KIPSANG SAYS "NO" TO ADI BOOST. Chooses adiZero Adios2 9/29/2013 9:20AM WR Holder Kipsang opted to race in the adidas adiZero adios 2 over the Boost. I am sure those in Germany will not be pleased. とか I noticed that at the Bupa Manchester Run Wilson Kipsang had ditched the Adios Boost and reverted back to the Adios 2 since his run at VLM. と報じられたりしてるから、キプサングは前々からadios boostは好みじゃなかったみたいだね。 アディダス公式ツィートではadios boostを着用して世界記録更新したとつぶやかれてるから、当日はboostの方を選んだみたいだけど。 RT @adidasrunning: Wilson Kipsang shaves 15 seconds off world record at @berlinmarathonE in adizero adios Boost 2:03:23 #BoostBerlin