__ノ)-'´ ̄ ̄`ー- 、_ , '´ _. -‐'''"二ニニ=-`ヽ、 / /:::::; -‐''" `ーノ / /:::::/ \ / /::::::/ | | | | | |:::::/ / | | | | | | | |::/ / / | | || | | ,ハ .| ,ハ| | |/ / / /| ,ハノ| /|ノレ,ニ|ル' | | | / / レ',二、レ′ ,ィイ|゙/ I don't go date with simple math otaku. . | \ ∠イ ,イイ| ,`-' | Smart, good at math, and cool, they are the necessary conditions. | l^,人| ` `-' ゝ | In addition, if you write a paper on Ann.of Math, it will be a sufficient condition. | ` -'\ ー' 人 The ones who I dislike the most is the silly guys who write junk papers which | /(l __/ ヽ、 delay the publication of good papers. | (:::::`‐-、__ |::::`、 ヒニニヽ、 How much is the probability that your paper is accepted by Ann of Math? | / `‐-、::::::::::`‐-、::::\ /,ニニ、\ Maybe, recently, is Inv. Math. superior? | |::::::::::::::::::|` -、:::::::,ヘ ̄|'、 ヒニ二、 \ . | /::::::::::::::::::|::::::::\/:::O`、::\ | '、 \ | /:::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、::::\ノ ヽ、 | | |:::::/:::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'、',::::'、 /:\__/‐、 | |/:::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O::| '、::| く::::::::::::: ̄| | /_..-'´ ̄`ー-、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|/:/`‐'::\;;;;;;;_| | |/::::::::::::::::::::::\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|::/::::|::::/:::::::::::/
80 :
anus is great physics
81 :
I love reading very much I love books!!!
82 :
I'mn't genius. Please help me!
83 :
Let's study together!
84 :
Oh, my heartful frend!!
85 :
age! age!! age!!! Raise up this great thread!!!!!! Am I a shit eater? NO! NO!! NO!!!!!
86 :
We should master mekosujido.
87 :
Oh no! You eat a shit. I eat a shit. He eats a shit. Are you ok?
88 :
And then, ... You ate a shit yesterday. I ate a shit yesterday. He ate a shit yesterday. Are you ok?
89 :
And furthermore, You have eaten a shit many times. I have eaten a shit many times. He has eaten a shit many times. Are you ready?
90 :
If you are asking, ... Do you eat a shit? Do I eat a shit? Does he eat a shit? Do you understand?
91 :
In the same way, Did you eat a shit? Did I eat a shit? Did he eat a shit? Are you ready to eat it?
92 :
If you are asking experience, ... Have you eaten a shit? Have I eaten a shit? Has he eaten a shit? Is it ok?
93 :
If you don't want to eat a shit, ... You don't eat a shit. I don't eat a shit. He doesn't eat a shit. Are you satisfied?
94 :
For the case of yesterday, ... You didn't eat a shit yesterday. I didn't eat a shit yesterday. He didn't eat a shit yesterday. Are you ok?
95 :
I can speak English of a little.
96 :
>>95 OK! great!!! excellent!!!! You can speak English! Then, the rest of lesson, let's start. If you have no experience of eating a shit, then, ... You have never eaten a shit. I have never eaten a shit. He has never eaten a shit. It's too easy for you!!
97 :
Maybe, simply you didn't eat a shit yet this time, then you can say You have not yet eaten a shit. I have not yet eaten a shit. He has not yet eaten a shit. That's all. Now you are a great English speaker!!!!!
98 :
OK! Let's summarize today's lesson. I eat a shit today. / I don't eat a shit today. / Do I eat a shit today? You eat a shit today. / You don't eat a shit today. / Do you eat a shit today? He eats a shit today. / He doesn't eat a shit today. / Does he eat a shit today? I ate a shit yesterday. / I didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did I eat a shit yesterday? You ate a shit yesterday. / You didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did you eat a shit yesterday? He ate a shit yesterday. / He didn't eat a shit yesterday. / Did he eat a shit yesterday? I have eaten a shit already. / I have not yet eaten a shit. / Have I eaten a shit yet? You have eaten a shit already. / You have not yet eaten a shit. / Have you eaten a shit yet? He has eaten a shit already. / He has not yet eaten a shit. / Has he eaten a shit yet? I have eaten a shit many times. / I have never eaten a shit. / Have I ever eaten a shit? You have eaten a shit many times. / You have never eaten a shit. / Have you ever eaten a shit? He has eaten a shit many times. / He has never eaten a shit. / Has he ever eaten a shit? That's it. Congratulations for your great English conversation!!!!!!
99 :
>>85 What's up? Shit will happen. You speak shit, more more.