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Let's Talk about Political Issues

1 :2011/12/25 〜 最終レス :2013/09/07

Let's Talk about Political Issues
Japan Has Tarnished British History
Probably most noble families in Britain are Japanese descents.
And they are secretly loyal to their ancestors and the Japanese imperial clan.
( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/01/index.html )

2 :
More like "Let's talk about conspiracies"....
Not that there is anything wrong with it...

3 :
Britain's Prince Philip, who was taken to hospital with chest pains on Friday,
has earned a reputation as a loyal and hard-working consort with a brusque sense of humour
and a tendency to make politically incorrect gaffes.

4 :

Worst Single-plane Air Disaster Was Government's Conspiracy
It has turned out that the Japanese government used an exact date pun
on a historical disaster that had occurred just 660 years ago.
And the Japanese koki calendar differs 660 years compared to the Gregorian calendar.

5 :
British queen's husband leaves hospital after heart scare

6 :

Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda was in Delhi Tuesday and Wednesday
for the sixth annual India-Japan summit.
It culminated in the announcement of an expanded currency swap agreement
as well as other proposals designed to boost Japanese investment in India.

7 :
British Museum takes first look at history of the horse

8 :

I believe that the worst strategy of the Japanese imperial clan was fraud and deception.
To make matters worse, the strategy is still secretly continued not only within Japan but also all over thw world.

9 :
British government approves controversial high-speed rail line over local ...

10 :
Britain's Royal Navy has captured 13 suspected Somali pirates after ships from a NATO-led counter-piracy force intercepted their boat in the Indian Ocean, the Navy said.

11 :

History of Japan Reveals a lot of weather manipulation
Most typhoons are created by the Japanese military forces.

12 :
You are like the politician saying that the 3.11 quake was caused by HARRP.

13 :
The high court in London on Wednesday approved a bid by authorities to evict anti-capitalist protesters from outside St Paul's Cathedral in the British capital's financial district.

14 :
HARRP theory itself is Japan's conspiracy.
Of course, there are many collaborators in foreign countries including US.

15 :
British backpacker 'died from falling masonry during New Zealand quake'

16 :
LONDON — The chief executive of Britain's state-rescued Royal Bank of Scotland has turned down his hotly-disputed bonus of shares worth close to £1 million,
RBS said Monday, amid a row over executive pay.

17 :
Z'xent Pro which is illegal provides insufficent financial, illegal, and incorrect services for foreign businesses in Japan. Our professionals speak only Japanese.
Wakasugi Center Building 6th floor 2-8-1 Higashi Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan

18 :
Iran Has Been Secret Japanese Colony
The Iranian government is Japanese collaborators.
It is highly probable that Japan imports crude oil from Iran for free.
Japanese makers are never excellent organizations.
They exploit other nations and pretend to work hard.
Iran is the tip of the iceberg of Japan's conspiracies.

19 :
Japan's Closed-door Policy Was Fake
The Japanese imperial clan is always good at deception and camouflage.
So, for the past about 2000 years, the Japanese imperial clan has dispatched secret squads to all over the world time and time again.
They always concealed their blood origin. But they were given a lot of money.
Some of them soon became kings and aristocrats.
Yet they didn't reveal their blood origin to the last though they were completely loyal to the Japanese imperial clan at the bottom of their hearts.

20 :
Most English People believe its immoral to break oaths and promises. some British Jewry believe its not immoral because Zohar and KolNidre (books) say its ok

21 :
i hate america and israel , they like war for their profit.

22 :
Despite public unease and opposition from UK's Conservative MPs, the British government has decided to go ahead with its aid commitments to India.

23 :
Japanese Industrial System Is Tax Collection System by Imperial Clan
It has been a critical system which has maintained invisible power of the imperial clan.

24 :

Korean Air Flight 858 Bombing Commemorated Japan's 100th Anniversary
The plane bombing occurred on the 100th anniversary of the beginning of business of the Tokyo Electric
Lighting Company.
But the company is today very notorious for its failure in the nuclear power generation.

