米国有力紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナルが「AKBの正体は電通」と紹介 http://ikura.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1325155254/ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203733304577101733547361496.html?KEYWORDS=AKB48 > One key ingredient: fan access and participation. CD releases come complete with lottery tickets > for a chance to attend a "handshake event" to meet members, or with ballots for popularity contests > for members, with the top vote-getters performing on coming singles or appearing in music videos. > Many of AKB48's hard-core otaku, or geek, fans buy dozens, or even hundreds of copies of the same > CD to give their favorite girl a boost in rankings, or to win a chance to meet her in person. →CDには「握手イベント」へのくじがついていて、オタクは一人で何ダースや何百枚も同じCDを買う > But helped by the country's largest advertising agency, Dentsu Inc., the group has also been > aggressively marketed to a more mainstream audience. →この国で最大の広告代理店「電通」の後押しで、このグループは国内のもっとメインストリームの顧客に 貪欲に売り込みを続けている