音のフォルマントとの比較からも、この母音はやはり/I/と考えるのが素直じゃないかな。
昔、フォルマントで同じ間違いをした人がいてだなw >ざっと見ただけだけど、彼女の母音のフォルマントは、any end every get なんかの/ε/は >第一フォルマントが700〜900、第二フォルマントが1900〜2000ぐらい。 仮に彼女の声が250ヘルツだとして測定値に誤差を考慮した値はだな 第一フォルマントが450〜1150、第二フォルマントが1650〜2250ということになる。 >これに対し、be や even の母音/i:/は第一フォルマントが300〜400、第二が2500〜3000ぐらい。 同じく誤差を考慮すると、第一フォルマントが50〜650、第二が2250〜3250
>>88 >>82のリンクで再生される文章のこと? 当たり前だけど、それは>>82が登録した文章。 適当な文章を張って、“Do you want to embed this spoken text into E-mail or Web page?” の横にある、 “Yes!”ボタンを押すと専用のリンクが表示されるというだけ。 http://tts.imtranslator.net/M0KY