>>56 >このように日本人は完璧を求めます。コミュ道具である英語にも完璧を求めるが故に人前で使う事を恐れますし、実際ここで起こったように非難されます。 this is , Japanese demand perfect.they demand english too perfect.and they scare for use English in Public.and in fact,it was decrere that like now happen thing. ダメすぎて笑えない。
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>>56 As you know, Japanese people need perfect skills when you use English. It is a pity that you are worried about whether to use English as a means of communication just in front of others. In fact, you will be criticized severely here if you make any mistakes. I firmly believe that whether you can write in or speak English depends on how well you communicate to others the feelings that you think.
As you know, Most Japanese want perfect English skills. If you make any mistakes, you will be laughed at. That's why they do not try to speak English in public and they cannot improve English compared with other Asians. I think when ,even with many mistakes, you can communicate others in English, that's ok. Cause using English is just a tool for communication.
As you know, Japanese people require that you must be able to use English correctly. It is a pity that you worry about whether to use English as a means of communication just in front of others. In fact, you will be criticized severely here if you make mistakes. However, I firmly believe that whether you can use English depends on how well you communicate to others your feelings. 改善点が多々あった。 が、まだ不安
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in front ofじゃなくin public hereはいらない 日本人全体の特徴だから Howeverはその位置で使っちゃダメ whether節がどこまで続くかわかりにくい というか読めない
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>>64 文法は上級の学習者なら大概あってるんだけど、色々と使い方が違うんだな。 As you know, Japanese people demand you be able to use English perfectly. It is a pity they worry about using inperfect English, just so they can communicate with people from overseas, in front of other Japanese. This is because they will be criticized severely here if they make any mistake. Anyways, I firmly believe whether or not you can use English depends on your general communication skills.
>>67 Funny. I've been living in English speaking countries for like forever, and never got criticized for the lack of what you call "rhythm" in my writing. I've got picked on for other things in the past though. Care elaborate?
>>75 The harder I try to grow older, the older you get like you mock me. I have no way but call you "my elder sister" for life.
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I'm proud of myself I've never written slang like "lol" coz of I am a non-native. person who use slang looks stupid, foolish, moron, silly, pitiful especially as non-natives.
>>77 So you think non-native Japanese speakers should not use (笑). Interesting idea. By the way, "Coz" is slang just like "lol" lmao >>79 英語板なんだから英語の話をするのは当たり前では? で、英語板的にみて、 「1ヶ月で英語話せるようになるなんてありえるか?」と言えば「通常あり得ない」 というのが答えだろう。それにこの人の主張するように大学の授業で 基本英語で教えるためには、現状では数百時間では全然足りなくて、 数倍の3000時間から4000時間は要る。 大体、国語と数学をやったから論理的思考とか、議論が出来るようになる わけでもないだろ。歴史だって議論が出来るような授業は出来るし、 国語の漢字の書き取りやってたから論理的な思考が出来るようになるわけ じゃないし。 儒教的な授業のやり方自体に問題があるわけだ。
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>>80 ↑ look at this guy, this is just the way I just described. he think he's quite normal even by using slang at his will, and even childish slang but he never know how he looks like actually. its humourous