66 名前:無名草子さん[sage] 投稿日:2012/04/03(火) 20:19:43.91 The Daily Telegraph "1Q84 features an immaculate conception, telekinesis, transmigrating souls and a talking crow. But the more blatant oddness of Murakami’s plots tends to distract us from their roots in emotions that are just as unaccountable. A virtue of his writing is that, carried away, you rarely sense the strain ... Perhaps the best line in the book comes from Tengo’s editor, who says, "Don’t think too hard about this stuff. This is the magnificent world of a picaresque novel." He means the ghostwriting shenanigans, but it serves just as well for this mammoth mammoth shaggy-dog story." デイリーテレグラフは3点の評価だけど shaggy-dog story=長くて退屈な話って意味だからね。 3点でもボロクソに書いてるのが現実。 一番いい台詞は あんまり真剣に考えるなよって編集者が言うけど、これはそのままこの本にも当てはまることだよって書いてる。