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2013年04月ENGLISH5: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 176 (342) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 176

1 :2013/03/27 〜 最終レス :2013/04/02
( ´・ω・)  Let's have Earl Grey tea and chat!
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 175
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope Igirisu-jin and the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!
This is the place to have a blast!!!!!
Let's continue to support recovery efforts in Japan!!!!!

2 :

3 :

4 :
Part time preacher LOL

5 :
Im so sick and tired of going to thread I used to stay
Not all but few are very aggressive and so depressing
Im a neet and I dont feel this is not good but I`d been working
for a long time so I think it`s so nice to have time of my own
But someone is saying, " you guys HAVE TO earn more money until
we get to 40" I really hate this "HAVE TO" thing...it`s not in my dictionary

Actually, Im not good at planning and I believe that plan does not work at all
Some says, there will be difference and I totally agree with them but
to me, it`s a big deal
Many "HAVE TO" people are more likely to commit suicide, when they fail
I was like that before and got so tired of that type of thinking
There is no "HAVE TO" in our life. It`s just what some ruler made it to make
some life easier to live. When I look at the history, there is no 100% guarantee,
all we can do is just to be in our best condition. But it`s still okay, it you cant
Going to university, though youre not that interested, I spent such a rediculous time there
because of "HAVE TO" thing...Im so sick and tire of HAVE TO people and I really dont even
feel like speaking with them. Including my parents

6 :
when i was a student there were too much "HAVE TO" things and
I was a bit exausted. I understand some but I dont understand
we need them all. I prefer like or dislike.
I studied hard because I dislike a situation where I cant choose a job
That`s not totally "have to"
But when I was in high school, my parents start to say bunch of "have to"
and I really had hard time understanding them. I kind of feel that they
just want control over my life. Though, I forgive them because Im not that
"have to" people so I understand that people make mistakes but whenever
they start to say "have to" I really hate it

7 :
Are you the caregiver-san lady? I read your comments on the
position of Japanese women in society. Many thanks for enlightening
me. You mentioned that the system is not so bad, that the women
have the upper hand, and that we foreigners (who actually have
a diverse set of values simply because there are many different countries)
do not understand this detail and attack your system. I have
not said anything negative about your system of values. However
I have one comment, that is , because it is your tradition,
we are expected to respect it. How can you expect foreigners to
respect a tradition they don't understand when they only see the surface?

8 :
Hi KameGirl
Yes, I am a formal caregiver
I think it`s very nice question. I consider 2 reasons for this.
We are not used to explaining things
This is because our culture is, to notice what others demanding
before they ask you to do something for them.
Most women, not today, were taught to be sensible. They were told to move before asked
If she is noted by elderly, it was pretty humiliating, feeling stupid
However, these things changed these days, and no one feel humiliated anymore
It`s like " so what " I think only family with old tradition, only few, still have
these kind of old dicipline, but if you go to rural district, you`ll find some tradition like this

9 :
The another reason is because we feel humiliated since WWII.
Many elderly lost their confidence to talk about our tradition especially
in front of foreigners
It would be much better if we just abandon these tradition, but
everywhere you go, some are still alive in daily life
Maybe it`s inside somewhere in our DNA
Japanese is pretty complicated. Im Japanese but I also feel that way
We dont say, but that does not mean that we dont feel something
We feel but we give signs in other ways
The famous story is that in Kyoto, when you are served a rice with tea poured on it,
it means, please leave
Few Japanese dont like people from Kyoto, because we hear they are pretty good with expressions like that
So when foreigners come to Japan and say whatever thing they want to say,
it is most likely that people in Japan just becomes quiet
In other countries, being quiet means, you win, but not in Japan
Japanese is more malicious. They`ll change the expression and tell you
what they think so many foreigners are so confused sometimes
Some Japanese are not like that, but most of those people are someone who studied abroad

10 :
Lady first is sabetsu.

11 :
Agree! It's a reverse discrimination!
Men and ladies don't matter! We should treat everyone fairly

12 :
When Im talking with foreigners, most of the times I feel they are clear
about Yes and No but in Japan, we`re more like, " I understand, but"
" Yes I feel the same as you do, but"
Maybe some foreiners feel funny about this but Japan is just an Island,
you know, we dont actually like to fight, so it is very important not to
mess around with others
I think we have very mild culture, and we are not used to deny all
We leave some space for other opinions. We feel uncomfortable
pushing our own opinions 100%
Although, these things are pretty much changing today
I know that it is very good thing that people speaks out
but some are very confusing and hard to understand but
I think it`s all the same in other countries too
We all have good side and also a bad side

13 :
I think we`re equal now and we`re just having various types of
family from now on. Although, some men thinks housewives are easily
job but I really have doubt about that
It`s really easy to start a new thing and break the old tradition,
but once you break them, you must remember, that it is not easy
to revive that tradition once again
Everybody are so desperate about never knowing new types of something
but new type is filled with lots and lots of problems

14 :
No matter what you say, gaijins will never understand what you actually mean.
They simply don't have the ability to understand the Japanese cultures and values.