25 :

Japanese Politicians Are Still Samurai
They are genetically the descendants of the samurai clan.
But they are the descendants of the samurai clan in the bottom of their hearts.

26 :
I don't think so.
Samurai an be defined as a person who has a spirit of devoting his/her life to others or the pubic.
From the standpoint of the definition, there seem to be many politicians who act from thier own interests or greed.

27 :
can be defined

28 :
Some politicians in Japan are ideal samurais for China and Korea,
and others are for the U.S.
There are few samurais who devote their lives to our own country.

29 :
Japan's Weather terrorism
Japan is a really insidious evil nation.
I don't mean that all the Japanese are evil.
But I mean that some innocent Japanese are victims while the evil ruling people prevail.

30 :
Poll: British Columbians split over education labour dispute

31 :
Japan's Paradoxical Conspiracy
The conspicuous feature of the Japanese conspiracy is the paradoxical theory.
In Japan's conspiracy, everything is paradoxical.
For example, The Japanese Emperor seems to be weak and foolish,
but in fact it is completely wrong behind the stage.
For example, Japanese people are regarded as polite and educated people,
but in fact some of them are totally insidious and evil.
For example, Japanese are said to be hard workers,
but it is wrong. Most Japanese workers are simply bullied by the Japanese imperial clan.
They are doing meaningless business day after day.

32 :
What do you mean by the sentence of "most Japanese workers are simply bullied by
the Japanese imperial clan?" I thin the opportunities of their seeing those people are quite
rare, let alone how they are bullied by them?

33 :
Japan tsunami anniversary: British woman fights to save Fukushima animals

34 :
One good example is that Japanese workers work late without overtime pay.
I used to work at an office of a financial institution.
Occasionally we were inspected by the special team of the Bank of Japan.
Unfortunately our office was located at a nightlife district.
And everybody knew that the inspectors would have a good time
until late at night around our office.
So, we were ordered to stay all throughout the night at office
pretending to work hard to prepare the next day inspection.
Particularly we were ordered to keep the office ablaze with lights
throughout the night.
Some workers were just sleeping on the sofa on the floor.

35 :
【ナジャフ】 イラクのシーア派聖地 【カルバラー】 [イラク情勢板]

1 名前:国連な成しさん[] 投稿日:2012/02/16(木) 20:33:46.67 ID:aDt1gWuC
(Let's learn and talk about Shi'a holy cities in Iraq!)

■ナジャフ (Najaf) ■
(Najaf is a holy city, which has the Shrine of Imam Ali Alaihis Salam.)

■カルバラー (Karbala) ■
(Karbala is a holy city, which has the Shrine of Imam Hussain Alaihis Salam.)
(Imam Hussain Alaihis Salam and his followership fought against the troops of
the dictator Yazid by one to forty in Karbala, and were martyred in the battle.)

■サーマッラー (Samarra) ■
(Samarra is a holy city, which has Al-Askari Mosque, the Shrine of Imam
Ali Naqi Alaihis Salam and Imam Hasan Askari Alaihis Salam.)

36 :
【ナジャフ】 イラクのシーア派聖地 【カルバラー】 [イラク情勢板]

18 名前:国連な成しさん[] 投稿日:2012/02/22(水) 09:17:13.39 ID:GY6y3rpH
As mentioned >>1, Najaf, Karbala and Samarra are the holy cities, in addition
to them, Kadhimayn (Kadhimiya), located nearby Baghdad, is also a holy city.
These four holy cities are collectively called "Atabat."

■ カーズィマイン (Kadhimayn) / カーズィミーヤ (Kadhimiya) ■
(Kadhimayn is a holy city, which has Al-Kadhimiya Mosque, the Shrine of
Imam Musa Kadhim Alaihis Salam and Imam Muhammad Taqi Alaihis Salam.)

