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2012”N5ŒŽ“S“¹‘‡95: ù@•œŠˆE‰w–¼‚ð‰p–ó‚·‚éƒXƒŒù@ (183) TOP ƒJƒeˆê—— ƒXƒŒˆê—— 2chŒ³ 휈˗Š ¥
u“Sƒ’ƒ^v‚‚¢‚ɎЉï–â‘è‚É (380)
“Á‹}’âŽÔ‰w‚µ‚è‚Æ‚èPart5 (396)
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1 F12/01/14 ` ÅIƒŒƒX F12/05/17
Silent hill

2 F

3 F
NEW TOKAIDO LINE\\Product of the wisdom and effort of the Japanese People
East Capital-Goods River-New Side Beach-Little Ricefield-Hot sea-
Three islands-New Wealth Warrior-Silent Hill-Hanging River-Beach Pine-
Rich Bridge-Three River Relieved Castle-Named Old Shop-Forked Hill Feather Island-
Rice Field-Capital-New Big Slope

4 F
Small Desk

5 F

6 F
Arsenal\\God Door City
Perfume River
Taking Bird
Hill Mountain
Huge Island

7 F
Front of Pine River English-Garden
South a Resurrection Water Born Village White Water Heights

8 F
East Capital-Existance of Pleasure Town-New Bridge-Beach Pine Town-Ricefield Town-Goods River-
Grate Cape-Five Textile Ricefield-Eye Brack-YEBISU-Bitter Valley-Field Inn-Generation Tree-New Inn-
New Grate Eternal Keep-High Ricefield Riding Ground-Eye White-Pond Bag-Grate Mound-Nest Drake-Piece crowded-Ricefield end-
West Sunset Villege-Sunset Villege-Warbler Valley-Upper Field-Walking Samurai Town-Autumn Leaf Field-God Ricefield-East Capital
A fifld train & South a ressurrection Railway

9 F

10 F
Fortune Island
Virtue Island
Huge Island
Deer Child Island

11 F
2ch hotel

12 F
thousand reaf

13 F
monky bridge
big moon
first hunting
solt mountain
dragon king

14 F
„«V@O@M@I@T „«

15 F
lolololololololololol It is High Mountain line.
There is Vomit Spa near the Vomit station.

16 F
Autumn Leaf Field
\It is the sacred place of Japanese nerd.
Grate Shrine
\Grate Shrine station is the sacred place of booing assembly.

17 F
big crocodile

18 F
Blue Forest pref.

19 F
Don't listen !

20 F
The next stop is BIG MOUTH.
There are Small Desk, Middle Mountain, Bridge Book, Eight Princes etc...in the same line.

21 F
Oh...Your "Don`t Listen" is not correct. That`s say "Don`t ask me".

22 F

23 F
Don't listen it!

24 F
Eggplant Saltfield

25 F

26 F

27 F
Central Frontbridge

28 F

29 F
4959‡u Rice field

30 F
white eye

31 F

32 F
Bitter Valley-Freedom Hills-Sun Luck-Don't ask me-Side Beach-
New High Island-Port Future-Coach Street-Japan Avenue-Origin Town¥China Town

33 F
Water Door
God Door
Turtle Door
Pine Door

34 F
‚ `‚ BFor many‚©‚æB‚Þ‚©‚‚­B‰´Achange stand river‚¶‚á‚ñB

35 F
Hotel riverside

36 F
Hill Mountain Pref.
Difficult Wave-New Current Shrine-The World Teashop-Borderline-Robe of feathers-
Spring Grateford-Shore AKKO-Shell Mound-Spring Assistant Field-Tail Cape-
Cape Park-Japanese Poem Mountain City-Japanese Poem Mountain Port

37 F
light stone

38 F
Arsenal Pref.
Gold Stream

39 F
Silver Seat

40 F
eight king child

41 F
capital king eight king child

42 F

43 F
Blue Forest
‚»‚ê‚ðŒ¾‚¤‚È‚çEight Princes‚¶‚á‚È‚¢H@ƒeƒŒƒr‚Å’N‚©‚ªƒGƒCƒgƒvƒŠƒ“ƒX‚Á‚ÄŒ¾‚Á‚Ä‚½‚悤‚ÈB

44 F
small pine island

45 F
Board Bridge
In Virtue Island. But that station is abolished@over twenty years ago.Now, South Smallpine Island exists.

