ついにパナがKUROを超えたらしい After a suitable period of running in and using our Klein K-10 meter we measured the black level on the P60ZT65 at 0.001 cd/m2 in all three primary viewing modes (THX Cinema, EBU and Professional). As a comparison we measured our KURO at 0.002 cd/m2, so in terms of absolute blacks the P60ZT65 wins. In the THX Cinema and Professional modes the P60ZT65 was also able to maintain highly effective shadow detail just above black, so these impressive numbers weren't being achieved simply by crushing the blacks in the image. http://www.avforums.com/reviews/Panasonic-TX-P60ZT65B-P60ZT60-ZT65-60-Inch-3D-Plasma-Television_525/Test_Results.html ZT65:0.001cd/m2 ファイナルKURO:0.002cd/m2