Windows8用のCatalystに気になる記述が Native Stereo 3D support: Windows 8 will natively support Stereo 3D for full-screen and windowed gaming, and video applications Unified Video API Video playback is now integrated within the DirectXR 11 API; enabling simultaneous high quality Video and 3D content, and the potential for enhanced video transcoding performance うわあああ、ConsumerPreview入れてみるかなあ
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ここにStereo 2D APIを使ったコードサンプルもあるね Requirements In addition to the minimum supported operating systems being Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Windows Server 8 Beta, a WDDM 1.2 display driver must be installed on the computer, and the graphics hardware must support feature level 10 or higher. Win8 betaかWin8 CP、DX10対応ハードウェア、WDDM 1.2ドライバが揃えばいけそう ネイティブ対応って言うけど既存ゲームはドライバ側でいじるのかな?