2012年09月ENGLISH29: Chat in English(英語で雑談)Part 172 (344) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Chat in English(英語で雑談)Part 172

1 :2012/10/07 〜 最終レス :2012/10/23
( ´・ω・)  Let's have Earl Grey tea and chat!
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 171

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope Igirisu-jin and the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
This is the place to have a blast!!!!!
Let's continue to support recovery efforts in Japan!!!!!

2 :
You are so cool.
You are I. I am you.
So I am so cool.
Thank me for my making this thread.
I appreciate my making this thread.

3 :
My DICK is bigger than whales.
Please tell me how big your DICK is?

4 :
Thanks a lot what had made this thread.
By the way, I had saw picture what my friends naked picture at somewhere. Then hornesty I had surprised at it. But its picture be seem so cute. I had fall in love that soon. So attractive so much.

5 :
How poor your English is!!
Have you ever learnt English grammar?

6 :
I had saw →I saw
I had surprised at→I was surprised at
I had fall in love →I fallen in love

7 :
Then, Why don't you help >>4 learning English?

8 :
The conjugation of the verb " fall" is as follows; fall-fell- fallen

9 :
help to learn English
help learn English

10 :
You must be a fool and only a junior high school graduate.

11 :
>>1 Good job. Here's a reward for you. Enjoy!
<Why Dogs are Easier to Live with than Women>
1 Dogs don't mind when you leave the toilet seat up.
2 Another man will seldom steal your dog.
3 Dogs are delighted if you bring another dog home.
4 When dogs hear a noise in the night, they check it out themselves ithout waking you.
5 Dogs still love you when you can't be bothered to shower.
6 Dogs never complain when you smoke in the car.
7 Dogs never ask you to put the garbage out.
8 Dogs don't mind if you forget their birthdays.
9 Dogs are delighted when they find another dog hair on your jacket.
10 Dogs like to ride in the car with the windows open.
11 Dogs don't mind when you watch sports on TV all day.
12 Dogs don't know how to use credit cards.
13 Dogs prefer it when the grass is long and the garden is overgrown.
14 Dogs are not allowed in expensive designer shops.
15 And, if a dog leaves, it won't sue you for the house and half of your savinggs.

12 :
Tell me what English-language newspaper you read on the internet.

13 :
Have you ever heared that 現在完了,過去完了??

14 :
help someone to learn/learn/learning
I think any of these is fine.

15 :

16 :
The only thing you can do is point out someone's bad grammar, because
that's pretty much the only thing you did during English classes.
There's a lot of bad grammar in >>4 but still I can see what he's driving at.
And that's the most important thing.

17 :
Online newspapers I read regularly are CNN and Yahoo!News (US).
Sometimes I go to USA today and BBC.
Recently I've been spending more time reading comments to the news than the news themselves.
I think that's a good way to learn to write in English in places like this.

18 :
How silly are you?

19 :
I am a genius.
Do you like genius people?
I don't like genius people, because one genius is enough for me.

20 :
the most important thing is the ability to tell the difference between a genuine novice and an obvious troll

21 :
×I am a genius.
○I am the genius.
English isn't acceptable for me.
The genius must use Japanese.

22 :
I'm convinced that you are not a genius at all because those who are called genius by other people never waste time.
For them, time is precious treasure given by God to achieve something.
You are fooling around here, which proves you are not a genius from the beginning.

23 :
If they were to be a real genius, they could post something in here as if they breath.
My power of geniusness spend 0.0000000001% energy to write in here.
I am sorry for being able to show you my geniusness in Englsih.

24 :
I will see a psychiatrist near future.
I don't know why my family tell me to go to it.
But I must show my family that I am a normal person(but genius).

25 :
lets stop wasting time and be a genius
anyone who posts in this thread hereafter is a non-genius and has a small dick and small balls
i gonna be a genius

26 :
You are not a genius. You are simply pathetic.
I hope you stop making Rual comments. You may find it's funny, but
it's not funny at all. It's quite offensive to some. People never make such comments
in countries where English is spoken. You better learn to behave yourself before learning English.
It's something that's not tolerated in forums overseas.

27 :
Here is 2ch.
None of your business.

28 :
Good point.
We Japanese tend to be too strict about other people's mistake. That's why we won't be able to speak English in spite of long learning of English.

29 :
He is quite a gentleman in real life, I suppose.
Japanese society is too stressful to make people being a gentleman.

30 :
>>26 I disagree. Every other word I hear on the streets is vulgar and pointing at
human reproduction. Office language is highly filtered and depending on the class
of the person you talk to, gentleman-like. I find it funny when you ask 2ch people
to behave themselves.
>>22 Most geniuses I know have no time for God either.

31 :
I wonder how long he intends to make up a story.

32 :
You mean his 武勇伝 of ero?

33 :
^^ i love you

34 :
no thanks

35 :
Why? Sparky's love is deeper than Mariana Trench and broader than the end of universe.

36 :

where can i download DOS/V
I want to try to reverse engineer it for FreeDOS!!

37 :
I'm not a gentleman. I consider myself a pervert. But being a pervent in
real life is one thing, using dirty words in public places like this is
another and I don't like it. And you know, being a pervert and being a
completely law-abiding citizen are not mutually exclusive.
I'm wondering, are you all gays? cause you guys seem to really like to use words for male Rual
organs, from what I've seen.

38 :
>> 37
I always thought it was some kind of sad attempt at bragging. "Look at me, I know all these swear words!"
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean though.

39 :
Do you know flashers who expose their chinpo and kintama in front of ladies?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not that kind of guy but I just want to say they are hard-core straight.

40 :
Anyway, suddenly my working places owner told me that“Kisho”・・. Then I surprised when heared it but its after could had ease to calm down. It their habit like that so I don't mind that. And my supperior suddenly said that “you still working there”.

41 :
I would had been suck his ××××.

42 :
would Have been suck her cunts.

43 :
I like the drama, ”Vampire Diaries”

44 :
would have been suck his cock

45 :
I'm no matter of the tolkative. How should I solve this problem. Hope ease to work through.
By the way, how should I to cure my headach??

46 :
Bang your head on a brick wall again and again until you you get unconcious.
That'll solve the problem.