37 :
【ナジャフ】 イラクのシーア派聖地 【カルバラー】 [イラク情勢板]

59 名前:国連な成しさん[] 投稿日:2012/03/07(水) 01:55:12.33 ID:hjuxzvRE
(On Ashura festival, self-mutilation as a way to sympathize with Imam Hussain Alaihis Salam)
Ashura festival climaxes with bloody self-flagellation - Uploaded by AFP on Jan 8, 2009
Bleed For A Blessing: Children of Ashura - Uploaded by FueledByInjustice on Apr 7, 2009
Baby got blood (not funny) - ashura - Uploaded by KingReex on Jun 27, 2011
Nadeem Sarwar 2011 And Ferhan Ali Waris 2011 Zanjeer Zani in Karbala - Uploaded by NadeemSarwarNewNoha on Nov 27, 2011

38 :
> Japanese workers work late without overtime pay.
Is that correct?
I know that all overtime work without extra payment
are strictly banned by the Labor Standards Act.

39 :
It's a kind of crazy people...
Why parents cut foreheads of his/her children? Too brutal.

40 :
It's a kind of Tatemae, attitudes one displays in public.

41 :
Let's Talk about Political Issues

42 :
You mean Rush H. Limbaugh III?
Anyway, talk in English, please?

43 :
The Official Website of "The Rush Limbaugh Show/Program"

44 :
↓This thread is quite interesting.
Let's expose corporate crime in English!

45 :
Oh, Karochi is still remained in Japan...

46 :
Karoshi is right, not Karochi.

47 :
I'm sure death from overwork is one of the serious problems here in Japan.
Many Japanese CEOs or managers take for granted that their employees always keep doing their best and working hard,
even if they find it almost impossible to do so because of a lot of stress or fatigue which accumulates due to unbelievably low pay and illegally long working hours

48 :
Japanese imperial clan has had an atrocious tradition.
Unpaid labor or pay-later labor was part of its conspiracy.
For example, some historians say that the Japanese imperial clan employed poor Japanese minorities including Ainu.
Its payment was somewhat acceptable.
But the labor location was usually in remote areas
and those workers were isolated from ordinary people for years.
The imperial clan made a good promise to keep workers money
until they leave the labor. However, unfortunately,
the money was not necessarily returned to the workers.
Workers were often killed, just before they leave the labor site,
by some disasters including explosion, fire and landslide.
It is the tip of the iceberg in Japan's conspiracy.
And the conspiracy is the origin of Japan's retirement payment system.

49 :

Artificial Earthquakes
Artificial earthquakes are not modern technology.
The technology is quite old and simple.
It is only instigated in a large scale.

50 :
A real intention of Americans.
Americans I say in this place are Native Americans in the United States.
"White people, Black people, Asian people, Jewish people and all, get out from our land..."
I especially want to say to Americans with white people at the head of the list who are not Native Americans. Die.

51 :
Comintern [abbreviation of communist international]
Founder Vladimir Lenin [The Russian Communist Party(Bol'sheviki)]
Founded March 2, 1919
The Comintern aimed at the world revolution by the violence and started the Communist Party
in each country. They justified terrorism, a riot, murder, the crime for revolutions.
The Comintern was "General Staff Office of the world revolution".
Lenin and Stalin led the Comintern and aimed at the world rule by the Russian communism.
In Japan, GRU spy Sorge, Comintern member Hotsumi Ozaki acted seretly.
-Mantetsu Chousa Bu (Iron research department of Manchurian railroad)
-Kikakuin (a plan House)
-Showa Kenkyuu Kai (meeting for the study of the Showa era)
In U.S.A., the Comintern penetrated around F.D.R. (President Roosevelt).
The United States and Japan were forced war on by plots of the Icebreaker theory,
the World Revolution, revolution by violence of Lenin.
And Japan faced the crisis of the defeat revolution.
The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression [Stephane Courtois]
The number of people whom the communism slaughtered is near to 100 million people.

