地図関係 WWIWarAtlasIndex ttp://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/WorldWarOne/index.htm Vintage Photographs - Contemporary Maps ttp://www.firstworldwar.com/photos/maps.htm THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE GREAT WAR BY FRANK M. McMURRY, PH.D. ttp://freepages.military.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~worldwarone/WWI/TheGeographyOfTheGreatWar/ 1919時点での総括本。
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当時のカラー写真 ttp://gallica.bnf.fr/ の中から下記HPで抜粋してくれてます。 ttp://www.worldwaronecolorphotos.com/ Photos of the Great War ttp://www.gwpda.org/photos/greatwar.htm WW1関連の写真が置いてあるサイト。 現在 アルバム数:28 写真枚数:3248
前スレの世界の軍用名機100が安かったから注文したけど、届いたら デカイ箱入り書籍で驚いた。 Storia dell'Aviazione(Fabbri)からの抜粋なのですね。 図面全部カラー。 一次戦の機体は下記(掲載順) 各種バージョン違い5−10種の横面図あり。 Etrich Taube Bleriot XI Caudron G.3 Maurice Farman MF.11 Ilya Muromez V Voisin III (LA) Morane Saulnier N Fokker E.III Lohner L Airco D.H.2 続く
前回の最後あたりを引用 827 :名無し三等兵 :sage :2009/03/15(日) 03:53:56 ID:??? ああ、なるほどそんな感じだね。 なんにしろブルシロフが先って出典はいまのとこ謎。 WIKIでもブルシロフ発になってるな。コモンセンスかw http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B8%E9%80%8F%E6%88%A6%E8%A1%93 enでも http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infiltration_tactics These tactics were first used by Russian General Aleksei Brusilov and later copied by the stormtroopers of the German--- だけど出典不明。ただ、1915に The idea for infiltration tactics was first proposed by French Army captain Andre Laffargue. とか^ CSI Report No. 13: Tactical responses to concentrated artillery: Introduction (Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth). にあるらしい。 下記ね。 http://www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/csir_13/csir_13.asp
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833 :名無し三等兵 :sage :2009/03/16(月) 23:49:06 ID:??? >>827 仏Andre Laffargue大尉が1915年に書いたThe Attack in Trench Warware(英訳は1916年)が ドイツ軍戦術に影響を与えたという意見がある。 詳しくはStormtroop Tacticsでw っていうかThe Attack in Trench Warware復刻されてるじゃん 834 :名無し三等兵 :sage :2009/03/17(火) 01:40:45 ID:??? The Attack in Trench Warware http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1437175767 ISBNついてんのかw あ、JPでも買えるわ。
----------- という落ち The Attack in Trench Warware 手元にあるけど積んでるよ・・・
An early reformer of offensive tactics was a French Army captain, Andre Laffargue, whose pamphlet "The Attack in Trench Warfare" was based on his 1915 combat experiences. Although the French published it, distribution was for information only, and the British did not even translate it. In contrast, the Germans captured a copy in 1916, immediately translated it, issued it to units, and used the concepts in their tactical development.(注8) Laffargue advocated a sudden attack to achieve a deep penetration. His attack resembled a gulp, not a nibble. The momentum of the in-depth attack would disrupt the enemy, keep him off balance, and prevent him from organizing an effective response. To capitalize on disruption, the assault had to advance as far as possible. The first wave would identify-not reduce-defensive strong points and subsequent attack waves would destroy them. An artillery bombardment applied suddenly in depth throughout the enemy area would precede the infantry assault. Disruption of enemy artillery batteries was particularly important to protect the infantry advance.(注9) 8 Timothy T. Lupfer, The Dynamics of Doctrine: The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine During the First World War, Leavenworth Papers no. 4 (Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, July 1981), 38-39. 9 Ibid., 39.
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というわけで Timothy T. Lupfer, The Dynamics of Doctrine: The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine During the First World War, を見つけたので貼っとく http://www.cgsc.edu/carl/resources/csi/lupfer/lupfer.asp 以下引用 On 9 May 1915 Capt. Andre Laffargue led an attack on a German position. Afterwards, Laffargue reflected upon the problems of the attack and expressed his ideas in a pamphlet, "The Attack in Trench Warfare." The French Army published, the pamphlet, but distributed it for information only; it did not become French doctrine. The British did not translate it.(注6) Early in the summer of 1916 the Germans captured a copy of the pamphlet, translated it at once, and issued it to units. Ludwig Renn wrote that Laffargue's ideas had immediate use as a tactical manual for German infantry.(注7) 続く
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続きは具体的な話になって長いのであとで。 とりあえず上記の参考文献だけ貼ってみる 6 Wynne, p. 57. Wynne's claim is particularly damaging to the British, for the U.S. Infantry Association translated Laffargue in 1916. Another influential captain, B. H. Liddell Hart, wrote in his memoirs (1:26) that in 1916 he had written a pamphlet on his experiences as a company commander, which the War Office had refused to publish for security reasons. 7 Ludwig Renn, Warfare (Oxford, 1939), p, 110.
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The first wave would identify-not reduce-defensive strong points and subsequent attack waves would destroy them. まぁ、確かに浸透の原型といえないこともないが…
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>>91 6の詳細抜けてた Wynne, Graeme C. If Germany Attacks: The Battle in Depth in the West. 1940, Reprint. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1976. Captain Wynne of the British Army participated in the writing of the British Official History. Later he wrote If Germany Attacks, unfortunately published in London in 1940 when other events overshadowed studies of the First World War. Despite its title, the book describes the German tactical defense of the First World War. Command or control?の序文にも出てくる人物ですね。 よさげな本多々書いてる http://www.google.com/search?&tbm=bks&q=+inauthor:"Graeme+Chamley+Wynne" If Germany Attacks: The Battle in Depth in the West http://www.amazon.com/dp/0837150299 Initially published on the eve of the German blitzkrieg against France in 1940, this Rysis of the German doctrine of defense as it evolved in 1915-1918 is often overlooked because of its misleading title. No understanding of the failure of the Allied offensives on the Western Front in World War I is adequate without reference to this work which explores the problem from the German point of view.
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>>92 Laffargue advocated a sudden attack to achieve a deep penetration. His attack resembled a gulp, not a nibble. The momentum of the in-depth attack would disrupt the enemy, keep him off balance, and prevent him from organizing an effective response. To capitalize on disruption, the assault had to advance as far as possible. The first wave would identify-not reduce-defensive strongpoints and subsequent attack waves would destroy them. An artillery bombardment applied suddenly in depth throughout the enemy area would precede the infantry assault. Disruption of enemy artillery batteries was particularly important to protect the infantry advance. Laffargue stated that all troops were not assault troops; special training and care were necessary to develop the aggressiveness and skill for the assault. Ironically, the German storm units best epitomized this idea of elite assault units. In his pamphlet, Laffargue also expressed the need for an automatic rifle for firepower in advance positions, a need later met in all armies during the way by the light machine gun.(cf.11) http://www.cgsc.edu/carl/resources/csi/lupfer/lupfer.asp だそうで。
Frank Buckles, America's last WWI veteran, dies aged 110 America's last surviving veteran of World War I, Frank Buckles, has died aged 110 28 February 2011 Last updated at 17:09 GMT http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12601173 ご冥福を