>YIF U NEED ANY TUNES FEEL FREE TO TAKE WAT U NEED YUTE....RESPECT!!!!!!!! っていうメッセージをもらったから何落としたんだろうと見てみたけど どこのフォルダに入れてるかもわからない謎なトラックを二曲 落としてるけどどちらもimcompleteだった。 感謝されるのが申し訳ない・・・・
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[12:22][dendej] Hello everybody....just a head's up about a "HOSTILE" user that bans people with no reason and has a very "NEGATIVE" attitude toward others. In the spirit of keeper SLSK a positive, sharing experience, I urge you to exclude the following user from sharing files with you...the user has 2 nicks: Shin0bi272 & shin0bi272. Give tis user a message by not abiding by negative tactics and hostility toward the rest of us who are into slsk for sharing good music in a harmonious manner! Cheers to all and thanks for the shares.....dendej (member & contributor in peace to slsk since 2002) [12:37][dendej] cheers to all in response to my message....I only wish that slsk remain a peaceful place for us to enjoy music....no bad vibes needed!!!! CHEERS AGAIN!!!!