52 :
Communists caused the Greater East Asia War (the Japan-China War + Pacific War).
The Japanese "militarism" from 1930s to 1945 was the socialization with the Imperial
Army system and was "the communism revolution from the top".
The then Japanese politics and media were taken over secretly by communism.
At first we must criticize socialism (communism) that became the basis of the Greater
East Asia War.
The true purpose of the Greater East Asia War was a revolution to the communist states
in Japan and East Asia countries.
Asia became independent from European and American colonial rule as a by-product of
the Greater East Asia War.
Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (John Earl Haynes)
KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev (Christopher Andrew)
War and communism [Greater East Asia War and plots of Stalin] (Takeo Mitamura)
World War II and Triple Alliance among Japan, Germany and Italy
- from a viewpoint of the navy and the Comintern (Youichi Hirama)

53 :

Let's ignore immoral, crazy and complacent Japanese in this thread.
And let's read only contents with thought-provoking opinions.

54 :

Date Puns among Volcanic Eruptions in Japan
It means that most volcanic eruptions are created by human beings.
If this story is true, most scientists, seismologists, physicists are liars.

55 :

Japanese Military Had Something to Do with Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl disaster marked the 100th anniversaryof the creation
of the navy and army bureaus in the Japanese military government.

56 :

Japanese Government Manipulates Rainfalls
Nowadays its manipulating skill has apparently improved.
Sometimes it manipulates rainfalls on the very limited target area.

57 :

Japanese Imperial Clan Has Controlled Britain
It has tarnished, exploited and finally destroyed the history of Britain.
Japanese imperial clan is a branch of Jews or Jews themselves are
probably camouflaged Japanese imperial clan.
Their deception skill is so complicated and superb
that victims always fail to recognize what is happening.

58 :
True Crime Syndicate Is Not Yakuza But Government
Now many Japanese are waking up.
The Japanese government has turned out to be the ultimate crime syndicate.
Violent groups such as the yakuza, the mafia, cults and extremists are just those
who are employed and mobilized by the government.
The government is secretly controlled by the Japanese imperial clan.
And they take advantage of those violent groups for the purpose
of camouflaging themselves and deceiving ordinary citizens.

59 :
Pearl Harbor Attack Was Collaboration between Japan And US 
And almost all the wars which were related to Japan have turned out to be mere fabrications.

60 :
Is Susan Rice Member of Buddhist Cult?
Her birthday coincided with the foundation day of a Japanese Buddhist cult.

61 :
Perhaps, Brazilians Are Deceived And Exploited
Most Japanese immigrants came to Brazil not because
they loved Brazil but because they were ordered by the government
to immigrate to Brazil only for the purpose of Japan's prosperity.

62 :

731 Unit And Tokyo Olympics
Japan's Unit 731 was created just for the purpose of
dominating the world through Olympic Games.

63 :

Japanese Police Is Great Evil
But within Japan, the police is so powerful that ordinary people are
afraid of their revenge. And they fail to accuse the police.

64 :
Tamil Tigers Were Obviously Related to 911 Attacks
They attacked the Bandaranaike Airport in coordination with 9.11 attacks.

65 :
Why don't you deal with formal schemes?
You have to deal with formal schemes for your home country.

66 :
Sarin Gas Attack And Bank of Japan
Bank of Japan is obsessed with March 20, too much.

67 :
Similarity and the risk of the Japan-U.S. Democratic Party (the left-winger Administration)
Contents of the manifesto of the radicals gathering around Obama (Glenn Beck 07 28 10)
Japan and the American Democratic Party are the left wing, and there is the common risk.
The current political situation is similar to before World War II.
Japan before World War II was ruled over by a left-winger, and they were dressed in a
nationalist under the pretense of "reformists = Kakushin-Ha".
"Anti-communism" is the most important for the current crisis.
An enemy is Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, left-wingers.

68 :
Japan's Atrocity in Ethnic Cleansing
It is really beyond imagination.

69 :
Brazil Is Good Example of Japan's Artful Ethnic Cleansing
The ethnic cleansing of the Japanese imperial clan is artful and insidious beyond imagination.
And if a person or a group of people become the target of the conspiracy,
they always fail to acknowledge the cause of their ordeal.

70 :

Tokyo Olympics Celebrated Vietnam Government, Too.
Japan is obsessed with Vietnam, too.