15 :
I think it depends. It`s totally same with us
Some understands, and some dont
Every culture has it`s own type of values, Japanese is very hard to explain
for those who`s not that familiar
Because you know what! Most Asians know that when we go to America,
some really thinks that Asian=Chinese, including people from India!
Sometimes, we have to explain from very beginning but someone who studies
Asia, are different
It the same for us, some Japanese think America, Australia, and Canada
is all the same

16 :
Then, it's better for you to explain them more in detail. Why wouldn't you do that?

17 :
We are so used to hear a word "GLOBAL" but it`s pretty funny to see
many people dont even know much about continent
Have you seen a tv show, asking to locate the country?
I`d seen this Japanese girl pointed US and said Russia
They also did the same thing in America, and this guy did
have no clue at all
Some couldnt even answer where they live in a global map
Before teaching a word "Global," I think it is very important
to study Geography

18 :
>Although, some men thinks housewives are easily job but I really have doubt about that
American parents make their children frozen food every day?
Housewife work is very important.
Foreigners discriminate housewife.
They are not logical.

19 :
I personally don`t like to catagorize
We tend to do that but Im feel weird sometimes
It totally stop one`s thinking, when you catagorize
It`s the fastest and easiest way to solve a problem but
I dont like that much sometimes

20 :
I heard nowadays, some American are wanting to be a wifehouse
and some are good cookers
It`s okay to have various values as long as you dont mess with others
Everybody dont have to be the same

21 :
I hate fucking amekous fuck them!!!!!

22 :
I want to fuck write girl.
Because I want to touch vagina.
I play R!!!!!

23 :
go get barbie doll, it is available in toy〇us

24 :
Did something happen in the previous thread, part175 ?
I saw that thread on Monday morning and went on a trip to see sea.
Next time I see part 175 now, that thread already vanished.
Is there so many respond in this thread ?

25 :
Part175 reached 1000th posting.
1000th posting is maximum.

26 :
Apparently there is no part time preacher today

27 :
I heard white people living in Japan make quick money as a part time preacher for Western style wedding ceremony.
They are not certificated. On top of that some of them are not Christian.

28 :
If your tongue is English, you can easily get English teaching job here in japan. Even though most of them don't have any qualifications and experiences and even some don't have a degree, still they can get a job! Wtf

29 :
I want a beautiful foreign woman with blond hair and nice figure to teach me about Rual affair.

30 :
It`s too bad that i hate kids. I really love my nephews but I hate other kids
I have this fear that when you get near that school, you get a little older
I really love playing with nephews and I dont like that school thing...do you understand me?
If I like kids then I probably had licence to work at kindergarden by now

31 :
Being white is SO prestigious!!!!!!!!! It's not fairrrrrrr!!!!!!
one of my white friends who is not that good looking has some modelling jobs and gets pretty good money! Because she is WHITE!!!!!
I hate this whitewashed culture!!!!!!!!!!

32 :
I know it`s very weird for me to say this but my sister is so pretty and she was so famous everywhere she went
But I know her beauty will gradually decrease when she gets involved with elementary school
I can`t stand that
Im not that beatiful like her but I have this instinct that why the hell i have to get old,
for other kids. If i dont have kid, I do not want to get involved

33 :
i heard of that preacher thing before...
you know what! my sister was asked to go drinking together,
after her friend`s wedding...lol
But my sister said that it`s not bad as long as Japanese people
are satisfied listening perfect English on the wedding day
That`s Japan.

