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2013年19ENGLISH113: Chat in English Part179 (425) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Chat in English Part179

1 :2013/09/05 〜 最終レス :2013/10/03
I made this thread for you guys except the middle aged woman and those annoying gaijins! You are welcome!

2 :
Kilroy was here!!

3 :
Cheers for good work

4 :
What the hell is Kilroy?

5 :
So no one is here....
I blame the middle aged whore and those gaijins!! Take your fucking responsibilities now!!!

6 :
I an here

7 :
I gave my virgin to this guy I trusted so much but
he had this severe problem with gambling
I saved my virgin until early 20s and strongly believed
that we are going to get married 120%
Every book I read advised that I should just proceed and never look back
but I am really upset with my own reality
I do have some good memories but it`s all scattered
I forbid the rules and had sex before marriage
Was that the wrong thing to do but I was on the edge
Every human being is very sinful in many ways

8 :
I mean " I broke the rules"
My friend in the foreign country, she got married recently
She was a single mother and Catholic
She also broke the rule and she had a sex before marriage and
had a baby alone. She raised her own baby herself and now her child
is over 20yrs old

9 :
I had gone to the church with her and we stood in the very back
and we were so afraid
I saw her crying after we came back from church and
she told me that she regrets that she had broken
the rules but glad that she had a baby eventhough she was
a single mother
Now she is living with her new husband and happy
I was so glad to hear that
She had suffered for so long but she is very a strong woman

10 :
Again the middle aged whore is here to destroy this thread

11 :
Can you read the description of >>1?
You fucker?

12 :
i erase all the things that i see, if i don`t like it

13 :
Your existence itself is very sinful

14 :
i want you

15 :

16 :
You must be so insane like the fucking middle aged whore aren't you?

17 :
I blame the fucking middled aged slut and gaijins

18 :

19 :
what did he carry? [ hitting me at one side of joe { leaving protrusiveness for one year } ]?
What did he carry? [ cutting my knee { leaving the scar even till now ( telling me ( that he would kill me with a knife ( if I make a success in the world ) ) ) } ]?
at elemetary second grade, I got a [ swelling ] at the upper lid of mu left eye [ visitting many places ]
but at last my mother burned a needle and let out 'umi' and a scar was left.

20 :
I don't know what to say. I don't puke like that

21 :
I have never wanted to look like someone else
just wanna be the roundest cute hip ...that you would never seen .
i dont know what to say further more .

22 :
calling someone koitsu is rude?

23 :
yes rude

24 :
How about kisama? I'm learning japanese

25 :
kisama and koitsu , both are offenced word , never use them for someone who are not close as friend yet .
you will be punched or ignored .

26 :
i had seen real asperger today
we were definitely speaking in the same language but
he did have no understand at all
it was tough than having conversation with people abroad
ain't that funny

27 :
It often is a mistake of Japan's education.
believe me or not
"asperker" is actually funnier than that.

28 :
omg lol

29 :

30 :
fuck me

31 :
I think people today are still afraid of autocratic government such as Nazi even though they miss it, torture and spanking.
number>>28 what do you think?

32 :
I miss good old day of japan like taking over territories of Asia!! Although I don't want the Korean Peninsula which should be disappeared with nuclear bombs!

33 :

34 :
I will never admit tokyo 2020 Olympics until you fucking japs apologise sincerely and pay compensation money for the past atrocious activities japs did to us !!!!!!
FUCK TOKYO!!!!!!!!

35 :
Get a life.

36 :
>>33 good answer I' ll give you one spank dirty pig.
A nuclear bomb an evil little female genitalia as Korean Peninsula criticizing should be cut off.

37 :
>>34 I appreciate your support for Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Apologization is actually nothing but harmful. Compensation as well.
Ask to Angela Merkel

38 :
I did't expect the Tokyo Olympics

39 :

40 :
your so funny

41 :
I thought hahaha a dead language

42 :
Yay for the 2020 tokyo Olympics!
I will definitely eat so many white cocks (only ikemen's cocks)!
So I have to study English harder and work out harder!

43 :
White cocks are something! I don't really wanna have.
I want blond!!!

44 :
I want a big white cock!
Asian cocks are so tiny....

