In LDOCE, there are two sentences related to the usage of -ing form and infinitive as follows. I remember my father bringing home a big Christmas tree. Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school.
eBayで出品してるんですが、メッセージが届いて困っています。 If i win the auction you can declare only 25$ as a gift when you send この1文が理解できません。 この文の上に送料に関する質問がかいてあるので、この文の25$は送料のことかと思われます。 送料は確実に25$以上かかるのですが25$に値引きしてほしいという意味なんでしょうか? どなたかわかる方教えてください。
>>31 Are you the same person as >>989 from the previous thread? If so, you must be retarded. "Don't bother others!" is not only my philosophy but also everyone's who have common sense. Of course. I know you don't have common sense. In our society, there are basic rules we must obey and those who don't make light of them ore not humans but filthy animals. Get out of here, filthy animal!
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lets find another time ! What time do you wanna meet ? 待ち合わせは何時にする? この二つの文なんですが、ネイティブとやり取りしてたときに、ちょっと相手の意図が見えなかったものです。 上のものに関しては、「日曜暇?」といったメールに対して、用事がある。lets find another time !と言われました。 日本人的な感覚として lets を解釈すると、私に対して高飛車な感じで、「そちらが誘ってこい。」というようなニュアンスにおもったのですが 相手のキャラクターからしてそういう上から目線な感じでもないので戸惑いました。 下のほうは、待ち合わせは何時にする?と訳がついてたのですが、このニュアンスだと、「いつ会いたいの?」って感じで 誘われた女性が高飛車な感じでいう言葉でしょうか? この2文について、日本語で訳すとどのようになるか教えてください。
what time do you wanna meet me ? と me が入ると、上から目線になる感じでしょうか? meetで止まると、いつ会いたい?という感じになるのかな。 あと、例えばデートにさそうとき Do you wanna go for a drive ? とか言うと 日本的感覚からいけば、上から目線な感じしますよね? 「ドライブ行きたい?」という訳になるので、この場合だとどうなんでしょうか?
例えば、あまりもてない男性が Do you wanna go for a drive ? と美人をデートに誘うのはさすがにおかしいですよね? それとも、Do you wanna go for a drive ? で 日本語的には、 「今度デートしませんか?」みたいな意味合いになるんでしょうか? Would you like to go out sometime ? とかだと、なんとなく通用しそうですが、 Do you wanna go out ? ってなると上から目線感を感じるのですが
教えてください! あなたは、日本を知らないのですか? や あなたは、ニュースを見てないのですか? などは英語で、どの様に言うのでしょうか? do you know japan? do you see news? などで知らないの?見てないの?といった動詞+否定のニュアンスは伝わるのでしょうか?お願いします
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>>46 Sorry, filthy animal! I was so excited when I was writing that I made a mistake. correction who have →who has don't make light of → make light of ore→are おまえがな
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意地悪しないで答えてやればいいのに。 >>47 あってるよ。でもニュアンスは否定疑問文の方が近い。 否定疑問文にするなら、 Don't you know Japan? Don't you see news? の方がいい。 個人的に否定疑問文は英語だと相手の答えが”はい”と”いいえ”が逆になるので、 慣れてないうちに使用するのは勧めできないけど。
I mistakenly wrote "ask" for "answer." So, I repost this question to all. Please answer this question. How will the anthem of Britain be changed when Queen has passed away?
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>>56 日本人英語学習者がおかしがちな間違いがありますね。 この文章でhowはないでしょう。 また、時制的にwhenの後の、完了体もいただけません。 上記勘違いにより、文章全体が奇妙なものとなっています。 良い子は、こんなバカな英語をかかないように気をつけましょう。 それで、66は何が聞きたいの? God save the kingとでも? それだったら、howで尋ねる問題じゃないよね? そうするためのProcedureを知りたいの?
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>>57 You can say, it is changed like that. Considering like that has changed to how and jumped on to the top, it might not be so much bad. And, what do you say, if you don't say, "when Queen has passed away"?
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Any grammar book say that when you describe the future conditions, you have to use the present tense. In that case, the present perfect, which belongs to the present tense, subsititute for the future perfect. Which do you think is better at English skills, the questioner or>>57? Needless to say.....
>>61 "R" and "L" are very rarely confused among native speakers. For context, could you link me to the story? I would imagine that the question is asked either out of politeness, or out of confusion between Blane, Blain, and Blaine. (The third spelling is by far the most common.) I heard that Japanese spies were detected in World War 2 by challenging them to say "lollapalooza". If the first few syllables were pronounced "rorra", the speaker would be killed immediately.
Why is it that we can say "put it ON something", "put it IN something", "put is OUT OF something", while we never say "put it TO something", "put it AT something". Why is that?
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>>57>>60 Thank you for your teaching about my sentence of >>56 and >>59. Thanks to >>60, I feel I understood which grammar item I could check in grammar books to make sure what you wrote is correct. But, I have what haven't settled in my mind, even though the explanation of >>60 seems so persuasive. So, I want to ask a favour of >>60 to answer further my question. I wanted to talk about things which is in future, but considering that future time, which will have been completed till that future time, so that I wrote "when Queen has passed away?" not "when Queen passed away." If what I wrote is wrong as you kindly teach me, with which expression do you think I should express what I had in my mind then. Besides, I'm glad if >>60 teach me whether this sentence of "how do you think I should express what I had in my mind" is correct, not being "with which expression do you think I should express what I had in my mind" I think this is another problem pointed by >>57 firstly.
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>>68 "When the Queen has passed away" is correct. (Notice "the") "When the Queen passes away" is also correct, though implies a little more immediacy.
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>>67 "while we never say "put it TO something"" What about "let me put it to you this way..."? It's an exception, but it exists. And, "put it at the bottom of the pile" or other such sentences, though arguably we're using "at the bottom of" rather than just "at". I am making a guess here, but I think it's because "to" describes where something is going to be and "at" describes where it is. On the other hand, "on" and "in" refer to a specific location.
おれだったら下だな。 上の解釈だとfigure out という句動詞がthat節を目的語にとっていることに なるけど、はたしてそれができるのかどうか疑問。 下の訳では what is best? という疑問文にyou think が加わって間接疑問文が 名詞節となり目的語になっている。
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ぐぐって調べてみたらthat節も使われているようだった。 でもおれは自分の感覚を信じるよ。
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>>75 >>79 > Figure out what you think is the best.は > 考えたことがベストかどうか、答えを出せ > 何がベストと思うか、答えを出せ > > 正確に訳すとしたら、どちらが正解ですか? ここでの"you think"は挿入句なので、下のほうが元の文の意味にずっと近いです。
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>>75 下が正解。俺も昔、なんじゃこれと思ったヤツだ。 『英語暗唱文ターゲット450』の 251番。 You should do what you think is right. 考え方1 "you think" を挿入句とみなす。俺のオススメ。 考え方2 you think [that *** ] is right を省略したものと考える。 ターゲットのオススメ。
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>>69 Thank you for your answering to my question. Owing to you I could know that the sentence of >>51 is correct as for the usage of "when" in it. Then, how do you think about the usage of "how" in the sentence of "How will the anthem of Britain be changed when Queen has passed away?"