76 :Bashar [] :2012/09/05(水) 23:00:14.13 ID:9/2o5sR7 Why we are interacting with you at this time... We have a very specific relationship with your people, a very specific relationship and responsibility in how it is that we interact with each and every one of you, individually and all of you collectively. We recognize that there are many, many belief systems upon your planet; many different styles of expression.
77 :Bashar [] :2012/09/05(水) 23:02:43.76 ID:9/2o5sR7 We cannot, therefore, interact with you in any way, shape or form that would discount, interfere or remove the responsibility of your species in bringing to fruition the choices it has made, playing out the processes that it has decided are necessary for the evolution of your society. We are here to reflect to you certain things. We are interacting with you to share certain perspectives that may give you an opportunity to see within yourself more of what it is you contain, to know more about yourselves, to allow us to reflect to you certain ideas you may already know but, perhaps as a civilization, have forgotten about.
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78 :Bashar [] :2012/09/05(水) 23:04:47.55 ID:9/2o5sR7 About the information we are sharing... We are here sometimes to discuss what might appear to be a new information with you, but again, never in a way that in any way, shape or form, calls out, aggrandizes, or builds up any belief system or any approach as being more valid than any other belief system or approach. You must understand, fundamentally, all truths are true and the truth is made of all truths. There may be certain ideas that have a little bit more efficacy in your day to day reality while other ideas may not necessarily be as probable of a manifestation, but your reality is changing every day.
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79 :Bashar [] :2012/09/05(水) 23:07:48.94 ID:9/2o5sR7 As many of you now know, there are many different kinds of discoveries, many different kinds of realizations and ideas that are opening up, new fields of awareness, new understandings of your consciousness and therefore, your reality, your physical material reality is going to become a lot more slippery, as you say, space and time are losing their grip upon you because you are the creators of space and time; you are the creators of the physical reality in which you think you exist. And, as you change your idea of yourselves, as you expand beyond the notion that you are merely physical entities and explore other realms of consciousness and other levels of consciousness within you, so too will your physiological reality become that expanded, that nebulous, that fluid, that transmutational and transitional and, of course, it would be no surprise that at this time of exploring your consciousness in a transmutational way, that you would begin to see reflections in your society of transmutational science. Everything that you do, everything that you create, every endeavor, scientific, economic, social or otherwise that you go into is always going to reflect where you are at in your understanding and relationship to your own consciousness.
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80 :Bashar [] :2012/09/05(水) 23:09:28.71 ID:9/2o5sR7 You must simply remember, in everything that we discuss, that your outer physical reality is not outer, it is inner, it's just a reflection of you at every given moment, individually and collectively. So if you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it that you would prefer to change, all you really need to do is to change something about yourself and you will see that change take place unerringly and effortlessly. And all your explorations and all your ideas, no matter how they may magnify scientifically or otherwise, are all going to be the result of the way you change the idea of how you see yourself and what you know is possible in your dimension of experience.
バシャール - 11-11-11 2012への入り口 ハイライト http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0en1rcMV3BI 旧約聖書 列王記上 第11章11節 バシャール言及の箇所 Wherefore Jehovah said unto Solomon, Forasmuch as this is done of thee, and thou hast not kept my covenant and my statutes, which I have commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and will give it to thy servant. それゆえ、主はソロモンに言われた、「これがあなたの本心であり、 わたしが命じた契約と定めとを守らなかったので、 わたしは必ずあなたから国を裂き離して、それをあなたの家来に与える。
ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!!! 2012年3月15日に、アンドロメダ評議会のプロシオン軍に捕獲された オリオン大帝大将軍レプティリアンを解放しろ!!! Andromeda Council releases the General Brutus! !
Leonardo da Vinciと高次元文明 ___ ,r '´r ` ‐、 r' ,. .: ミ / ;r i,.. iヽ .lji; jr,ナi':::_;: -- ,.::、 - l:' i .l:' i ,.イ',r';:::::',.r__ーj:.=_,r_‐ヾ.ミ i ;li'/!r';三:‐'`ナ`;::i i`ナ;゛i゛i ノ; 人/j;,ji::::'´::. ´ ., _ l` _;! ミ r/'´rj' ィ 彡::::::. / ー、_ノヽ ,ミ.、i 'i/ i' r'/ij,r'''r';, , ,:-―,.-、 ミ ヾ i.l li. l lrィi::i' '";i' "'"""゛ヾ゛、 ,,j 'i:ヽj i 乂ヾli. il il!r i' j li!il;! '´rr' ;ノ i川li ミi、li::.j! ; ,; !l ,!/"ヽ /,! ji' ,r';r'彡ノノ,l!,i:.j, i! ,i! ! `il ! ヾil jllill!ii'r'r''イi'i / , , i !i ,ノ ヾ_ ;:'' ;! )::.lヾ.ヾヾ:j!i :( i;. '/ イヾ .r'´r'r' /' ',ri/;il イ, li j i r ; ,!,! ヾ:. !i:i' li' i' .Y ,.; j ` ii'ヾヽヽヾ ヽ`,イi '' ヾr'r'' Ball bearing was invented to by Leonardo da Vinci, to reduce the friction applied to the axle of a horse-drawn carriage around 1500. Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus Christ, I've been in contact with which high-dimensional civilization?