47 :
Its seem so cruel isn't it??

48 :
And sounds like feared so much.

49 :
Today, I learned three bad English words, skunk, asshole, and mother hucker.
Language should be used for the feeling from bottom of own heart.
I always want to say bad words to people that I dislike.
This is my ture feeling.

50 :
Here's another good one for you. You are a pathetic loser.
People coming here are all pathetic losers.

51 :
I'll be correct befores comments part. Because not huther fucker, thats sentence is mother fucker.

52 :
I'm pretty sure being called a 'loser' is much more infuriating than
being called an asshole or mutherf@cker.

53 :
You are kind. I was wrong and I learned a new bad word " pathetic loser.

54 :
And be more kind treat us. Probably no matter of the pathetic loser. Most important is how can we solve that. Probably I really weak indeed.

55 :
Skunk is not a 'bad word', it's just a type of animal.
Motherfucker is usually written as one word, by the way.
I'm glad the new thread is off to such a constructive start.

56 :
You mean・・・・.

57 :
>>53 My pleasure.
But why would you want to learn bad words to begin with?
You want to use them toward the gaijin-s out there?
I don't think that will get you anywhere.

58 :
I read "Teach me, goo!" and there are many bad words.
I choiced two words from the best answer and one from another answer.
I learned "motherfucker" and "skunk is not a bad word" from you, thank you.
I don't dislike gaijins nor have a chance to meet gaijins outdoor.
So I will not use these bad words to anyone directly in my daily life.
I will use them in my heart.
It is important for me to express my true feelings in English in order to improve my Egnlsih and use English in my daily life.

59 :
I thought I had better use the same words in English as what words I daily use in Japanese in my herat.
Recnetly I became a victim of real-estate fraud against my landlord.
I use the mediation in a summary court.
I got settlement money but not enogh.
Meditation is not trial.
I didin't have a time to fight with my landlord over long period.
So I didn't move to tiral and accepted the settlement.
This is why I want to use bad words.

60 :
>Recnetly → Recently
>Meditation → Mediation
I'm sorry for my mistakes.

61 :
Almost all Japanese people can't speak English, even uneble to make a hentai conversation in English.
So those who chat in English here are winners, I think.

62 :
When I get angry with Brits I "criticise" them in Venusian
and they don't understand.

63 :
You are a real Nino, aren't you?

64 :
Oh yeah? Where did you get the idea that "almost all Japanese
can't speak English"?

65 :
You think you're a winner because of your juken-style English?

66 :
2ch is a place for losers to console each other, in case you haven't
realized yet.

67 :
Anyway, if you are still young, which I assume you are,
I would strongly suggest not coming here regularly. Or our loserness would rub off on you.

68 :
It isn't the subjunctive mood, so you should omit'would', I think.

69 :
No. It's correct. This "would" just makes it sound more polite. Ask native speakers.
I'm sorry if you found my comments offensive. Just because I'm a loser
doesn't mean you are too. I know you are a winner. In real life and in English.
I'm a loser in real life and in English.

70 :
From here.
You see, almost every Japanese speaks Japanese even on the ENGLISH BOARD.

71 :
I went to karaoke today.

72 :

73 :
I'm a loser, microphone abuser...
By Emin3m

74 :
i got a free poster of DR. yellow wwww

75 :
×suggest not coming here 5,790→○suggest you not come here 20,800,000

76 :
The only thing you can do is google. lol.
You think just because there are a lot more results, the one with the fewer results is wrong? Do you ever come across this expression in real life or anything?
I bet you never have come across it even online. lol.
Anyway, I don't want to talk with people who think Google is everything.
Any objections? Answer in English.

77 :
I bet you are one of these incompetent teachers.

78 :
You even included (here) in the search. That goes to show how unintelligent you are.
Try "suggest not going" and "suggest you not go" and the results are quite different.

79 :
It's my first writing!!

80 :
I congratulate you on your first writing.

81 :
I think he is Kataoka Sukichi.

82 :
I agree. I really hate those incompetent teachers.
They are the reason the majority of Japanese suck at English.
They have no business coming here.

83 :
I heard an-almost-porn novel called Fifty Shades of Grey is erupting in
popularity worldwide. It's not still translated into Japanese.
I think I can buy it in the original and read it, but Amazon reviews
differ from person to person. Some say it's like written by a junior high student
withuout any writing skills, some say it's a real page turner, so read it as a mindless
entertainment novel. The reason why I'm sitting on a fence is that I don't want to looked
dumb reading it. Did anybody here read the book? Or do you have any friends who read it? What did they say about
the book? What's your take on the book?

84 :
I must add that I'm middle aged.
Imagine a middle aged man reading Fifty Shades of Grey...
It's long been said that the best way to improve your English is to have bf/gf from
English speaking country, o rif you're a man, to read a porn. So I should give it a

85 :
Japanese women live in the kingdom of MoteMote but no native speakers don't want to see a Japanese man.
Japanese women's English skill is becoming better and better.

86 :
×no native speakers don't want to see a Japanese man.
○no native speakers want to see a Japanese man.

87 :
I would strongly suggest not coming here regularly.
→I would advise you not to come here regularly.
What do you think about the second sentence?

88 :

89 :
Indeed thats right, been wrote English this thread.
By the way I'm nurvous now. I'm grad to heared that can to be go journey at prefecture of Aich. I can to be eat what Hitsumabush.

90 :
Your English is so bad

91 :
im masa

92 :

93 :
i have to study english
I want to become a companion

94 :

95 :
Japanese language

96 :
i have to study 日本語
I want to become an Electrical engineer

97 :
I have to learn Englsh to communicate with Filipinas at Philippine pub.Talking with them is the best way to master English, I think.

98 :
I were blame from around myself. I'm pity now. This thread excist member no matter of the so shit bitch. Please help me pit it off all of it.

99 :
I got wrong collect word case so lazy enough. befores pit off→put off.

100 :
My girlfriend tehepeloed to me.
I like her tehepero.
I butyued with her.
I am happy.

101 :
"Both sound find to me," a native speaker would likely say.
My understanding is that "suggest" is more commonly used in everyday situations
than "advice," though I'm not a native speaker so I'm not really sure.

