【NDS】マジコン対策 回避スレ30【Anti-Piracy】 http://yuzuru.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameurawaza/1289405532/385 385 名前:Xenon++ ◆6668JSY8lc [] 投稿日:2010/11/20(土) 14:07:40 ID:9ojFS5EH I have managed to fix the (E) version of Super Scribblenauts, as I was able to work out what I was doing wrong ...I was working out the hex code for the offset backwards...silly me So, the hex code for offset 020FA654 is AD 17 FC EA I have also know been able to fix Sims 3 now hook is at 020C9060 with hex code E6 CC 0C EA