46 F
hot sea

47 F
Not at all.
Grate Ship
Wistrea Stream

48 F
West Bigwell

49 F
Big port
Small port
New port
Old port
Big port station locate in 2 places.

50 F
One thousand leaves

51 F
Clear Whiteriver
ç—t‚ɂ̓~ƒ‹ƒtƒB[ƒ†‚Æ‚¢‚¤–¼‘O‚̃Sƒ‹ƒtꂪ‚ ‚é‚炵‚¢B

52 F
Generation generation tree up field

53 F
Expensive Cheap (near steel)

54 F
Tea Water

55 F
water road bridge

56 F
Believe condense town

57 F
‘ãX–Ø㌴ ‚ˆÀ Œä’ƒƒm… …“¹‹´ M”Z’¬(M‚¶‚éE”Zk‚·‚é’¬)

58 F
Door field Park
Door field
North Door field

59 F
Sickle Warehouse
That is Cape-Capital Line in Cape Jewelry Pref.

60 F
One station in capital success line can be translated
to 3 English words.

61 F
Green Hills(on the Capital Success line)
There is East Poseidon station near that statiom.

62 F
come shrine (??-East Line)

63 F
North Give Field
Main town of Give Field
South Give Field

64 F
Cherry Shrine
Capital Bridge
Bigslope Castle Park
Forest Shrine
Jewelry Made
Crane Bridge
Peach Valley
New Present Shrine
Present Shrine

65 F
East Poseidon/East Neptune/East Phantom/Tong-he God
Filled with Rice mountain/Between
North study wish field/Dirty one
In front of Ship Bridge Day Big
The center of eight thousand generations
Green hills of eight thousand generations
Village up
East leaf Victory Rice Field Hills

66 F
King Temple
Oak Field
Add Beautiful
Flat Field
Eastern market ex
Crucial Temple
Difficult Wave

67 F
Eye Brack-Plutinum Hills-Plutinum Highring-Three Ricefield-Lawn Park-Aristocracy Visiting Gate-
Inner Happiness Town-Day Sun Ratio Valley-Bighand Town-Godkeeping Town-Water Supply Bridge-Spring Day-White Mountain-Thousand Stone-Nest Duck-
West Nest Duck-New Boardbridge-The front of Boardbridge ward office-Maintown of Boardbridge-Original Lotusswamp-The top of Ambition Village Slope-
Ambition Village 3rd St.-West Heights-Highisland Flat-New Highisland Flat-West Highisland Flat

68 F
My grandchild son-East My grandchild son-Lake North-New Tree-Cloth Assistance-Tree Under-Little Wood-Cheap Food-Under General Pinecape-Becoming Ricefield

69 F

70 F
Now I am in undertotal center mountain,

71 F
It is Total-Samurai Line.

72 F
Code of Ship Bridge

73 F
Meal Able
Place Stream

74 F

75 F
One-day Market Two-days Market Three-days Market Town Four-days Market
Five-days Market Eight-days Market Ten-days Market Twenty-days Market

76 F
Eight days market can.also translate to Monster one thousand leaves.
Ten days market can also translate to Fall down one thousand leaves.

77 F
a crane roll spa

78 F
Shrimp Name

79 F
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to our New Main Line.
This is "The HOPE" superexpress bound for Various Many.
We'll stopping at Article River,New Beside Beach,
Name Old Roof,Traditional Capital,New Great Slope,
New God Door,Hills Mountain,Wide Island ,and
North Nine States before arriving at Various Many terminal.

80 F
Prohibited town
Exposure town

81 F
Mania Laugh
Book Thick Tree
Climb Door
How about today?
New Hotel

82 F
Generation tree Upperfield-Generation tree Park-The front of Meiji emperor's Shrine-The Front Road of Shrine-The slope of 46 Idol Group-
Red Slope-The front of the Diet-Haze Gate-Day Comparison Valley-The front of Double Bridge-Bighand Town-New Tear Water-Spa Island-Root Port-Thousand No good Tree-
West Sunset Village-Town House-North Thousand Live-Twill Shallows-North Twill Shallows

83 F
>>79 Sorry,I took a mistake!! Now I corrected.
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to our New Main Line.
This is "The HOPE" superexpress bound for Various Many.
We'll stopping at Article River,New Beside Beach,
Name Old Roof,Traditional Capital,New Great Slope,
New God Door,Hills Mountain,Wide Island ,and
Small Warehouse before arriving at Various Many terminal.

84 F
Ladies and gentleman, welcome to our Formosa High Speed Rail.
This is the train number XXX bound for Left Management in High Male City.
We'll stopping at Board Bridge, Peach Paradise, New Bamboo,
Formosa Midland, Happy Loyalty, Southern Formosa
before arriving at Left Management terminal.

85 F
Bamboo Bridge
ccThe front of Everyday-Newspaper Company

86 F
☓@Everyday-Newspaper Company
›@Abnormal Newspaper Company

87 F
Middle Field\\Peropero Station

88 F
Blue Plum>Riverside>Feather Village>Happiness Born>Worship Island>Middle God>Standing River
AZ-Nyang pero-pero

89 F
Prosperity(The main street of Name Old Shop City)

90 F
Resurrect me

91 F
Dog Mountain Amusment Park

92 F

93 F
Tiger's gate

94 F
About 17.08 miles Beach

95 F
Forest & Shrine field,
This station has the heaviest snow record in Japan, It snowed 7.96 meters high

96 F
Red Slope Find
It has been troubled by heavy snow around that station. What's the hell!

97 F
Three Rivers Island
Push Up
Towing Ship

98 F
Main place my wife's bridge

99 F

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‰w–¼‚µ‚è‚Æ‚èE‹ß‹E•Ò Part38 (468)
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yGO YOURzTRIUMPHƒgƒ‰ƒCƒAƒ“ƒt‘‡28yOWN WAYz (876)