102 :
Oh it should be "advise." It's a verb.
"Suggest" is one of those words that's quite important in colloquial English
but that Japanese schools don't teach much about. That's my understanding.

103 :
find- fine

104 :
Thank you for your kind comments.

105 :
>>96 Opt for some maths and stats and become a hedge fund
manager. You will earn a lot more.

106 :
>>63 What is a Nino? No Input No Output?

107 :
>>101 Reference
Cobuild English Usage
If you suggest something, you mention it as an idea or plan for someone to think about.
If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do.

108 :
loserness →defeatism

109 :
That's a word I coined on the spot.
You seem to be very fond of nitpicking on someone's English.
I wouldn't do that, cause that seems sort of rude to me.

110 :
I'm assuming my preachy tone got on your nerves. I am sorry about that.
I didn't mean to preach you or anything.
Bad grammar doesn't bother me at all, by the way. I don't think we have to
talk like Americans do. Japanized English is just fine.
I'm only interested in discussing something in English.
Hope you bring up something.

111 :
when you say "sturctured" dress, what does it mean?
I don't understand when "structured" is used in a fashion context.

112 :
I'm not interested in someone's personal shit.
I'd like a topic that everyone can discuss.

113 :
I diasgree.
I truly respect him/her for his complete diregard for English grammar and spelling.
That's how English should be used.

114 :
I read porn on the web. There's a website called literotica where amateurs
post short porn novels. That helps.

115 :
Most of the stories there contains lots of conversations so it's like
reading movie scripts. The English used in there seems so natural to me.
But honestly, I doubt that has translated in my better writing skills.
Maybe just reading doesn't help much. Writing is something else.

116 :
You're a nut indeed

117 :
The best thing about it is it's completely free.
Does anyone know any other good sites like this?

118 :
You can say that again.
If >>113 really thinks so, why doesn't he/she do in the same way as >>89?

119 :
I guess she meant,
English is an international communication tool for non native English speakers.
So weird English is OK as far as he tries his best and makes some sense.

120 :
My dream is to write a short story and post it somewhere online.
I'm thinking of a sort of fanfiction. I doubt that will ever happen though.

121 :
I already have a plot.
It's a story of a virtual escort service. All the girls doing outcalls are
virtual, like Hatsune Miku, and the pimps are computer geeks.
The story ends when one of the johns gets killed by electrocution.
How does this sound to you

122 :
Sup weirdos? 
Y'all better get your ass screwed in and out at full force.

123 :
Good morning! It is cozy today.
I've just opened my room window to take fresh air.
Wish all of you have a good day as usual.

124 :
I was said by my members woman,
“I’d like to drink with you sometime. Please make a drink party taken place.”
But she doesn’t invite me this invitation.
She has aimed my fellow worker. I wonder why she doesn't invite him directly.
After this, I said to my fellow worker about her invitation. But he doesn’t want
to drink with her unfortunately. What should I say to her about this circumstance?

125 :
After a long time, I’ve visited to Shinagawa ward Tokyo in order to find my old remembers.
I’ve been to there for work about four years before.
I left the company and I soon made a decision to resign the company when I wanted to quit.
It’s past four years at that time. I’d like to have a look at old working place suddenly.
I don’t know why but I really want to go there again. Of course, I know there’s nothing
but I’ve ride on a train when I noticed.

126 :
what a interesting story !

127 :
Really? What's so interesting about his story?

128 :
It goes without saying there’s nothing around old working places and I didn’t found
anything although I walked river side walking road alone.
Actually, this walking load is my very important place because I’ve made a decision
to quit a company in this walking road as I walked.
This load is connected with a big footbridge in a Shinagawa seaside of Yashio region.
It’s very beautiful scene from this river side thus I was always looking at there
every now and then.

129 :
I think it's not so good a thing to indulge in your past memories.
It may imply that you are not happy now.

130 :
- Sometime, there’re airplanes pass through on my upper air.
These are departure from Haneda airport. I was always thinking as I was watching
where does that plane will go? Now, I don’t feel regret about my resignation
because current my job is so enjoy than old job although salary is lower.
Thank you very much to read my truly stories !!

131 :
Actually, i'm depresson a little bit probably thus i'd like to go there again.
but this is really true that current job is good than old !!
there're no over working and i don't want to return back old job.
but i recall old time every now and then. these old memories are always
torment for me. if possible, i'd like to forget all.

132 :
I think she is referring to 114.

133 :
Don't give me shit!
I've never found port shit interesting
I was reffering to >>124-125 that's what's interesting

134 :
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

135 :
good luck


136 :
Ladies are usually too serious when we are just laughing at nonsense.

137 :
I am not serious at all with silly stuff
I like how this whole thread takes it easy

138 :
Most Japanese tend to take things too seriously.
That's why there have been over 30 thousand people a year who committed suicide for ten years.

139 :
Why do foreign fuckers speak so fast?
It sounds like "ah suh huh oh nah huh ah suh oh"

140 :
Right. That's why we need 2ch to loosen one's anus for relaxing.

141 :
I saw a group of American tourists in front of BIX BOX in Takatanobaba yesterday.
Then they were laughing, looking at the building.
I was not able to understand why they were laughing at that time.
Please tell me the reason they were doing so.

142 :
I really dislike China ‘Cause their request to Japan is almost unjust request.
I think, Japan can demand them to return back Manchuria to Japan.
There’s the Potsdam Declaration after WWII but China’s request to Japan ignores it
therefore we can get Manchuria again in return for lost Senkaku islands.
OK, we present Senkaku islands instead of Manchuria.
China answer, which is an important places Senkaku islands or Manchuria?

143 :
Speaking of loose anus, I recalled "Suberanai Hanashi" by Miyagawa Daisuke, in which he was telling how loose comedian Peace Matayoshi's anus was
According to him, Matayoshi's brief is always full of shit.

144 :
I've got a English lesson on Skype few minutes ago.
But I should've recored the lesson since recorded voice would tell me
how awful my speaking English was.

145 :
How much does the lesson cost you, if you don't mind?

146 :
No worries, mate.
It's around 500 yen for 25minutes.