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,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,, ,;;゙ ゙゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;,, ,;;;;;l _ _ ゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;l ・〉 ・` l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;l (_,っ l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;l, `ニニ´ /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;\ /l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ゙゙;;;;;;;;;;;;| ̄ ̄ |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;;/ ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,, ,;;;;;;;/ |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,, /;;;;;;/ |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ /////, /////////////ヽ //////////; , , , , , , ///////////////∧ La Joconde Because the mention of Nikola Tesla in the blog, I also want to mention Leonardo da Vinci
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Star Trek 2013-02-28 04:26:09NEW ! テーマ:新しい地球のスターシード達へ 地球の意識構成を知る最高の方法は”スタートレック(TV)”を見る事なのだとバシャールは明かしています。 スタートレックのエピソードを作成している人は地球文明の総合意識にアクセスし、 意見やアイデアを色々な次元で見聞きし、それを反映する方法を取っているのだと、バシャールは話しています。 最近のエピソードでは最初の領域に戻り、また一からやり直すというエピソードであったと、バシャールは話します。 それは現在の私達に鏡のように訴える事柄であり、とても大切なメッセージが込められているのだと、バシャールは話しています。 そして、地球文明全体で作り上げている”私達自身”を描いた作品なのだと、バシャールは締めくくっています。 Star Trek Gene Roddenberry Roberto Orci General Awareness
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In Rome, was in the midst of the conclave to elect a new Pope. ローマでは、新しい教皇を選出するコンクラーベの真っ最中であった。 ダ・ヴィンチ・コード Dan Brown 44言語に翻訳され7000万部の大ベストセラーとなった パズル・パレス(Digital Fortress, 1998年) 天使と悪魔(Angels & Demons, 2000年) デセプション・ポイント(Deception Point, 2001年) ダ・ヴィンチ・コード(The Da Vinci Code, 2003年) ロスト・シンボル(The Lost Symbol, 2009年)
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ローマでは、新しい教皇を選出するコンクラーベの真っ最中であった。 In Rome, was in the midst of the conclave to elect a new Pope. ダ・ヴィンチ・コード Dan Brown 44言語に翻訳され7000万部の大ベストセラーとなった パズル・パレス(Digital Fortress, 1998年) 天使と悪魔(Angels & Demons, 2000年) デセプション・ポイント(Deception Point, 2001年) ダ・ヴィンチ・コード(The Da Vinci Code, 2003年) ロスト・シンボル(The Lost Symbol, 2009年) Dan Brown http://www.danbrown.com/#secrets-section
Benedictus XVI イタリア人のスコラ枢機卿(71)ら数人を有力候補として挙げている。カギとなりそうなのが権威失墜の危機にある 法王庁(バチカン)の改革に対する姿勢。改革重視派か慎重派かが重要な投票の軸になっている。 ベネディクト十六世の約八年間で、聖職者による子どもの性的虐待問題が世界各地で深刻化し、法王庁の金銭スキャンダルや内部抗争も暴露された。 特にバチカン以外にいる枢機卿の間で、法王庁に対する不満や浄化を求める声が高まり、今回の選挙に大きな影響を与えている。
ブルータス大帝将軍を解放しろ!! Andromeda Council releases the General Brutus! ! オリオン帝国将軍レプティリアンの解放を宣言する!! これは警告である。 ∴Homo. sapiens. tellus∴ 2012年3月15日に、アンドロメダ評議会のプロシオン軍に捕獲された オリオン大帝大将軍レプティリアンを解放しろ!!!
Why do we Bashar is a good metaphor? Download Is it from the state of the Earth's parallel world, or a high-dimensional civilization creativity and ideas, imagination and a variety of ideas that pop into someone's mind is, Is there a way to be able to determine in humans? Earthlings parallel world, Bashar is what has given the information through the Internet? Do you already have been direct or alternating current? Are there any that you do not even know Bashar? Why would you know anything? From the story of Bashar, how is there any agenda of high-dimensional civilization can not talk? Why do you provide information to the Earthlings? Do you have a similar approach to civilization even for Bernard?
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Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, high-dimensional civilization that exists between the Earth and Venus, earthling or parallel world? Or humanoid or other galaxies? One planet is present in the Earth's orbit of the three. One by one planet are the existing between the eye orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and Venus and the Earth between the two. On this planet, race or multidimensional live? Venus has many volcanoes, or are not able to live humanoid? I will not be able to visual dimension to our course in the sixth civilization. Introduces the solar system of Tau Sethi. Give me a youtube video simulation in the process of the formation of the solar system. Ren 4.6 billion from the front,
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I want to see the video until the birth of the Earth. Although NASA should have such a simulation, it is not provided. The birth of the universe 13.8 billion years ago, or? I want you to publish information about the birth of the solar system and the universe of information
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Bernard Star The level of civilization civilization Bernard Star, what's the degree? Bernard against civilization, whether you are what high-dimensional approach to civilization? The star seed of civilization Bernard, whether you are reincarnation on Earth? I want to refer to the number and type of high-dimensional civilization that reincarnation on Earth Since the late 1980s, Bashar called "channeling" from alien communication (spirit world), has become widely popular among New Agers in Japan. I have been told that Bashar, so it was a chance to create a channeling boom in Japan.