日本在住で、NYlawをPracticeしてなければ §1500.5 (b) ”attorneys who do not practice law in New York” に該当することに疑いなさそうだけど。ちなみに漏れはNYlawをPractice してないので大丈夫。何のためにとったんだなどと突っ込みたくなったら >>11参照してくださいw
【民 法】 第 2 問 1 不法行為責任と責任能力との関係について説明した上で,責任能力が必要とされている理由を過失概念の変容と関連付けながら論ぜよ。 2 未成年者の加害行為に対する親権者の不法行為責任を問う法的構成について論ぜよ。 回答例:http://www.takagai.jp/catchaser/min2saigen.html Garratt v. Dailey—five year old pulls chair out from under aunt. Aunt falls and fractures hip. Held, remanded to determine Brian’s knowledge of the circumstances. Rule—in order for a battery to be established, it must be shown that the D knew with a substantial certainty that harmful or offensive contact would result. COMMENT: This was one of the first cases in Torts. A 5-year old boy is capable of committing an intentional tort (but not negligence). For an intentional tort, incapacity is not a general defense against formation of intent. ______________________________ 【民事訴訟法】 第1問 弁論主義は,自由心証主義の適用範囲にどのような影響を及ぼすか。 回答例:http://www.takagai.jp/catchaser/minso1saigen.html <コメント> この問題は怖かった。 (...) 正直、この問題は難しかった。なんか、とんでもないこと書いてるのではないかと未だに不安だ。 難しい問題なのは解るが、この問題の難しさの程度が知りたい。 この手の、法運営ポリシー(哲学)に関する問題はわりと良く出るのか?(米国Barでは絶対に出ない) この問題は、予想してなかったので受験生の半分(OR1/3)くらいが 支離滅裂な答案出したような問題か?(こういう問題は米国Barでは絶対に出ない)
Maxcy Filer never gave up and finally passed the bar exam on his 48th attempt. For those 3,940 lawyers who failed last July's bar exam, Maxcy Filer has some advice: Try, try, again. And again and again and again and... Filer speaks from experience. Forty-eight times he sat for the three-day exam in testing rooms from San Francisco to San Diego. Forty-seven times he flunked. Forty-seven times his wife Blondell or one of his seven children, who were given the task of opening all State Bar results mail, informed him that he hadn't passed. But the 48th time was different. His son Anthony, a lawyer before his father became one, opened the "Dear Admittee" letter and relayed the good news. Now the 73-year-old former
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60歳でLawyerになって何するんだろう? 仕事なんかこないだろうに。趣味?
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記事よめば? 写真ではすぐに判らなかったがこの人は黒人。 13年間もりもり仕事したそうだ。 次の事、話題になるかも。応援したい。 。。。, Filer also said he has another goal: He wants to challenge laws denying ex-felons the right to vote. He hopes to file a class-action suit in the next six months. "It's unfair because they have served their time and you're penalizing them for the rest of their life," he said. "It's like taking your citizenship away. Not only that, if you can't vote, you can't ask for redress from Congress, your assemblyman, anyone else." Now that he is a lawyer, Filer has no plans to stop. "I'm not necessarily trying to catch up, but it took me so long to get here and I love being here, so I come every day . . . My wife says I love the law more than I do her, and," he laughs "she's probably right."
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>challenge laws denying ex-felons the right to vote 正直、知らんかった。
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今また読んで感動した。 この人、土日も仕事してるんだ。 Filer was where he usually is from 7 a.m. to midnight seven days a week: his law offices a half block from the Compton courthouse.