▼ 648 重要:名無しさんの野望[sage] 投稿日:2012/05/26(土) 18:23:00.29 ID:SZgPZ7Ns [3/4] >>646 Battle.netにログインして右上のSupportってとこからYour Support Ticketsを選んで Submit A Ticket→Battle.net→I need a help with an order of purchase.→I want an exchange or refund from the Blizzard store. 記入欄に満足しなかった理由を書いてSubmit
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>>2の手続きをしたら Greetings, Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Customer Support. We would like to thank you for the enthusiasm you have shown towards Blizzard games! Recently, we released Diablo III and due to the success of the launch we have received a high volume of phone calls , petitions, and other responses. We are working diligently to process all requests in a timely fashion; however, we are unable to get to your request at this time. We recommend visiting our support site at us.battle.net/support as the self-service options are comprehensive and our articles are capable of answering most questions. If you are unable to find an answer, please re-open the petition which will retain your current place in line. Regards, ↑このメールが来ました。これで解決を押すと返金手続きは完了してないんでしょうか?
返金手続きを検討している人 手続きして数日経つと 「Your Support ticket status has changed to Answered」という件名で The recent Diablo III refund requested in your petition has been processed in the amount of $59.99. Your refund will be complete within 5-10 business days depending on the availability of your financial institution to process the transaction, and it will take the form of a credit issued directly to the payment method billed. といった内容のメールが届き、そこからさらに数日で返金される Vプリカでも残高としてきちんと返金される 理由は 「nerf,AH」 としか書かなかったが問題なく返金された
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期限っていつまで? 発売日の2日前くらいに買ったんだが
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=========================================== Refunded Items =========================================== Customer Name: ####### Order #: ########## Line Item[s] Refunded: (1) DiabloR III Total Amount Refunded: $59.99 USD
お金返せー!オークション糞だ!ゲームバランスも弱体化ばかりで糞だ!つまりつまんねーよ! ↓ OK.オークションのバグは目下修正中さ、ラグで消えたお金(ゲーム内マネー)もアカウントに戻ってるはずだよ。 問い合わせサンキューな!(他の不満点はスルー) ↓ 書き方が悪かった、ゲーム内マネーを返して欲しいんじゃないんだ。 この破滅的にブッ壊れたバランスのゲームに嫌気がさしたから支払った代金$59.99を返金して欲しいんだよ。 ↓ OK.ゲームが壊れているなら再インストールして欲しい。きっと直るはずだ。あばよ! ↓ 俺、このゲームいらない。俺、お金返して欲しい。このゲーム二度とやらない。返品させてくれ。 で返ってきたのがコレだけどあとひと押しなのかな? Greetings, Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Customer Support. We would like to thank you for the enthusiasm you have shown towards Blizzard games! Recently, we released Diablo III and due to the success of the launch we have received a high volume of phone calls, petitions, and other responses. We are working diligently to process all requests in a timely fashion;however, we are unable to get to your request at this time. We recommend visiting our support site at us.battle.net/support as the self-service options are comprehensive and our articles are capable of answering most questions. If you are unable to find an answer, please re-open the petition which will retain your current place in line. Regards,
Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Customer Support.
We would like to thank you for the enthusiasm you have shown towards Blizzard games! Recently, we released Diablo III and due to the success of the launch we have received a high volume of phone calls, petitions, and other responses. We are working diligently to process all requests in a timely fashion; however, we are unable to get to your request at this time.
We recommend visiting our support site at us. battle.net/support as the self-service options are comprehensive and our articles are capable of answering most questions. If you are unable to find an answer, please re-open the petition which will retain your current place in line.
Regards, このメールが来て。記載あるリンクを踏むと mark has a resloved (青いアイコン) i stil has a program(緑のアイコン) と選択するようなものが表示されるんだけど 英語は全くだめなのでわかる人いらっしゃいませんか? ちなみに、2日前に同様のメールが来て、本日同じようなメールが来ました 本当に英語なので沸けわかりません 翻訳かけても意味わからん
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度々すいません メール上段にあるのが>>59でして、メール下段にあるのがこれです What does the “Answered” status mean? - A ticket in “Answered” status means that a Customer Support representative has provided an answer to your ticket. What can I do next? - You can click “Need More Help” in-game, after you view the in-game response. - Or, you can choose the “I still have a problem” option on the ticket detail page. Please note that if you choose this option, your in-game ticket will be converted into a web ticket. It will no longer be viewable in game, but will be visible on the Blizzard Customer Support web site instead. If you have additional questions or concerns, please log in to the Blizzard Customer Support web site at <http://www.battle.net/support/> and reply to the ticket. Regards, The Customer Support Team Blizzard Entertainment 改めて、英語の難しさを堪能
このゲームらぐいよつまんねーとか翻訳かけて英文作って送った場合こんな感じのテンプレメールが来た きっちりI want a refund for Diablo 3って書いて送ったら チケット受理メールが来て、それから3日くらいたったら返金手続きしたよってメールが届いたわ
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>>60 です 2chのdiablo3スレにあったのを、そのまま送ってます I purchased a Diablo 3 digital copy pre-sale a week ago. This game, from launch day untill today, has a lot of problems and strange things. (As you know, it described in the forum.) It had no way to know such things when purchase. So I'm requesting to refund, and delete my Battle.net account.
>>59 返金スレだし、ブリには怒りと絶望を抱いているので 答えてあげるけど、「2chだから」うんぬんというのは 聞き捨てならないぞ。 >i stil has a program(緑のアイコン) これは、"I still have a problem" 私はまだ問題が残ってます。という意味なので そっちをクリックすればいい。 さらに何か記載するところがあれば、 "Please refund for diablo3"とでも書けばイイ。
Greetings! Thank you for contacting the Game Master Department. We apologize that the wait has been so long; things have been very busy with the Mists of Pandaria Beta, new Scroll of Resurrection feature, and everyone being excited about the Diablo III. Hey there I am sorry that you were unhappy with your purchase of Diablo III. I was able to take a look into that for you and get you a refund. It can take up to 10 - 15 days for the funds to show back up on your account, but your refund has been proccessed. I hope you have an amazing day (o i_i)=oo=(i_i o) pound it これはなんとなくだが返金手続きしてるからちょっと待ってってこと?
∨プリカ返金組だけど チケット記入→3・4日後返信くる→数日後返金 の流れだったよ 返信遅すぎたから3日経った頃のまたチケットに返金してくれって書いたけどね 一文だけですんなり返金だとおもうよ hello. Diablo 3 is the dissatisfaction with bugs and nerf. There is no fun. Please refund.