45 :
Everyone,do you have any plans for next wekkend?
It's three days holiday!
I'm thinking of trip for Tohoku or somewhere.

46 :
I think I'm jerking off, watching hot HD porn videos!
My favourites are from "bang bros" LOL

47 :
Kyoto university's marine biology research team filmed for the first time
a male doliphine ejaculated in sea water except intercourse.

This shos a doliphine dream a wet dream.

48 :
Speaking of dolphins, I hate people who are opposed to killing dolphins!
Who the hell do they think they are?

49 :
Do you guys read other 2ch threads?

50 :
Go away f*ckin' 777

51 :
Why should I go away, you cunt?

52 :
Noooo 777

53 :
cunt lol so gross
stop the car and let me out
do you think HE's on the level in all the threads?

54 :
That's as clear as mud.
He's stupid or ill bread..always acting like a cat on a hot tin roof haha
okay,hold your horses.
did you watch kazetachinu?
it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

55 :
mumbo-jumbo 777
what field are you in?

56 :
>He's stupid or ill bread..always acting like a cat on a hot tin roof haha
For example?

57 :
Why do you not upload English pronunciation?

58 :
come on 777

59 :
>cunt lol so gross
>stop the car and let me out
Don't pretend to be innocent.
Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
[Lying down at Ophelia's feet.]
No, my lord.
I mean, my head upon your lap?
Ay, my lord.
Do you think I meant country matters?
I think nothing, my lord.
That's a fair thought to lie between maids' legs.
What is, my lord?
You are merry, my lord.

60 :
Why do you not upload English pronunciation?

61 :
Off topic

62 :
He's crazy,don't waste your breath.
I'm interested in that cinema.
But I simply don't have any time
How goes it with you?

63 :
I have no idea why you guys are so upset by >>49.

64 :
No complaints.
I'm starving to death. can't getting enough of sweet things.
GODIVA chocolates are dirt expensive;(
No problemo. That was same ol' same ol'.
I'm hooked on making bread.
What are you into?

65 :
oh fuck GODIVA 777 get eight

66 :
Do you even know what you are talking about?

67 :
No. you... I don't know what you...
Please understand before using stupid language
shut ur mouth

68 :
>>42 Penis get huge when girls wanna have Penis

69 :
I've been waiting for this thread for a very long time.
well done >>1

70 :
you have a good goal !
well, before you get your ass fucked by foreingner's big dick, first of all,
you need to practice by mine.
so, come here immedietly!!

71 :
I'm only into hot guys and masculine bodies! If you are not one of these, my dick can't be hard....

72 :
hello, hello, how low ?

73 :
Hello Korean!

74 :
I'm not korean.

75 :
Okay then are you Chinese?

76 :
OMFG Kim Jong UN has a baby girl.....

77 :

78 :
somebody teach me english

79 :
I can't teach the basics of English but I can teach dirty talks in English

80 :

81 :
Hmmmmm your nipples are so hard already....

82 :
ok. you are hentai. haha

83 :
I'm not hentai! You ARE hentai you freaking asshole!

84 :
you insert FRISK your ass

85 :
That sounds interesting....

86 :
go ahead! & call the 119!

87 :
Let me tell you that I have bad breath.
If you're suffering from insomnia, just call me and invite to your place.
I'll breathe out in your face and you'll faint in a second.

88 :
GOD..disgusting. What kind of job is that? I don't accept such a disgusting humor.
clean your mouth!

89 :
You....eating burrito every day is something wrong....!
Frisk rocks!

90 :
I want big dick so bad now!

91 :
Will you guys buy the new iPhone 5S or C?
I've used my iPhone 4s for almost 2 years now! I think it's about time to renew!!!!!!!!

92 :
i dont wanna iphone and smart phone
i am happy with japanese future phone

93 :
Future phone LOL

94 :
yeah, future phone. hahaha
Galapagos cell phone

95 :
i drinkin cheap wine now
not delicious

96 :
You must drink Mentos & Coca-Cola now!
and call the ambulance!

97 :
I don't drink that kind of stuff
Also today I already drunk sweet drink already at McDonald!
I got the grape flavour of マックシェイク which is actually so good!

98 :
OMFG this will be so interesting.....

99 :
grape flavour?
hmmm, i dont know
i like strawberry shake

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