Q. What is the hardest thing about having him on the other side of the net? PETER POLANSKY: Well, he stands close to the baseline and just kind of redirects the ball. I don't think he was going down the line as much as I thought he would be going down the line. He really likes that short angle cross?court on the backhand. He's a little bit unpredictable. You never know where he's going to go. Sometimes he rallies cross?court, plays soft, then he'll hit a forehand, hit it pretty hard into the corner, other side. You don't really know where he's going all the time. 錦織のプレイのどこがすごいのか、ここで偉そうにしてる名無しのトーシロ意見より 対戦相手の感想が一番説得力あるな ナダルも錦織のタイミングの早さを褒めてたし、ロバケンもボールの打ち分けのすごさを褒めてた