147 :
Usually I take 50 minutes lesson on Saturday evening,
and 25minutes lesson on Sunday evening.
Although my teachers are Filipinos,
I love Skype lessons because it really saves time and money.

148 :
I remember reading the same story many times before.
Obviously you know the answer.
"Please tell me the reason they were doing so." doesn't sound natural.
"Please tell me the reason they were laughing." is much better.
"Any guess why they were laughing?"

149 :
You are wrong.
"Please tell me the reason they were doing." is the best.

150 :
You are right, I think.
148 doesn't know a pro-verb.

151 :
I feel sorry for you all. You won't be able to get out of your juken English
for the rest of your life.

152 :
I don't care about the difference. Is it so important?

153 :
If you don't acknowledge that you are weak in English grammar,
you won't be able to write good English forever.

154 :
Take it easy guys.
Write good senzuri and you will be able to forget the trivials.

155 :
You are too stupid to be improved.

156 :
I tried to submit a post giving my opinions on these sentences you guys are arguing about, but the character count was too high! ('A`)

157 :
Good morning guys.
It's a brisk morning as I woke up at 5.
My two smart phones helped me a lot.
I am about to study for a license exam.

158 :
Good luck with your exam.

159 :
Do you mean too difficult to judge for Americans?

160 :
Do you mean it is too difficult for Americans to judge which of
the suggested sentences is the correct one.

161 :
Not quite. I meant that 2ch's character limit would not let me post my suggestions because I used too many words.

162 :
Then I would suggest you post it in several installments.

163 :
1. "Please tell me the reason they were doing so." - This sentence is correct, but sounds unnatural. It sounds very "stiff."
2. "Please tell me the reason they were laughing." - This sentence sounds more natural than #1. I would suggest #2 over #1. However...

164 :
3. "Any guess why they were laughing?" - It is kind of informal, but this is how I would expect a native speaker to ask such a question.
4. "Please tell me the reason they were doing." - The "doing" verb needs to point to another word to sound natural, such as "Doing that," "Doing this," or "Doing so."

165 :
He is running a one-man show.

166 :
There are cases where rephrasing a general verb with "do so" sounds quite natural.
It's quite unusual to rephrase "laugh" with "do so"
>>165 What's that supposed to mean?
We are two different people.

167 :
Maybe I should say "replace," not "rephrase".
Sorry English is not my first language.

168 :
Please tell me what college you graduated from and what you majored in.

169 :
Are you a university graduate?
Did you major in English literature?

170 :
Why would that be relevant?

171 :
You don't have to answer my question if you aren't a university graduate.

172 :
I'm an undergraduate, so I have not graduated yet. I do not major in English literature. If you're curious, I major in Asian Religions and Cultures.

173 :
I don't think the 'doing so' sounds unnatural, just formal.
By contrast, if you put, 'please tell me why they were laughing,' in the context of >>141's post,
it would sound unnatural. The sentence independently is perfectly fine, but no native speaker would
say 'I didn't understand why they were laughing. Please tell me why they were laughing.'
Both sentences are fine, but the combination just sounds wrong because of the repetition of 'laughing'.
That's probably why >>141 used 'doing so', and that's exactly the situation in which that phrase is used
by native speakers, albeit usually in more formal contexts.
The same goes for, 'Any guess why they were laughing?' I agree with you that it's the most natural of the
suggested sentences, if you look at it on its own. But together with the rest of >>141's post it would have
sounded weird because of the repetition.

174 :
Hey everyone. My name is Aba who is studying English in order to pass the entrance examination of graduate school. Since I am not good at writing English, please correct my sentences if there is a any kind of mistake. Hahaha
Nice to meet you guys

175 :
Judging from having corrected my sentence, you got exactly what I meant. I'm content with that.
I'm terribly sorry but, I want to improve my senzuri more than my sentence.

176 :
I’m always thinking, a language is a way to transmit the will to other
therefore language grammar is not the most important.
It’s good, if the will can transmit to other. Originally, language is having a lot of dialect.
Similarly it’s no problem if there’re some of mistakes.

177 :
I had graduated from minore college. But hornesty its just fortune case I can't to describe my atitude. I'd just seach for add its expperience where myself.

178 :
Are you job-hunting with your horny chara?

179 :
[no native speaker would say 'I didn't understand why they were laughing. Please tell me why they were laughing.']
I don't think so, but if you're right, how would they say?
Just because you repeat the same verb in two sentences it doesn't make it sound unnatural.

180 :
There are a few ways you could rephrase it to sound natural.
You could simply remove the end of the second sentence:
'I didn't understand why they were laughing. Please tell me.'
Or you could take out the first sentence entirely, and just say:
'Please tell me why they were laughing.' (Or, 'Why were they laughing?')
You don't really need to say that you didn't understand why, because it's
implied by the fact that you're asking the question.
You could also switch the two sentences around, and say something like:
'Could you tell me why they were laughing? I didn't understand.'

181 :
So your beloved "do so" is not an option.
"I didn't understand why they were laughing Please tell me."
This is worse, cause it barely makes sense.
"I didn't understand why they were laughing. Any idea why they were laughing?"
would be better. There's no problem with repeating the same word.

182 :
Make it shorter, and you have "i didn't undertand why they were laughing. Any idea (as to) why?"
But it's not that the longer version is bad English.
I personally prefer your
'Could you tell me why they were laughing? I didn't understand.'

183 :

184 :
I totally agree! That reminds me of a passage from the Zhuangzi... "Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?"
Still, if people would like my input, I'd be happy to help! 英語は難しいです。がんばってね!

185 :
You are 100% right that the repetition is odd, but using "doing so" so quickly after "laughing" is also a kind of repetition.
141's writing is correct English, but here is the passage again, without the repetition that 173 talked about:
I saw a group of American tourists in front of BIX BOX in Takatanobaba yesterday.
They were laughing, looking at the building, and I didn't know why.
Does anyone know?