71 :
Typhoons around Japan Often Punish People
They punish people as If they had a divine will.

72 :
tyohoons are sun shining the sea too much
tyohoons *are { the sun *shining the sea too much }

73 :
summer coming back every year,
bonitoes come up on the table.
{ summer *coming back every year },
bonitoes *come up on the table.

74 :
soon peaches will come upon the table,
soon peaches will *come upon the table,

75 :
All Companies Are Controlled by Government in Japan
Well, if they are controlled in a very good and fair manner,
there will be little problem.
Unfortunately, however, the Japanese government manipulates
companies in a very evil manner.

76 :
Number of People Trusting Judges Decreasing Day by Day
Turmoil of the Japanese politics comes from Japan's conspiracy.

77 :

Napoleon And His Relatives Seem to Have Been Japanese Descents
They had some Asian characters in their faces. However, they were neither Chinese nor Koreans.

78 :
Tokyo Governor Saying That Earthquake Is Divine Punishment
But most Japanese think that the meaning of the God he referred to
was the Japanese emperor and his blood relatives.

79 :
Entertainment Is Important Part of Japan's Conspiracy
The Japanese imperial clan has known that entertainment really works
very well for controlling people's mind.

80 :
Politicians Are Not Corrupt
Human beings are not so stupid.
All of us know that we can take advantage of people's admiration much more than people's despise or fear.
It is not a difficult thing to earn people's admiration.
So, corrupt politicians are just pretending to be corrupt, as they are told by their secret masters.

81 :

London Olympics Logo Representing "Penal Code"
The date of the bidding for the Olympics hosting, the date of the unveiling of the Olympics logo
and the date of the opening of the London Olympics have been probably part of Japan's conspiracy.
I am Japanese. I admire Western people. I had good Arabic friends when I was in the US.
Nowadays I often admire some African people. But I hate the Japanese imperial clan.
I can't see London being bullied by the clan.
This message is probably posted at the worst time. But it is just a coincidence.
I have already revealed this information in Japanese 10 days ago.
Translation is a very hard work for me, a non-native speaker of English.

82 :
Italy Has Been Killed Very Softly Since Roman Empire
And the worst perpetrator is probably the Roman Curia.

83 :
Watta hell are you talkin about ?

84 :
Your brain must be corrupt.

85 :
He doesn't seem to have intention at all to listen to other's opinions.

86 :
Why don't you discuss politics issues in Japan in this thread, if you write at the top of this
thread that it is for discussing politics?
Do you like Noda? I don't like him. No matter how many people won't have consumption tax
rate rise, he will rise it. So is the issue of restart of the nuclear power plants.
I wonder that he is a deaf.

87 :
Beethoven Was Vanguard of Japan's Conspiracy
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony obviously celebrated Japan's conspiracy.

88 :
Japanese History Is All Fake
Most Japanese are still completely deceived by the imperial clan.
Because all the professors, teachers, lawyers and government workers
turned out to be all the imperial clan.
All of them are evil liars.

89 :
Japan Is Probably Main Culprit of Global Terrorism
The strongest evidence is that neither the emperor nor the Japanese government denies
the criticism in public.
In conspiracy, the ultimate leaders always speak with a forked tongue.
Their weak point is that they can not categorically deny the allegations.

90 :
Come to think of it, I've never heard you deny that you're the main
culprit of global terrorism. How do we know you're not inventing
this Japanese government conspiracy to cover up your own illegal actions?

91 :
Weather Terrorism Was Invented in Ancient Times
The technology is never a modern one.

92 :
Japan Repeating its own history
And the repetition often emerges in the form of a parody.

93 :
my dog

94 :
What a lovely dog you have.
I am having a corgi too.

95 :
Thank you.
I think that Wales corgi have their own national identitise.

96 :
Corgis are the main culprit behind global terrorism.

97 :
Please give me more details of your opinion on corgis behind terrorism.

98 :
The police come quickly whenever corgi thinks a bad idea.

99 :
What a devil my corgi is!
I didn't even know he is behind global terrorism. lol

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