34 :
I totally believe taking care and raising children really absorb women`s youth
My sister was really beautiful when she had a baby. Like she had this beautiful skin
but when she gets involved with elemetary, Im think that`s so scary
One of my aunts, had a baby, and she had been working but she still looks older than
other siblings who doesnt have a kid at all
I hear a word, " beautiful midage women" but I dont know how they manage that but I think
that`s pretty a rare case. Eventhough, you smoke, you wake up late during night, people with
no kid, looks younger.
My grand-aunt raised my mom and my grandma worked instead and they`re almost the same age,
but my grandma looks 20yrs younger than my grand-aunt

35 :
It seems having too much R also make some women look old
Keeping your own pace might be very important
I been out with 2 guys in my life, but isn`t that pretty good for
early 30s? They`d been pretty nice, gave me whatever thing I wanted
at that time. I`ve done my best too. We`d been together for about 5yrs
but they still love me, and I do too. No more lovers but as a friend
I was so depressed about not having a child, I didnt get pregnant at all,
but when I was reading many threads and noticed that many people have not
experienced friendship after break-up or divorce. Probably, Im gifted
Some are borned to be a mother, and some don`t have that chance
Sad, but I want to believe that there`s some meaning to it

36 :
I can`t believe that I had a divorce! lol
At that time I thought it was so impossible for us to be together anymore
Now I think that maybe I could have done better, if I had been calmed down
and think awhile. Although, we cares anymore
My ex-husband is going to blind date and all those things and he`s moving
forward and I don`t wanna mess around with his life. We`re totally over
He looked quite sad, but everyone is sad after the divorce, so I told him
to find a right ones dont rush. Another break-up will be much harder to overcome
than this one. He told me that he never had a thought of divorce but he told me
that he`ll move on. We said good luck to each other last time we met
Hope we`re both happy when we meet again

37 :
Bla bla bla some stupid preach has just started as usual I'm so sick of your negativity!!!!!!!
What are expecting from us? You want us to say something like I'm so sorry to hear that or something?
This is not a place to vent your fucking frustration just get out of here you pyscho!!!!!! Middle aged slut!!!!!!!

38 :
>>37 This is a chat thread, I think it's normal to talk about your life when you chat with others.

39 :
Yeah this is a "chat" thread but posts made by that middle-aged shit are always so fucking looooooong and boring!!!!!!!

40 :
you`ll understand when you get this midage crisis
It really sucks
I love spring but I hate summer in Japan
it`s so humid and all I enjoy is watching baseball

41 :
hey, greeting to middle-aged woman who had broken out with two men, likes baseball and worried about
aging resulting from child.
it might be safe to say that you are the main cause why there are so many postings in this thread recently compared to before.
given your postings, I can consider you to has good command of English but to be a little too negative and
has few friends.
I feel sympathy for you ^^

42 :
Hi guise.
I did do just graduated kindergarten.
And my kindergartenmates weres smarter than these morons.

43 :
absolutely, I only have few friends
Everyone is busy raising children and working
I use to like seeing new people but not now, it just makes me really tired
It`s probably b/c people I see outside are those who is not still married
and all they talk about getting married. Pretty boring.
Also who are busy raising children, have no time to think about others yet
All the young singles are too young to talk about divorce stuff

44 :
I agree, but aren't you the one that was spamming how gaijins don't understand things and other crap?

45 :
Hi Caregiver-san. Please do not take notice of
these little boys who are incapable of dealing
with their OWN emotional and Rual frustration,
let alone someone else's ifficult life situations.
I am having a good conversation with you, and
learning from you, about your society so I would
like to thank you.

46 :
But I was wondering why are some divorced are really offensive?
It`s like high level of testrones everywhere
I can`t believe one of women got divorced b/c her husband cheated her only once
Everyone else was like, what are you going to do with ur children,
then she was saying that she is so busy raising children and have no time,
but all the sudden, she started to say, I dont wanna go out with this man anymore...
and I was like holy crap. She said that has no time, but she sure had a time to see a man???
Guys, we are really westernized, I dont even think she knows a lot about
wetern civilization though. She is like yappi we`re free!

47 :
Hi Kame Girl,
It`s really nice to hear that. Im a Neet so I know I dont have right
to criticize about other people but Im wondering why some guys,
who seems to be really young, dont get their gf
If they ever find a right girl and have a really nice R, I know they`ll have
a higher chance getting back to the right track
All they need to learn is to lean on someone to help each other
than attacking a crippled midage woman like me
March is almost ending and Im planning to see cherry blossom tomorrow
I hope there will be no rain. I remember that ex and I went to picnic together
and we watched cherry blossom few yrs ago. Time runs pretty fast
Im so sad that we were not able see these beautiful flowers together this year and now on
Everybody tells me that Im thinking too much but I`ll never get used to breaking up
I know this pain will heal someday though, but right now is the hardest time

48 :
You are the 50 years old man, aren't you? Using that weird reverse apostrophy and b/c to look like you are someone else.