186 :
Asian people in general don't smell bad like western people, except that Korean
smell bad because they eat Kimuch. (no intention of abusing Korea in case you're wondering...)
That's the reason why more western men put on perfume than Japanese man.
Japanese men who put on perfume is extremely fashion conscious or gays.
I'm neither of them but I sometimes put on perfume because someone gave it
to me as a present long before.
I'm oyaji (middle aged) so I give off Oyaji-shu (Oyaji smell, which is caused by
hormon balance or something? I get up in the morning and the smell between futons are
quite terrible. The smell of Oyaji-shu. I'm not married. I'm wondering if
I get married, my wife can put up with the smell. If my wife smelled like that
I'd kick her out of futon. lol

187 :
I pulled another 14 hr day which is futsu for you guys right?
I was driven home by a visually impaired (or on some chemical abusive)
taxi driver. He was dressed in all black and had no hair.He had, what looked like a coffin at the back seat.
I had to sit at the front. He drove extremely slowly through the eerie,
lonely English town, without a word. May be he was a shinigami but it wasn't my time, yet.

188 :
Lots of NEETs in 2chan so if you mean "for NEETS" by "for you guys" then
that's not the case. If you mean professionals, or other people who work, then yes.
Some people get mentally ill, because of overwork.
You could have taken to a cemetary and been buried there.
You could have talk about Turtle Pear with thim.
He could have a fan of AKB48...

189 :
I meant for those who work. I guess videogaming for NEETs too.
Turtle Pear ... I want to talk to Kame-chan himself about his work.
Excellent at timing and producing things. How does he manage his time, not sleep at all and still look
so BEAUTIFUL. I hornesty think he is extraordinary.

190 :
KAME CHANNN~~~~~ hear me, I am your greatest fan from this side
of the world. HOW DO YOU DO IT? I love your professionalism!
You are nothing but pure LOVE~~~~LOVE~~~~LOVE

191 :
Ohhhhhhhhhh, come one!!!
Seriously, what is this "hornesty" thing? It seems like it's a buzz word here.

192 :
>>191 Hornesty I cannot sleep. Might as well eat breakfast and go back.

193 :
>>186 Oyaji-san you should just clean your room , wash your sheets,
do your laundry and to celebrate, go to an onsen. You don't need a wife
to make the best of your life!

194 :
>>186 Kame chan wears Burberry's and is extremely stylish. I am
not sure about his choices but hey he is a creative artist!

195 :
It was still past 2 am there... You should go to bed. Maybe you're in your dream now.

196 :
I'm sickness now. I'm going to be crazy and shout.

197 :
Are you sickness? Me too! But not shout. Nuisance not good.
Calm down.
I'm a bigger sickness than you are. No remedies for that.

198 :
how about him?

199 :
I don't really want to argue about it.
I just thought our American friend's response had overlooked the reason why
141 had used 'doing so', and I didn't want 141 to get the wrong idea.
Rephrasing a sentence to avoid repeating something is quite common in English,
and generally speaking it will make you sound more natural. A native speaker
probably wouldn't say 'doing so' like that (especially in an informal context
like this) but they would absolutely not repeat 'laughing' as was suggested.

200 :
Naturally I really addicted to “Sweet box”. Its group consist of the foreign girls.

201 :
The more I learn English, the more I find it difficult.
I think English is deep as well as simple and functional.

202 :
Basically nowaday taking part soccer game now. But actually its game taking score less than Brazil team.
Probably I swear thats result case soccer origin at Brazil.

203 :
Oh, shit!! Japanese soccer game lose from Brazil team. But I can recognized that so strong Brazil soccer team.

204 :
Befores sentence something had wrong that probably I got mistake.
Please think that Japanese soccer team had defeated from Brazil soccer team.

205 :
Your English reminded me of someone's opinion stated above.
He/She insisted that grammar rules are not the most important.
It's OK if your will can be transmitted to others.
But how can you make sure whether your will was firmly transmitted to others?
You cannot decode English sentences correctly without grammar rules.
The only thing I can do is to make a rough guess at your will through the meaning of each word connected.

206 :
Sorry, I was referring to >>202.

207 :
not think, do feel.

208 :
Watch this video. I'm impressed with the way the mom uses her creativity.
I learned that art is always around you. You just don't notice it...
If you grew up in a culture where an infant sleeps in bed, maybe it's
hard to come up with this idea?

209 :
how do you feel if your husband took a picture while you're sleeping?
it's a creepy.
I don't want to marry this kind of woman, sorry.

210 :
>>198 He is nowhere near this cutie pie:

211 :
I think you're a bit exaggerated.
The object of the photos is only a infant.
There are,for sure, some basic rules in human relationships.
For example, there is a saying," Don't do unto ohters what you do not want others to do unto you."
But infants are generally so self-conscious as to hate being taken photos while they're sleeping.

212 :
correction are generally not so self-conscious

213 :
I didn't know these ideas written in Bible.
Actually, I like them. Men should be the masters of women.
The woman in this project should be robbed of the means to express her ideas, which is blogging.
Just do what the Bible tells women to do.
All she has to do is obey her husband and the Bible and shut up.

214 :
Have you had heared news of happened events rape of America soldier again.
I had amazing it most.
Okinawa happened again like its event. Probably they should be learn it. They didn't know befores famous happened history???

215 :
I left “?” put at befores first sentence. I'd apporogized about it.

216 :
There are many Broken English in the world, So you should try to feel those English harder than make criticism lol.

217 :
crazy Have you know it??

218 :
You should try Goeigo. http://www.goeigo.org/
Then you can learn English and about the Bible at the same time.

219 :
I can tell if my intention conveyed to others correctly by THEIR RESPONCES.

220 :
Many broken English is OK.
Japanese Engrish is OK,too.

221 :
Thanks for the link. But they are Mormon and their ultimate goal is to convert
you to Christian.
You don't happen to be one of the guys who spread their religion biking around
towns do you?

222 :
Right. That makes English language international.

223 :
>>221 When those chaps approach me I tell them I am a satanist and wish
them good luck with their mission.

224 :
lol, no, but it sounded like you wanted to be a Mormon.

225 :
>>224 what makes you think that? perhaps she wanted to frighten them,
challenge them or give them a job, to make them feel useful. She could
have been harmed by them, it was so naive of her. Perhaps she wanted to
show that, free of dogmatic beliefs and relying on intellect, she was
superior to them.

