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2012年4月アメリカ64: 【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1 (405) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
日本調子のんなアメリカ様に何逆らってんだよ敗戦国 (206)
永遠のアメリカ植民地日本ですが何か? (116)
【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1 (405)
世界一図々しくて愚かな民族はアメリカ人 (123)
明らかに中国人韓国人より白人のがマナー悪い (331)
世界一図々しくて愚かな民族はアメリカ人 (123)

【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1

1 :08/12/03 〜 最終レス :12/01/29
Let's talk English!!

2 :
fack you

3 :
OH,miss spell

4 :
Born in the U.S.A.

5 :

6 :
Bonjour, ça va?

7 :

8 :

9 :
cao ni ma

10 :

11 :
テンキュー テンキュー

12 :
ca va bien et toi ?
are you from the us ?
i cant speak spoken language in english……

13 :
Por que título sem ser inglês?

14 :

15 :

Anyway let's make love with next.

16 :
Yes, this is a pen...

17 :
There are a lot of people who don't have high level of education in this board.

18 :
The life of the present United States is a very Japanese syllabary.
How are there effects of the economic crisis?

19 :
lol lol lol

20 :
Chap Chap Haba Haba-ne! tenkyu〜 boy-san!

21 :
No think you

22 :
N O  T H A N K  Y O U !
/ /    \ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |.|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

23 :
What is the Kokugi of Korea?

24 :
It's ual assault.

25 :
Fire fighter
(It means a fighter fighting by using fire, not a fighter against fire)

26 :
Toyota, Honda and Hyndai are called new "Big Three".

27 :
Hundai...糞-die ?

28 :
<,,‘∀‘><I suppose that President Bush would like Me

29 :
We have alot of critical effect by American stupid finacial system of Sub-Prime.
Still I do not know why they cannot pay for that? Just Lazy??????
Fucki' el !

30 :
More and more employees are being fired thease days.

31 :
I got fire last week.

32 :

33 :
Thats too bad...so did you go hospital ?

34 :
My bonus of winter was too bad!
because of the besiness trend in the world became worse.

35 :
What you saying?
I don't get bonus at all.
Give me bonus.

36 :
You don't deserve getting any bonuses.
Work hearder than ever!

37 :
SHHGERU MIZUKI is my grand father

38 :

39 :
I have no job. Haaaa・・・

40 :
HaHaHaHaHa.........I Can Give you Tewing Gum.
Never mind.
You will be get a Job. Then do not choosen them.
Everybody talking about FIRED and NO BONUS.
When you do not choose the Job, Nobody stop to get the job.
Never mind.
Never mind and Good luck.

41 :
Die American!

42 :

43 :
Looks like an enlish teacher is here.^^

44 :
It seems a lot of donkeys are in this board.

45 :
Nihongo saiko!

46 :
Eigo saiko!

47 :

48 :

49 :
I luv Nigga !!!
I wanna fuck Nigga !!!

50 :
I guess you've been to 4chan.

51 :
Oh. This is a nice sthread.

52 :
Is nobody here?

53 :
Im here.Im a high school student.

54 :
Oh. Im glad you are here w
Are you in the US? or Japan?

55 :
My mam is so fat! She went to bangee jamping and street to hell.

56 :

57 :
hudgqiuwgdwqjbdywqgwhd hnuiwqh ndiqwd juiwh nduwqbdqi!!!

58 :
>>54Im sorry,Im late.Because I havent thought you back here.
I live in JAPAN and Im 11? grade(koko ichi nensei).Yes,you know,my English is so bad.
Im in JAPAN now,but I wanna live in USA in near the future.And I have a dream that Im goin to make it in USA,
But…I dont what I shold do!:(
Im not smart.My favorite subject is Englsh,but as you know…wha the fuck my English?
Ahhh…HELP ME!I worry about my future.

59 :
Shut up bitch!

60 :
Hello guys.
I find a funny board!
Excuese me, when did this board named "AMERICA" start?

61 :

62 :
fuck Hitler! fuck

63 :
this is a penis

64 :
Are you a penis? fuck!!

65 :
don't think.

66 :
Fuck Bush!!

67 :
you Fuck Bitch!!
!Fuck obama Fuck

68 :
Sup bitches, let's rock out with your cocks out!

69 :
You dirty american!! this is a pen!! fuck bitch!

70 :
Now i'm sick because my mom found my porno mag

71 :
shut up manko fuck bitch!!

72 :
Is this a pen?
No, it's a penis.

73 :
hello Americans
my name is penis

74 :
This thread is the best.

75 :
Hiraly is A BITCH !!!!

76 :
i want to see her manko

77 :
guys…u r suck

78 :
I'm an actual american and ...
shit i forgot

79 :

The "conversation" here is so lame.
You sound like a bunch of stupid 12 year old kids saying dirty words.

80 :

The "conversation" here is so lame.
You sound like a bunch of stupid 12 year old kids saying dirty words.

81 :
So What ?

82 :
Are u guys srsly English

83 :
Speak japanese !!!
You fuckin bastard!!

84 :
        ';;:;:;:;:;:;"    -‐''''''ー'''‐    ゛;;;:;:;:;;;'
.        ;;:;:;;:;:;;  ´ ̄ ̄`''''''''''''´ ̄`   ミ;:;;;:;;:;
        ;;:;;:;/   ;;;;;;;;;ミ、     ;:;;;;;;;;、、 ゛ヾ;::;'
        ;::;:;;i   "  ____:::ヽ   /::::____    .i;:;;'
       i´`;;;i.   <.●_>;::  .:::;く_●>- 、 i;:;'⌒i
.       i` i;;;    ・`ー'''''" ::;  :::`''ー'''’   ヽ;;/ |
..       |i ;;´    ・   ノ   :、       、;; ;i
.       ! ; i       /´   ; ヾ       ;;ソ/
       ヽ`、|      /(..;=、_/っ..)、      iノ
        !. |.      ´.:::::::i:::!::::::.`、     !_)
        `''^!      ;:;/二ニ二ヽ;:;      /
          :、      ヽ`''ー-‐''ソ      ノ
.           \      ゛''''''''"     /
.            \    ...............   /
こ れ を 見 た 人 に は 、 身 の 回 り で 、
3 日 後 に 何 か と て も 悪 い 事 が お き ま す 。
悪 い 事 を 起 き な く さ せ る た め に は
こ れ と 同 じ 文 を 2 日 以 内 に 、
違 う 所 に 10 回 書 き 込 ん で く だ さ い 。
10 回 書 き 込 ま な か っ た 女 子 中 学 生 が 、
書 き 込 み を 見 た 後 、 3 日 後 に 死 に ま し た

85 :
Fuck off

86 :
It's just bunch of nonsense.

87 :
1tyome 1banch wao
repeat it bitch

88 :
There is nothing to tellwwww

89 :

90 :
somepeople live for the fortune
somepeople want diamond ring
somepeople want it all
but i dont want nothing it all
if it aint you
if i aint got you……

91 :
fuck me!

92 :
ITT: Japanese people pretending to be foreigners

93 :
You kiss your mother with that mouth?

94 :
I've cracked bigger nuts than yours, biataach

95 :
どうぞ ↓

96 :
I am an American.
I want to communicate with 2ch.

97 :
Seriously! You can ask me anything!

98 :
You all suck dick.

99 :

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朝海ひかる ☆KOM☆