49 :
Im in my early 30s and Im a woman

50 :
When I was in my early 20s, my ex-bf and I helped each other so much
to get along with society. I think we were so odd.
I think I couldnt live without him until today
We really loved and we were relying on each other so much
but we were too young to handle our feelings
I think I`ll never be able to love someone like that again
It`s only for young people b/c Im so hurt now by the past experience
and I already know what to do whenever I date a guy.
Getting clever is kind of sad
Everyone is given equal time and opportunity but someone is just
too stingy to spend your emotions and time for others, eventhough
they have something to share

51 :
I'm sick of this old man who pretends to be someone else by using these tricks like the weird apostrphy.
How long are you going to continue this boring garbage in this thread? You have done enough already, have you not?

52 :
im not even old man, I dont even fit to your description

53 :
Old broad, I will be a sophomore man starting April in my university and not interested in how a WOMAN who is worried about not having child thinks at all.
Listen, old broad, I dont mind whatever you type and no matter how long sentences you type, and you
should post what content you like after all.
Once in a while, however, type about something interesting, say, about how you had learned Engslish as concretly as possible as of today or your miserable life.

54 :
You know what Japanese men lack...though I dont have a lot of experience,
I know this
Japanese men are hard working and smart, I admit this, but they're not
good with loving women
Thats exactly why some men are dumped by women, when he becomes useless
or crippled
I see a lot guys words in many threads but it was really suprising to see
many were so uncivilized. What were they exactly doing in their teens and
20s? Probably, just watching porns. And their mama taking care of them all day
Then they marry the one who`s just okay, and theyll just acting like
theyre a MAN. I dont think so That kind of life is so poor

55 :
what is your brain made of? a brick?

56 :
yeah I know, a mass production of brick is pretty easy to pile on
to other bricks. Easy to fit in

57 :
oh, a man who has brick head.... it's so cool!
thanks a bunch//
Anyway, as a old braod says, I dont know how a bitch like her thinks, does, loves someone who's good for nothing.
I have experience of dating with women and was intimate with them, but I'm so sorry, as she says,,
I don't understand their persistent and emotional personality and I guess she should be so.
So come to me and teach about woman affair.

58 :
just READ
youll find someone, when time comes
there is a time when your body and mind fits perfectly
when you love someone so much

59 :
what the hell is this advise ?
I cant think you are middle aged
You will soon be in around 40s so at least say something not bad.

60 :
last year, i read this really word lost comments in some threads
which is probably written by man in his 40s
I kinda cried
he really love this woman in early 30s, but she is having an affair with some
other guy, and he knows that she is cheating on him
Although, he cant stop loving her and he forgives her.
I really understand his feelings and it really made me cry
If I was really young, I would probably never understood his feelings,
and it`s also very silly, but in my age, its all understandable

61 :
when you love some, it`s so miserable, nothing is cool about loving someone

62 :
so what?
Im yet teenager and can't and want to imagine old man's feeling.
Seeing your comments, you probably focus on others' feeling but what you should thinks now is yourself.
you know,your are a little crazy

63 :
old aged woman, use some kind of handlename, that is "KOTEHAN" .
well then, name yourself " old broad who likes long sentences" .
you,understand ?

64 :
this is why I dont like young people
they are too direct and not that fun
but though, some still dont changed even if they aged
your life is just like a dried food

65 :
I'm so sorry to offend you.
yes, Im too direct and that is my short point.
Ok, I'll call you "a woman who is not young " from next time.

66 :
when youre young, what are you doing in front of pc?
your penis grade gradually decline as you age, some become like women
when they get to age of 40, its totally so called end of their life
They start doing miserable things like taking viagra or whatever,
or start searching young girls, because they want their youth once again
This is a free country but you sure dont want to be like that when you
get old. So dont waste your time and have a lot of R when youre young
with girls you love.
Men who spent time like that dont end up miserable like men above

67 :
when I'm young, you said?
come on.. I'm still young.
Do you happen to say about 30 or 40 years old ?
If that's the case, you should know the IT affair more.
PC had not spread rarely when those men were young and naturally there was little things
we could do using such an old PC.

68 :
Wow middle aged woman is freaking out LOL she is the most miserable person in this thread but she is not aware of that!

69 :
too much testosterone

70 :
Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?
America jin are 51% kichigai , baka, no logical , aho, kuzu and otankonasu.
If 51% America jin is in Japan, get out of here!

71 :
Westerners always justify their heinous actions in the past like colonisation and they are proud of them because they think they enormously developed infrastructures and stuff like that. What a shameless people...