226 :
I've never seen Mormon girls. All I see is young men biking around my town.
In most cases, they are quite handsome.
Women aren't required to bike around town? Maybe if I go to one of the churches linked in 228,
I can meet a female Mormon?

227 :
My recent news about Eiken test I took last Sunday.
As you might remember, I've tried to pass the test of Eiken pre1 grade several times.
I've faied to pass it so many times because of listening test!
This time I'm sure I was able to listen to questions easier than before. Um, I can be sure
I can pass it.
By the way, I've been removed from list of friends by my university mate on Facebook.
I don't know the reason at all. As possible as I guess, he might be angry with certain posts
of mine. I'm not sure. But I think nothing is wrong with all my posts on Facebook. He's just
misunderstood what I mean. Well, tell the truth, I've got to dislike him recently. So I honestly
don't mind at all.
When I met him for the first time, I didn't dislike him at all, rather thought he could be my friend.
However, day by day, I noticed I can't accept him as my friend with his personality. One day, he
asked me for a favor. But at the time, I had something to do right now then refused it. Soon, he
said "What? No, no, no! Umechi! Please go with me~! You wanna break up friendship?". I replied
"No,no! Dude, I don't mean so. I sorry to say I have to go home right now".
In general, people say "Umm, OK. I see all. You can go home right now" then. But he said "Oh, no!
Come on! Go with me!" like a spolied kid. That conversation was for about 30 minutes, I think. Well,
I noticed then that I can't be friend of him!
Well, that's my life. I have experiences such as happy thing and unhappy things every single day.
That's why I don't mind that al all.
To be continued...

228 :
(The continuing of >>227)
By the way, yesterday, when I took a class with him, we had to think about plots for our class'
English drama in the classroom. Of course I did thought about it with my group members. When
our group's plot was half of consequence, I stared at him in another group. Then I was surprised
at him. 'Cause he took a nap, laying his head on his arms on table. "Unbelievable!" I shouted in
my mind. No one did took a nap except for him. He's just stupid, out of his head, I thought.
On Facebook, I've blocked him 'cause I don't wanna see his posts anymore. He is completely worthless to be my friend.
I'm very sorry to write these long sentences m(_ _)m

229 :
It's too long to pose those 2ch thread lol.
but your English is neat and I can read all smoothly.
I think you can get EiKen 1 degree some day in the future as you can write those beautiful sentence.
Good luck :)

230 :
Among other mistakes in your posts, let me correct one typo.
X honestly
O hornestly

231 :
>>228 Umechi-san, life is too short for misunderstandings. Despite your friend's
immature behaviour, you should open a channel of communication and try
to find out why you have been removed.

232 :
If possible invite him for a beer. Tell him that you value friends because
despite their young age, they may not be there tomorrow. This is an important
experience. Please write here more often and as long as you like.

233 :
Hey guys.
I can tell you as middle age man.
There are not any reasons that you should be friends with incompatible one.
It only to stress you out.
If you wanna enjoy your life, you should not involve those people.

234 :
Hey, I looked up a "hornestly" on Google. But not found.

235 :
Breaking and sad news has come to us. Sylvia Kristel has passed away...
Oh woman, you've gone away.... I've got to thank you for Emmanuelle...
You gave "pleasure" for all men including me... Rest in peace.

236 :
It seems, you are a friend of Kamegirl, to me.
You are a lucky guy at least on this board.
Incidentally, are you fond of women?

237 :
Haha. Yes, that's right. Kamegirl is my follower on Twitter. Sometimes
we have a conversation with DM.
And I give you answer about your question. I love women. Women are
everything. Without women, all men could never be born.
Well, yes. I'm really obscene. lol

238 :
I'm glad to hear that you are one of a believer of Mankoism.

239 :
one of believers

240 :
>>236 I can be your friend too. Just add me and tweet to me!
>>233 What is incompatible? Age difference?

241 :
>>235 Hornestly I cannot find any Riness in porn. All I see is some
mechanical acrobatics lacking sensuality. I cannot relate to your loss.
>>237 So he is a believer of that? A meninist?

242 :
It includes headbanger, an abuse or something.
No mater how your age, R, country or something.
However it's tough to socialize with a who has a different sense of worth and it only to waste of time.

243 :
I have been onakining for 5 days.
Fortunately, I am free now and I netiher want nor have a plan to see anyone.
I will continue it for a year at least.
I will get more husahusa hair.

244 :
>>242 You mean you were abused by a heavy metal fan? It depends on the
person. I know what you mean regarding sense of values. They are not universal.
I am a metalhead too. I would not abuse you.

245 :
It's merely a superstition.
No matter what kind of ways you may try, your hair will be thiner and thiner if you have the genes for Turuppage.

246 :
Shouldn't it be "I think you're a bit exaggerating"?

247 :
Now I think we're even. Keep up the good work.
This is assuming you are the one who always preaches about the importance
of grammar.

248 :
No way! I'll get you back for this!
I've heard somewhere that even Churchill, the former prime minister of the UK, learned English grammer thoroughly from
a teacher in his school days.
He was well-known as a good speaker in those days and later he talked about the importance of learning grammar rules in his autobiography.
If you take it more seriously that even a native speaker put emphasis on grammar, you never use such a word "preach."

249 :
You are willing to destroy my husahusa dream?(´・ω・`)
My father is husahusa.
I will keep trying.
I am still husahusa.
But when I water my hair, my head skin emerges clearly.
I'm going to get husahusa hair in a year.

250 :
I'm with you on that.
Japanese seem to have the wrong idea that bad grammar isn't such a big deal. But actually
it's a big deal. Native speakers are generally much less tolerant of bad grammar than we believe them to be.
This kind of view is typical on the web:
That being said, it seems like mastering grammar isn't the biggest hurdle for Japanese learning English. I think
you know what I mean.

251 :
Actually that's also incorrect.
It should be, 'I think you're exaggerating a bit.'

252 :
French TV's apology pissed me off. They said "We're sorry we hurt the feelings of
people in Fukushima" or something to that effect. What's this condescending tone?
They should have said instead, "we realized how stupid and how insensitive we were. We don't deserve to be called journalism"
The one who hosted the show even snapped back today, “I don’t care how japs would think. They don't know the right to freedom of speech?”
What a nerve. I'm pretty sure he's a f*cking racist.

