The victim was 21-year-old Japanese national Eimi Yamada, said Lt. Richard Hanna of the Los Angeles County Coroner's O ffice. Deputies were responding to a prowler call in the 6800 block of La Presa Avenue just before 2 a.m. when they received another call reporting a body less than a quarter-mile away in the 8500 block of Palma Vista Avenue. Neighbors told the TV station the victim was quiet, but that they often saw Pigman skateboarding in the neighborhood and had heard the couple arguing before. "We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her, so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said.,1413,206~22097~2858260,00.html
>>18 このコピペってソースと一致してないんだけど、なんか意図があってやってるのか? ソースより引用。 >"We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her thinking, >so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said.
>"We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her thinking, >so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said. 日本人の方がまったく英語が話せないので、意思の疎通が無かったという意味か?
23 :
Officers allegedly discovered George Pigman IV, 23, naked and bloody on a roof near the victim's apartment. ジョージ・(豚男)・ピッグマン4世 ・・・ 3世がCaltech教授(英文学) この名前はもう打ち止めと予想
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被害者の名前、山田詠美って本当なのかな? なんか、出来すぎ・・・ 不謹慎だったね、ごめん
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一瞬こんな事を考えた: 氏名不詳の女性(一般的): Jane Doe にしておく 氏名不詳の女性(肉便器): Eimi Yamada にしておく
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>22 文化的に理解できなったという意味じゃないのか?
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こんな一軒家に日本人の女子留学生が一人で住んでいた? それとも3人くらいで一軒家を借りていた? > "We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her thinking, > so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said. こいつは口論の内容を具体的に知っている感じがする
George Pigman IV, 23, of Pasadena, was booked in the death of his girlfriend, a 22-year-old Japanese woman who was attending school in the United States, according to sheriff's deputies and broadcast reports. 日本の新聞だと (職業不定) (無職)とか書くところだろう。 Sheriff's Lt. Gil Carillo said Pigman was found "totally nude (on the neighbor's roof), with blood on his body."
Deputies sent to check out a report of a prowler in the 6800 block of La Presa Avenue were redirected to the woman's apartment about a quarter-mile away, after the landlord heard a commotion and found the woman's body. Leslie Wong told ABC7 he heard someone on his roof and, when the person wouldn't get off, he called authorities. Sheriff's Lt. Gil Carillo said Pigman was found "totally nude (on the roof), with blood on his body."
85のリンク先に動画あり。その中に被害者の写真あり。ブスじゃない。写真うつりによっては美人だろう。 >"We had heard a lot of arguing, and the boy just didn't understand her thinking, >so it's very sad,' neighbor Gay Beck said. Gayは女か。 25 :名無しさん@5周年:2005/05/09(月) 21:01:02 ID:JSOBVvht 動画ニュース見た 容疑者が彼女の言ってる意味がよくわからずに困っていたとか、 近所の人が彼女が泣き叫びながら「アイラブユー」と言っていた、とさ。 親に大金かけさせて語学学校に通って半年で同棲して「アイラブユー」 なんだかなー 関係ないけど、 この間比較的外国人(白人エリート)が多く住んでる街の本屋で見かけた 「ダーリンは外国人1、2」とNHKの英会話教室のテキストブックを眉間にしわ寄せ真剣な面持ちで買ってた30代後半女が怖かった・・・
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動画ニュースの男、ニュース読むのすっごい下手だな 「I Love You~~」と叫んで泣いていたとこから想像して 彼女が男に惚れ込んで男はちょいうざいなこの女と思ってたとみた 日本の恥だな・・・
米国では日常茶飯事なんで、特殊な例(Laci Peterson)しか有名にならない。 軍人・警官男はDV殺人が多い: During a six-week period in the late spring and early summer of 2002, four soldiers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, were accused of murdering their wives. Three of the four soldiers had recently returned from Afghanistan. Two of the accused men committed suicide at the time, while the other two were charged with murder. In late March 2003, Master Sgt. William Wright, charged with the first-degree murder of his wife Jennifer, hanged himself.
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I work at Caltech as a systems engineer. And if you are teaching English at Caltech, that's not really very impressive. If you were teaching molecular neuro-sciences, computational biology or physics here, than that woud be considered impressive. Teaching English at Caltech is NOT like teaching English at someplace like Harvard, Yale or Columbia. In my opinion if Caltech could drop the English department and still be considered accredited it would. As to the Japanese girl who was killed, it is very sad indeed. My wife (who is Japanese) is always telling me about Japanese female co-workers and friends who are dating real losers. But then on the other hand she has friends who date very susccessful and kind people. So with all things your mileage may vary.