72 :
America jin hope that the Japan before 1945 was evil.
Their justice needs Japan was evil and that America jin made Japan now.
So America jin want to think that Nanking , Ianpu and other false history are truth.
Japanese false evil justified two atomic bomb.

73 :
You always look back the history.
Live forward. You are young.

74 :
Japanese want to live forward but don't want to live in Japan, which the false story become fact.
always looking back the history must be said to Korean.

75 :
Today is so peaceful isn't it?
Maybe this is because middle aged slut isn't here? LOL

76 :
i guess she is out for cherry blossom viewing.

77 :
I think she has been musterbating with her fave vibrator all day...YUCK

78 :
Gaijins stink

79 :
Shut up, Korean. Learn to read kanji.

80 :
talk about urself

81 :
Why are all these threads all about Korean stuff?
You guys have no other topics to talk about?
The cherry blossoms were so beautiful.
It`s once a year, so we could only see them few more times
I dated with guys few times under cherry blossoms but you guys suck
By the way, Im going out this weekend, planning to see the cherrie blossoms again
It`s pink all over and it`s really sweet
Take my advise, stop talking about Korean thing in front of your gf,
it must be very borning. What kind of things do you talk, when ur with gf?
Pls dont say, economics, politics, or whatever...I kinda make oba-san so sad
When ur with guys maybe that`s okay, but not with girls. They will be so bored
Esp not erotic things...you know that right?

82 :
My advice is not to talk about your stupid relationship story here no one cares

83 :
same to you, no one really cares about Korea stuff

84 :
LOL I have never brought up Korean topics here

85 :
Are you from a colony?

86 :

Why I am Korean?

87 :
Some of you here are easy on offensive words to women and foreigners that
makes us think you guys are really, really need psychological treatment.
If you suggest a good topic of course we would join in but WHERE IS
THE TOPIC? If you are intelligent enough, you would, but are you?

88 :
Japan is under the war without wepons.
Your remak do good during the piece period.
Now is not piece.
Japan is under war.

89 :
By the way who the fuck is kame girl?
Who the fuck does she think she is?!

90 :
Here is the topic
Your favourite country and why?

91 :
I like Bobby Ologun.
Bobby's studium are interesting.

92 :
some of 2chan people are sometimes radical b/c its anonymous
i hate talking about politics or wars b/c im no interest on those stuffs
I mean there are a lot of place where you can discuss about those things
but im wondering why here?
and whenever i talk about my romance with guys, theyre like attacking me
like i said too much testosthorone
im new here so i dont know what was the topic before but
sometimes few people starts talking about Korea, politics,all those things
in other non related threads and some are really disgusted by that
Although, they keep on saying that all day
Im paranoid so I truely understand their feelings, they just wanna
spill out their feelings but you know...like me, pretty annnoying

93 :
Have you ever been to Nigeria?
My fave is Singapore! I like chicken rice and want to learn some mandarin and English!

94 :
I didn't attack your romance.
Yes. anonymous but not same person.
And this thread is free topic OK.
You are free to take the through examination.

95 :
My favorite country is here, Japan
We have 4 seasons, people are mild, foods are very delicious,
like you can eat so many foods from other countries,
you can walk during night, love hot spring, etc etc
Its so painful to hear many bad news today, but I really hope
someday those things will be corrected gradually

96 :
Bitch pyscho's preach has just begun!!! YAY

97 :
I've never been and probably I will have never been to Nigeria.
So I like more and more.

98 :
Korean will have been destroying Japan.
Japan is under war.
More you know Japan, more you notice that many problems in Japan are from Korean.

99 :
In Japan, we enjoy all the seasons
In Spring, we go see cherry blossoms, enjoy hiking,
we eat and drink underneath the cherry blossoms
It is also wonderful during night
Today, I saw a lot of visitors from foreign countries
In summer, we have beautiful oceans everywhere so eventhough
youre not suimming, you can go to hot spring and enjoy watching
ocean from there. Also there are many pools, so you can go there too
with your family
And dont forget that there are many festivals during summer
I wear Yukata, and go have some fun during night
In Autumn, you get to see many beautiful falling leaves with colours
and temples. Moon are gorgeous too
In Winter, we set "KOTATSU," in living room, and we enjoy watching tv
I think food is so good during winter, many enjoy "Nabe" with many winter vegetables
at last we put noodles or rice

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【あすかショー】 モリタイシ総合2 【いでじゅう まねこい】 (210)
【アッー!】TDNのガイドライン 数1131を放つ経歴
ロボ・サイボーグキャラ バトルロワイアル part15
NHK ついに集団訴訟へ 原告募集中