253 :
Professor Yamanaka Shinya, who has got Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine this year, is supposed to
get present from minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology Makiko Tanaka.
What he'll get... is a WASHING MACHINE! What the hell!? Washing machine!? Huh?
I'm disappointed at the news. I don't wanna think he did his best for the experiment of iPS cell
and got the prize for getting that ridiculous present...
I suggest Mr.Yamanaka should require more presents to her. New car, new TV, new mansion,
anything he wants.

254 :
I disagree. "You're a bit exaggerating" is correct English.
Actually this sounds better than yours.

255 :
I'm fed up with correct or incorrect. We don't want to be English teachers, right?
Let's enjoy the contents.

256 :
and then there was oshiri .
so why dont you change our topics to butts cheeks for a change... huh?

257 :
Enter the momojiri-danshi.

258 :
Well "you're a bit exaggerating" definitely sounds wrong to me, and I'm a native English
speaker. It only makes sense if you interpret 'exaggerating' as an adjective, not a verb.

259 :
I don't know the entrance.

260 :
"That's a bit exaggerating" is a kind of set phrase, far as I know.
It's a sound Rogy.

261 :
It's not a set phrase here in Australia.
I guess it's possible it's used in some particular regional dialect of English,
but I don't think I have ever heard someone use 'a bit exaggerating' like that.
It is definitely not standard English.

262 :
Then how about "that's a bit exaggerated."

263 :
That would be perfectly fine.

264 :
It means 桃尻男児登場!
Just like ドラゴン登場
Do you know the movie ENTER THE DRAGON?

265 :
Oh, thank you. I don't know the English title of "燃えよドラゴン."
I thought it meant someone must enter the gate of the chrysanthemum shouting "Ah!hhhhhh!"with each other.

266 :
Don't mention it. I'm a big fan of Bruce Lee.
If the movie title were the original title ドラゴン登場 when roadshowing in Japan, the film couldn't have been a blockbuster.
The Japanese title made him a legendary superstar, I believe.
Bruce Lee owe Japan a lot.
The word 燃えよ became 流行語 afterward, you know.
I respect Chinese people as well and want a good relationship with them.

267 :
someone tell me why?
There’re three friends to lodge in a certain hotel together.
This hotel room charge is $300. Everyone paid his own share of $100 each.
Actually this room charge is $250 therefore hotel manager bring the return money of $50 to them
by way of a servant.
But a servant steals $20 from part of this money.
Accordingly, a servant returns money to them only $30. Three friends divide $10 each.
Three friends paid to hotel each $90 per man. ‘Cause $10 is return back per man.
To sum up, their total payment is $270. ($90 ×three). And a servant’s steal money is $20.
After all, total payment of $270 plus steal money of $20 equals $290.
This is difference first payment of $300. Where is a difference of $10?
That's all//

268 :
I don't want to give you an answer because it is a very famous famous story of 詭弁.
I've been knowing the story for about 4decades.

269 :
>Three friends paid to hotel each $90 per man.‘Cause $10 is return back per man.
That's wrong. They three men paid $90 each, but not to the hotel. That figure includes
both the hotel fee ($250, so $83.33 each) plus the servant's theft ($20, 7.67 each).
So when you say they paid $90 each, you've already counted both the hotel and the servant.
Adding another $20 to that makes no sense; you end up counting the servant twice.

270 :
Thank you for introducing the famous story in original language.
I read it only in Japanese.

271 :
i really understand. thank you sir.

272 :
what was the anwer though?

273 :
The answer is, the question is a cheat.

274 :
The answer is, the servant is a good person because if he didn't steal $ 20,they couldn't
divide the money.
As the result, they must have fought to death amnong themselves.
The servant saved their lives.

275 :
Right. However, the money will come from the ministers' pocket money, not from the budget of our government.

276 :
Yes, I liked キョンシー in my childhood.
Well, unfortunately, I have never seen his movies.
I will add them to the movie list that I am someday to see.

277 :
Did you know you must stop in front of blinking red red signal while driving?
I am caught by police men and should pay 7000yen by a week.
Yeah, I know, it's all my fault.


278 :
CRAZY 2CH wwww

279 :

280 :
Didn't you learn it at your driving school?
Anyway, it is crazy you try to across the street without stopping while red light is blinking.
You could be hit by other cars running into your path.

281 :
>>83 - 84

282 :
Not so crazy. because the red light blinking cross roads are open sighted and few cars coming.

283 :
I had remembered that you can go freely when Yellow blinking signal, and you can go carefully when Red blinking signal.
I wonder if some people remember like me, in fact, my mother did so lol.

284 :

285 :
The streets light up, and the FACK

286 :

287 :
Hello Japan.
I'm a foreigner.
Ask me anything.

288 :
D.F.F Us!

289 :
How do you feel those sentences written at this thread?
Strange? Funny? Insane?

290 :
funny and CRAZY

291 :
They're quite strange/funny.
Most of you speak English well enough, but need to improve your grammar.

292 :
fack you Jap
Thanks gentleman

293 :
I must be 日本人〜

294 :
You're welcome bro
What's wrong with you?

295 :
>That feel when you don't want to look too clingy by replying immediately

296 :
get the fuck out of english@2ch
I am crazy.....

297 :
You are such an emotional person and I think it's not a good thing.
You might as well sit in Zen meditation so as to delve into what's in your mind.

298 :
Did you know that you must stop in front of a blinking red light while driving?
I was caught by policemen and now i have to pay 7000yen within one week.
Yeah, I know, it's all my fault.

299 :
2ch Anonymous 10/20/12(Sat)15:27 No.9908918
representing the hood
mother fuckers!

300 :
/jp/ pls go

301 :

302 :
I for one welcome our new American overlords, and would like to take this
opportunity to remind them that because I speak Japanese I could be helpful
in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

303 :
Hey /jp/, you're shit.
Love, anon.

304 :
If I correct your English, will you correct my Japanese? (´・ω・`)

305 :
I can recommend you Lang-8, free web service.
It could suit you, I guess.

306 :
Yeah, I agree with you.
Lang 8 is something of a paradise for a native speaker of English who wants to learn Japanese language.
Because there are plenty of greedy Japanese in it who aim to learn English for nothing
Whenever you write somthing in Japanese and post it, they immediately correct it.

307 :
write in japanese and in english, we can correct your japanese

308 :
But I have to tell you something.
You can't put all of them in one bag because the language ability is, needless to say, different from person to person.
If I were you, I would like to learn from a person who have an certain academic background.

309 :
In my writing, there are lots of mistakes as usual. lol

310 :
Native speaker also make a lot of mistakes in their chatting.
But nobody mind it.
Because reader can easily correct these sentences while they are reading it.
Are there any necessary to care for mistakes with our session?
Absolutely not.

311 :
I just figured it would be rude to write anything but English in this thread. I'll check out lang-8 though, thanks for the recommendation!

312 :
Native speakers usually make common mistakes by writing like we speak.
Spoken and written English are too different thanks to the wide amount of cultures, dialects, and accents using them.
We don't usually make the same kind of mistakes as those learning the language.
For example, your fourth sentence took me a while to figure out. A native speaker would never make mistakes like that.
Native speakers make silly mistakes like incorrectly writing "would of" instead of "would've", mixing up "its" and "it's", and wrongly using punctuation.
If you're still practising English, you should be very wary of mistakes.

313 :
If I could learn English from a native speaker, I would like to learn from you, not>>310
Because even seen from the viewpoints of a beginner like me, his English seem to lack intelligence. lol

314 :
Yeah you're right. and I'm touched your English that is very neat.
However, Japanese, those of leaning English tend to be offensive to someone had made trivial mistakes.
And they are also tend to be too scared to make trivial mistakes.
Under such circumstances, we will never improve.
What I want to say are 'Custom makes all things easy' or 'Failure breeds success'.

315 :
"Japanese, those of leaning English tend to be offensive to someone had made trivial mistakes"
That means they don't understand the learning process. or cannot be bothered
to tolerate it. Is it the same for gaijins learning Japanese?

316 :
Yeah, We learners must speak and write lots without hesiting to make mistakes, then, naturally We can improve our English.

317 :
From what I have seen in 4chans daily japanese threads,
everyone is fairly tolerant to mistakes, and more interested in correcting than insulting others.

318 :
There are a large number of learners in Japan who can't speak English, though they have been learning it for many years.
As the result, they've come to have an inferiority complex toward it, which makes them offensive to others who made grammatical mistakes.
So, it does not apply to gaijins learning Japanese.

319 :
hesitating, not hesiting. good mistake :^9

320 :
Are you a native speaker of English?

321 :
Japanese language will be 地球標準語 in the 遠い未来。
Because Japanese language can 受け入れる all the languages throuhtout the world and 関係ない 語順。
English language では大統一哲学に到達することはできない。

322 :
nice to meet you! i'm not good at english.i want to improve my english ability. I beg your kindness. i want to speak you a lot.

323 :
正義論 is 不完全 because それは English だから。
Japanese have already had 大統一哲学のためのかけら。
Japanese はすでにサンデル以上の哲学を所持している。

324 :

325 :
This blog I think is informative for English speaking peaple who are interested in
Japanese culture.
The above is an entry about Niconico douga, which is video sharing site like Yotube.
Long time ago there were people from overseas who are users of Niconico douga in this thread,
so I thought the entry might be helpful.

326 :
Do you understand what "Satori" is like?
Satori is a Buddhist term and can be translated as enlightment or spiritual awakening.
The ego consists of what you are intersted in. What you are interested in is, of course, different from person to person.
Satori is, in a sense, you are in a state of being interested in everything all over the world.
If you could stand at this stage, the ego would disappear, in other words, the ego and the world would be united.

327 :
Thank you for explaining Satori in such easy words.
Are you a teacher of life?

328 :
No. I am a homeless living under a bridge of the Yodo river.

329 :
it is worthless effort to try to exploain what the satori is like
You cannot understand fully what it is like until you get through it yourself
what matters is how to try to avoid getting interfered by words and go into the state in which words mean nothing

330 :
homeless people know the truth which every one of us living under good conditions never be able to reach

331 :
Homeless people are almost all fusafusa.
I envy them.

332 :
That explains why you are interested in everything because you have nothing.

333 :
At least, I am not interested in you, which proves that your argument is out of the question.

334 :
Since when homeless people enjoy internet surfing?

335 :
But, it's time to realize that living under poor conditions teach them nothing,
as long as they don't have curiosity.

336 :
It's shockig that mayor Hashimoto's former family name was Hashishita, which means
under a bridge. That explains his ancestor was ****.
*** is one of Japanese taboos.

337 :
i love you 2ch

338 :
some people who had dressed dirty
they are always rude to man
looking to lower than yourself
some couple who had ugly looks
they are same do thing

339 :
>>326 Is Satori also related to mind-body connection?

340 :
Hi, I've got a notice of TOEIC I took recently.
My score is...615! Umm, so so.
If you wanna see it, please come to my Twitter page.

341 :
Do you mind if you show us your TOEIC point history?

342 :
You write in English pretty well but your score is low.
When I got 920 in TOEIC, I doubt I could write as well as you in English.

343 :
TOEIC is exam. which mean TOEIC can be broke down.
There is a deference between one studied for TOEIC and one for English.

344 :2012/10/23
There are millions of people who are not good at tests although their practical skill are pretty good.
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
ボストン留学中だけど何か質問ある? (232)
俺様の英検1級合格を応援するスレ (274)
★TOEIC950〜990を目指すthread(勉強法など)7★ (673)
米ドラマ「フレンズ」の英語で日常英語をマスター3 (249)
☆UDA式★鵜田豊総合スレ★30音英語革命☆ (240)
☆UDA式★鵜田豊総合スレ★30音英語革命☆ (240)
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上野樹里、 玉木宏 の“極太マツタケ”を咥える3
綾瀬はるかワンオクtakaの下半身争奪バトル参戦 4
■長澤まさみと野田洋次郎 [takaと浅田舞]の噂★40